We will quickly set up a running example of FIROS with the turtlesim_node
. It is expected, that you already have
installed ROS, turtlesim, a functional Orion Context Broker and followed the Installation instruction explained in the
Installation-section to be able to execute rosrun firos core.py
In this example we will show you how to run two FIROS instances on the same machine looping the messages endlessly between the Context-Broker and the ROS-World.
Before executing any commands you need to create two configuration folders. In this example we will create two folders
and config_2
. Each of the configuration folder do have the following files with the following content:
"environment": "test",
"test": {
"contextbroker": {
"address": "localhost",
"port": 1026
NOTE config.json
: The Context-Broker runs locally, so the configuration should be fine for you, as long as your
Context-Broker is also locally.
Inside config_1
we add the file topics.json
with the following content:
"/turtle1/cmd_vel": ["geometry_msgs/Twist", "publisher"],
"/turtle1/pose": ["turtlesim/Pose", "subscriber"]
and for config_2
the following swapped content:
"/turtle1/cmd_vel": ["geometry_msgs/Twist", "subscriber"],
"/turtle1/pose": ["turtlesim/Pose", "publisher"]
Executing tree
should give you the follwing structure:
├── config_1
│ ├── config.json
│ ├── topics.json
│ └── whitelist.json
└── config_2
├── config.json
├── topics.json # Publisher/Subscriber should be swapped here
└── whitelist.json
To start the roscore simply exeute:
To start the Orion Context-Broker (via the docker-compose.yml) execute:
docker-compose up
You should be able to access localhost:1026/v2/entities
which should print an empty list.
To run turltesim, do the following:
rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
You can check whether everything is running fine by executing:
rostopic list
You should get the following output:
Now that everything is set up, you can start a firos instance as follows:
rosrun firos core.py --conf ./config_1
In this case we need to set a specific configuration folder since we created one specifically for this example.
This creates a topic /firos
which you can observe via rostopic list
. You can also check
and observe an entry of an subscription of FIROS.
You can even check localhost:10100
to see that FIROS is telling you that it is actually running.
For the second instance of FIROS it is not enough to just execute:
rosrun firos core.py --conf ./config_2
Since the port 10100
on the machine and the topic firos
in the ROS-World is already occupied by the other firos
To execute another instance we need to change those values, which can be done with:
rosrun firos core.py --conf ./config_2 -P 10101 --ros-node-name firos2
You should now observe that the second instance receives a lot of messages by the Context-Broker. It is also observable
how many messages are sent from the Context-Broker to this FIROS-instance in localhost:1026/v2/subscriptions
You can also check out locahost:1026/v2/entites
. There you can observe the Entity/Robot turtle1
with its topics
and pose
in json-format
Note: You can kill the terminal for turtlesim. In this case the two FIROS instances still continue to send the
messages to each other. It is also observable that via rostopic echo /turtle1/pose
the topic pose
is still published
through the second FIROS instance. This behaviour is intentional, since for this example we artificially created such a
message loop.
Below is a quick demonstration of the above described example. On the top left, roscore
, the Orion-ContextBroker and
Turtlesim is started. On the top-right a Web-Browser shows the content of the Orion-ConextBroker. The console on the
bottom right shows information about the ROS-World. the other two consoles individually start FIROS. At the end:
Turtlesim is stopped and you can observe that the two FIROS-Instances are still sending Messages to each other (see:
Neverending loop).
Note: The small Demonstration above uses the old configuration files (robots.json
), which was redesigned into
. Also, newer Versions of the Orion Context-Broker do not send updates to Firos, when no data changed.
If this is the case. Please check your firewall-configuration (or disable the firewall temporarily, for a quick sanity check). It can also be a Orion Context-Broker version, which does not send an update to the second firos instance. In this case, the message is only sent ones.