The concept of "Collectors" allows you to send data into the DataLayer based on the current page. By default the Plugin includes following Collectors:
This Collector allows you to set a custom "visitor role" in case the user is not logged in. Following fields can be automatically added to the dataLayer:
- ID
- Role
- Nickname
- Description
- First name
- Last name
- Url
Example - not logged-in user:
Example - logged-in user:
"user_email":"[email protected]",
This Collector sends data about the current blog and multisite.
Available Blog information fields:
- Name
- Description
- Url
- Charset
- Language
Available Multisite information fields:
- ID
- Network ID
- Blog name
- Site url
- Home
This Collector will send when is_singular()
is true
following data:
Available WP_Post
- ID
- Title
- Name
- Author
- Date
- Date GMT
- Status
- Comment status
- Ping status
- Modified date
- Modified date GMT
- Parent ID
- Guid
- Post type
- Post mime type
- Comment count
Available Author fields:
- ID
- Name
'post_title':'Hello world!',
'post_date':'2023-09-06 08:19:30',
'post_date_gmt':'2023-09-06 08:19:30',
'post_modified':'2023-09-06 08:19:30',
'post_modified_gmt':'2023-09-06 08:19:30',
This Collector will send data when is_search()
is true
Available fields:
- Search query
- Post referer
- Count found posts
In case you want to add a custom Collector to the Plugin which can be managed through settings in backend, you need to at least implement the Inpsyde\GoogleTagManager\DataLayer\DataCollector
-interface. The Inpsyde\GoogleTagManager\Settings\SettingsSpecification
-interface is only needed in case you want to manage settings through the Settings Page.
use Inpsyde\GoogleTagManager\DataLayer\DataCollector;
class MyCustomCollector implements DataCollector {
public function id(): string
return 'my-custom-collector';
public function name(): string
return __('My custom Collector');
public function description(): ?string
// Optional help text.
return null;
* Called in front-office when `dataLayer.push()`-data is build.
* Return here your data.
* @param array $settings
* @return array|null
public function data(array $settings): ?array {
if( something_is_not_true() ) {
return null;
return [
'custom-data' => 'custom-value',
This will result, when something_is_not_true()
is false
, that following data will be pushed to the dataLayer:
In order to make the Collector accessible in the Settings Page you need to register it to the Inpsyde\GoogleTagManager\Service\DataCollectorRegistry
use Inpsyde\GoogleTagManager\Service\DataCollectorRegistry;
use Inpsyde\Modularity\Module\ExtendingModule;
use Inpsyde\Modularity\Module\ModuleClassNameIdTrait;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
class ExtendingClientModule implements ExtendingModule
use ModuleClassNameIdTrait;
public function extensions() : array {
return [
DataCollectorRegistry::class => static function(DataCollectorRegistry $registry, ContainerInterface $container): RulesRegistry
$registry->register( new MyCustomCollector() );
return $registry;
In order to provide some settings in backend, it is possible to implement Inpsyde\GoogleTagManager\Settings\SettingsSpecification
to you MyCustomCollector
and return a settings specification like following:
use Inpsyde\GoogleTagManager\Settings\SettingsSpecification;
class MyCustomCollector implements SettingsSpecification
public function specification(): array {
return [
// Text field
'label' => __('Custom ID', 'your-textdomain'),
'name' => 'custom-id',
'type' => 'text',
// Select or Checkbox field
'label' => __('Custom Select', 'your-textdomain'),
'name' => 'custom-select',
'type' => 'select', // can also be a "checkbox"
'choices' => [
'label' => __('Option 1', 'your-textdomain'),
'value' => 'option-1',
'label' => __('Option disabled', 'your-textdomain'),
'value' => 'option-disabled',
'disabled' => true,
public function sanitize(array $data): array {
// Sanitize your data before saving.
$data['custom-id'] = sanitize_text( $data['custom-id'] ?? '' );
return $data;
public function validate(array $data): ?\WP_Error {
// validate your data before saving.
return null;