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Mauro PasserinoAlberto Soragna
Mauro Passerino
Alberto Soragna
Dec 24, 2024
48a4ede · Dec 24, 2024




Performance Test Plugin CMake

This package defines the CMake function generate_factory_plugins(MSGS SRVS). This function should be invoked in a package where custom interfaces are created in order to make them usable in the performance test factory.

How to use it

  1. Create a standard ROS 2 package where new messages and services are defined. Important: all messages need to have a field PerformanceHeader header which is defined in the performance_test_msgs package.
  2. Add to package.xml
  1. Add to CMakeLists.txt
find_package(performance_test_plugin_cmake REQUIRED)
generate_factory_plugin("msg/MyNewMsg.msg msg/MyOtherNewMsg.msg" "srv/MyNewSrv.srv")

See irobot_interfaces_plugin for an example.

How does it work

This tool is experimental and hacky!

The CMake function generate_factory_plugin calls a Python script to automatically generate a .cpp file that is then used to build the C++ factory support library. The automatically generated file can be found at build/<PKG_NAME>/generated/<PKG_NAME>_implementation.cpp, where <PKG_NAME> is the name of the package where the CMake function was called.

This example shows how some of the APIs exposed by the library should look like given for the messages defined in the irobot_interfaces_plugin package:

  extern "C" void add_subscriber_impl(

 std::shared_ptr<performance_test::PerformanceNodeBase> n,
    const std::string & msg_type,
    const std::string & topic_name,
    const performance_metrics::Tracker::Options & tracking_options,
    msg_pass_by_t msg_pass_by,
    const rclcpp::QoS & custom_qos_profile)
    const std::map<std::string, std::function<void()>> subscribers_factory{

{ "stamped_int64", [&] { n->add_subscriber<irobot_interfaces_plugin::msg::StampedInt64>(topic_name, msg_pass_by, tracking_options, custom_qos_profile);} },
{ "stamped3_float32", [&] { n->add_subscriber<irobot_interfaces_plugin::msg::Stamped3Float32>(topic_name, msg_pass_by, tracking_options, custom_qos_profile);} },
{ "stamped4_float32", [&] { n->add_subscriber<irobot_interfaces_plugin::msg::Stamped4Float32>(topic_name, msg_pass_by, tracking_options, custom_qos_profile);} },
{ "stamped4_int32", [&] { n->add_subscriber<irobot_interfaces_plugin::msg::Stamped4Int32>(topic_name, msg_pass_by, tracking_options, custom_qos_profile);} },
{ "stamped9_float32", [&] { n->add_subscriber<irobot_interfaces_plugin::msg::Stamped9Float32>(topic_name, msg_pass_by, tracking_options, custom_qos_profile);} },
{ "stamped_vector", [&] { n->add_subscriber<irobot_interfaces_plugin::msg::StampedVector>(topic_name, msg_pass_by, tracking_options, custom_qos_profile);} }

    if (subscribers_factory.find(msg_type) == subscribers_factory.end()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("unknown msg type passed to subscribers factory: " + msg_type);