- 11th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the ISTVS
- Details
- Program
- Submissions
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- Papers
- 0303 / Composite Beam Tests with Closed Cell Polyurethane and Aluminum Foam
- 0356 / Design and Simulation Analysis of Intelligent Suspension for Manned Lunar Rover
- 0861 / Review of the Reconfigurable Wheel-Tracked System
- 0963 / A Wheel and Vehicle Mobility Index Based on Traction and Velocity [...]
- 1128 / Semi-Active Reinforcement Learning Suspension Control for the Off-Road Vehicles
- 1491 / Design and Verification of a Creeping Mars Rover
- 1534 / Foothold Selection Considering Constraint and Slippage Evaluation for Legged Robots
- 1561 / Prominent Problems and Thoughts of “Paddy Soil-Terrain Machine System” [...]
- 1655 / Modeling of Lunar Rover Vehicle Wheel-Soil Interaction Using Fem-Dem Method
- 2034 / A Comprehensive Lumped Parameter Approach for the Dynamic Simulation [...]
- 2149 / Investigation of the Shear Stress Dynamics on Silty Loam Soil and Measurement [...]
- 2190 / Tyre Parameterization Tests: Dynamic vs. Static
- 2539 / Model Predictive Control of a Robot Driven Vehicle for Testing of Advanced Driver [...]
- 2632 / Energy Consumption Analysis of Door Opening with a Mobile Manipulator [...]
- 2643 / An Improved Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Method Base on LeGO-LOAM and Motion Compens
- 3351 / Benchmarking of Compression Testing Devices in Snow
- 4054 / Field Validation of Egress Process for Planetary Rover
- 4243 / Soil Compaction Monitoring Technique Using Deep Learning
- 4260 / The Running Gear Construction Impact on Obstacles Overcoming by Light High-Mobility UGV
- 4409 / Design of Self-Driving Bulldozer System
- 4744 / Terrain Classification Using Mars Raw Images Based on Deep Learning Algorithms [...]
- 4774 / Steadily Learn to Drive with Virtual Memory
- 4782 / Experimental Study of Track-Soil Interactions of the Steering Performance of Tracked [...]
- 4812 / Multi-Fidelity Machine Learning Modeling for Wheeled Locomotion on Soft Soil
- 4827 / Introducing Polibot: A High Mobility Tracked Robot with Innovative Passive Suspensions
- 5060 / Bionic Quadruped Robot for Mars Surface Exploration
- 5408 / Ride Comfort Comparison Between Suspension Modes: Input Towards Designing Difference [...]
- 5800 / Interaction Modeling and Dynamic Control Strategy for C-Shaped Leg with Sandy Terrain [...]
- 5979 / Research on Drag Reduction Performance of Sliding Plate of Rice Direct Seeding Machine [..]
- 6174 / Factors Affecting Bevameter Soil Characterization
- 6316 / Perceptive Locomotion of Legged Robot Coupling Model Predictive Control and Terrain Mapping
- 6718 / Research on Vehicle Running Performance on Paved Roads Covered with Falling Volcanic Ash
- 6796 / Nonparametric Terrain Estimation Based on the Interaction Simulation Between Planetary [...]
- 7018 / A Review of Modeling and Validation Techniques for Tire-Deformable Soil Interactions
- 7092 / A Time Domain Passivity Controller for Teleoperation of Four Wheeled Differential [...]
- 7199 / Vehicle Dynamic Factor Characterized by Actual Velocity and Combined Influence [...]
- 7233 / Study of Passive Steering Mechanism for Mars Surface Exploration Rovers
- 7399 / Tire-Soil Tangential Force Reinforcement Learning Modeling
- 7878 / A Method for Fast Obtaining of Soil Shear Strength Index Based on Dem Free-Fall Cone [...]
- 8131 / Parameters Calibration of Red Clay Soil in Hilly Area of Southwest China for Discrete [...]
- 8349 / The Effect of Integrating a Bio-Inspired Convex Structure with a Low-Surface Energy [...]
- 8654 / Construction of a Soil Clods Recognition Bench-Scale Experiment for Discrete Element [...]
- 8658 / Investigation of the Relationship between the Cone Index and the Physical and [...]
- 9352 / 3D-DEM Simulation and Post-Process Method of Wheel-Terrain Interaction for Planetary Rovers
- 9768 / Design and Traction Performance Test of Bionic Paddy Wheel Based on Cattle Hoof
- 9913 / Acquisition of Flipper Motion in Step-Climbing of Tracked Robot Using Reinforcement Learning
- Abstract-only submissions