This is Pokemon store SPA where we sell rescued pokemons that we found whilst on our adventures around the Poke world.
Frontend uses React.
Backend uses Sanity.
Payment uses Stripe.
This requires node.js installed, please download and install the latest version from their official website.
git clone
Open two terminal windows and keep it running.
On Terminal Window #1 , Navigate to the sanity folder to start sanity server. If you need help setting up your sanity config files head over to their website for help.
cd sanity_ecommerce
sanity login
sanity start
Open http://localhost:3333 to view & manage your sanity project.
On Terminal Window #2 , on the project root folder
npm install
Now start the dev server
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
This is an Open Source application and we take no responsibility for any issues, bugs and conflicts encountered while running this application in environments not controlled and managed by us. Please read license for more information.