Thank you for your interest in contributing to key vault manager! There are several ways you can contribute to this project.
We are open to all ideas and we want to get rid of bugs! Use the issues section to either report a new issue, provide your ideas or contribute to existing threads.
We use conventional commits with emojis. VS Code extension here
To contribute bug fixes, features, etc:
- Install node 16 or above.
- Install Azure function core tools v4 or above. Download here or read the guide
- Install Azure functions VS Code extension. Download here
- Install Azurite to emulate storage. Download VS code extension here
- Clone the repository locally and open it in VS Code.
- Run npm install.
- Start Azurite Table and Blob services.
- Debug: press F5 (by default) to start debugging.
- Run functions locally: open terminal, run cd src and then func start.