The notebooks presented here aim to serve as a scaled-down and simplified tutorial for the workflow building related to the NSBI analysis recently published by ATLAS:
- An implementation of neural simulation-based inference for parameter estimation in ATLAS (
- Measurement of off-shell Higgs boson production in the
$H\to ZZ \to 4\ell$ decay channel using a neural simulation-based inference technique in 13 TeV p-p collisions with the ATLAS detector (
The aim is to demonstrate the workflow associated with a full-scale LHC analysis. The physics results presented in the notebooks only serve as examples of the workflow.
Note: The tutorial is a significantly scaled down and incomplete version of the original workflow. More complete versions will follow!
The workflow currently uses the ttbar open data released by CMS, more open datasets will be added in the future. A more complete version with systematic uncertainties and ensemble training will also be added.
Workflow bluprint (tentative):
This work is being supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) cooperative agreements OAC-1836650 and PHY-2323298 (IRIS-HEP).