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File metadata and controls

143 lines (96 loc) · 4.34 KB


Functionality is added to the CLI runtime with plugins. Plugins can be yours or the end users.

A plugin is directory that contains 3 optional sub-directories:

  • commands
  • templates
  • extensions

(You can also nest these three directories in build, for a build pipeline, and Gluegun will still find them. Requires Gluegun 4.1.0+.)

And 1 optional file, which can be <brand>.config.js, .<brand>rc.json, or .<brand>rc.yaml. Replace <brand> with the name of your CLI.

Other than the 3 directories listed, you're welcome to put any other files or sub-directories in the plugin directory. For example, we include a plugin.js file in the root of plugins for Ignite CLI to help us load it effectively.

Since multiple plugins can be loaded, they must have unique names. The names are indicated by reading the name property of the configuration (more on this below), or the plugin directory name itself.


Commands are run from the command line (CLI).

movies actor

Here, the actor command is run. It is a JS file (src/commands/actor.js) that exports a structure that looks something like this:

module.exports = {
  name: 'actor',
  alias: ['a'],
  description: 'Displays the name of an actor',
  hidden: false,
  dashed: false,
  run: async toolbox => {
    const { print } = toolbox`Tom Hanks`)

The name and description properties are used in printCommands calls to print out some help in a table.

alias allows you to invoke these commands using an alias.

hidden says whether to show the command in help screens or not.

dashed lets you run the command as a dashed command, like --version or -v.

The run property should be a function (async or not) that does whatever you want it to. You'll receive the gluegun toolbox object which contains the core extensions and any additional extensions you've loaded.


Templates are ejs files that get translated by a command into a source code file or similar. For an example, check out the Gluegun CLI itself.


Extensions are additional functionality that you can monkeypatch onto the toolbox object. They look something like this:

// extensions/sayhello.js
module.exports = toolbox => {
  const { print } = toolbox

  toolbox.sayhello = () => {'Hello from an extension!')

When you have this extension, you can access it in any command file, like this:

// ...
run: async toolbox => {
  const { sayhello } = toolbox


  // or


async extensions

Extensions maybe also be asynchronous, allowing for things like network calls or other asynchronous operations.

// extensions/getMyData.js
const { asyncCall } = require('@company/lib')

module.exports = async (toolbox) {
  const { data } = await asyncCall()
  toolbox.myData = data

Configuration File

Gluegun uses cosmiconfig to determine configuration. It can be:

  • an object under the <brand> key in the package.json
  • a .<brand>rc file (containing either yaml or json)
  • .<brand>rc.json file
  • .<brand>rc.yaml file
  • <brand>.config.js JS file that exports an object

In this configuration, you can configure your plugin's name and also set up certain user-overridable defaults.


The name of your plugin. If name does not exist, the default will be the name of the directory.

  "name": "something"

Since many plugins can be installed, we recommend namespacing them with your CLI. For example, for Ignite plugins we have ignite-i18n, ignite-maps, etc. For Solidarity, we have solidarity-react-native and solidarity-elixir.

A name:

  • can contain numbers & letters
  • should be lowercase
  • spaces-should-have-dashes-if-you-need-them


Default configuration settings which may be used by your commands and overridden by end users.

  "semicolons": true,
  "colorTheme": ["red", "no", "blue", "aaaaaaaaa"]

If you'd like to follow a tutorial to make a plugin, check out the "Making a Plugin" tutorial.