- Add count_skips field to Importance by Component widget (#524)
- Fix filterheatmap URL composition for view (#530)
- Fix run filtering and apply filters to report buttons (#528)
- removed 'results' from URL path on pagination as it is already there (#525)
- Enable project routing in widgets URLs (#523)
- Updated path of npm bin in node:18 image (#522)
- split layers EVEN MORE (#520)
- Bump http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 in /frontend (#519)
- [IQE-3104] Update packages (#518)
- Fix dashboard clearing on project change (#515)
- Update dockerfiles to ubi9/py39 (#514)
- Rename master branch to main (#513)
- Bump rollup from 2.79.1 to 2.79.2 in /frontend (#512)
- Bump express from 4.19.2 to 4.21.0 in /frontend (#511)
- Bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 in /frontend (#510)
- React Context and Project Nested Routing (#508)
- Bump webpack from 5.91.0 to 5.94.0 in /frontend (#509)
- Fix: RuntimeError - generator didn't yield (#468)
- "Fix" invisible projects
- Bump ws from 7.5.9 to 7.5.10 in /frontend
- Fix from Griffin-Sullivan in review
- Use HTTPStatus enums for backend responses
- Create constant for JSON Required response message
- whitespace in ibutsu-pod.sh
- Migrate to pyproject.toml (#503)
- Move to Ruff Formatting and Linting (#498)
- Backend: Change from localhost to (#499)
- Pin backend dependencies (#502)
- Replace npm with yarn (#501)
- React 18 & Patternfly 5 Upgrades (#494)
- Small doc fixes and percentages for importance widget (#496)
- Correct check condition on group field
- Fix report deletion through API
- Pin swagger-ui-bundle
- Pin victory packages to prevent frontend failures
- Control widget sensitive fields better on backend
- Fix local dev setup
- Fix creation user by admin
- Make default dashboard work
- Update .readthedocs.yml
- Add empty state for filter heatmap
- Add mpp cluster templates
- Resolve dependency issue for react-chart package
- Add importance widget component
- Add codeowners
- Tweak celery options to better handle redis timeouts/reconnects
- Fix expiry date validation by updating onChange handler
- Fix some DatePicker issues
- Fix up the colours of the fonts of various charts/widgets
- Migrate to use the built-in TreeView component from PatternFly
- Check if values are None and default to 0 if they are (fix #418)
- Add the ability to disable SSL verification
- Fix the download buttons so that they actually download the artifact or report
- Parameter should be a string, force the value to be a string
- Expose the Keycloak login environment in App Interface
- Fix #441 where project id was not being applied to the results
- Some bug fixes for tokens and projects
- Add a default dashboard to a project, so that it appears when you select the project
- Making a start
- Try to direct the log files to stdout/stderr
- Try to fix some permissions issues in the container, and send the logs to stdout
- Use a multi-stage build and use nginx to just serve the static files
- In OpenShift, /.npm is used
- Expose the port and build the files at build time
- New filter-heatmap widget for making flexible heatmaps
- Hotfix: Frontend container used non-existent script
- Migrate container images to use UBI8 minimal
- Adjust container images so that they manually build psycopg2
- Add target ports to Routes
- Import the properties if set in JUnit XML
- Add missing email for superadmin
- Add OCP templates for AppInterface
- Auto select fields for MetaFilter
- metadata.team filter in frontend
- Fix some issues in the widget config controller
- Added accessibility marker filter to remove irrelevant results
- Adding ability to edit dashboard widgets
- Update backend/ibutsu_server/util/init.py
- Fixing test history bug
- Add more UUID validation
- Updated precommit
- Migration to component testing using Cypress
- Fixed url for flake8 hook
- Fixing Jenkins Bar and Line charts
- Change the homemade copy-paste component to the one from PatternFly
- Add instructions for how to download an artifact
- Adding days and project_id to compare-runs-data calls
- Fix some issues in the admin controllers
- Fix styling issues, plus minor cleanup
- fix api errors found in fuzzy testing, part 4
- linting
- fix api, part 3
- cleaned up and removed unnecessary comments
- Changed fetches to HttpClient.gets in accessibilityanalysis view
- Fixing up axe data summary display
- fix api errors found in fuzzy testing, part 2
- Promote user_properties on archive import
- fix api errors found in fuzzy testing, part 1
- add schemathesis to actions
- Upgrade Celery to the latest version
- Update podman and Docker Compose configurations
- Flask listens on by default, add the ability to specify it for podman
- Drop the tarfile open mode to autodetect compression
- Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /frontend
- comparison view
- disable py3.11 for the five bugs on celery
- restore usage of _orig_func instead of wrapped
- get_app returns a flask app instead of connexion
- ensure db url parsing handles test configuration
- drop nose dependency
- remove python 3.7 and add the modern ones
- restore env var prefixes in podman pod yaml
- split ibutsu pod config into configmaps
- fixup! restore ports
- black fixes
- create flask based entrypoints and enable podman play usage
- tox config: update for python 3.8+ and usedevelop
- summaries computation: allow any custom summary
- fix extraction of celery wrappers
- steamline configuration setup
- make flask >2 the minimum
- default settings: use pod name instead of localhost for celery
- use non-interactive non-terminal containers for ibutsu_pod.sh
- fix ports in frontend json commands
- add manual/blocked states to api spec
- modernmize pre commit config
- Runs can now display artifacts - Update the archive importer code to handle run artifacts - Make archive importer less flakey - Fix fetching the artifacts from the frontend - Remove Python 3.7 from the version matrix, add 3.10
- Modified documentation and README
- Make project mandatory
- Remove aria attributes, and try to add the legend data back in
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 in /frontend
- Actually copy the source in the importers
- Fix the requestBody of the User endpoint in the OpenAPI spec
- Rename some methods to ensure unique operationIds
- Fix some issues in the import API
- Trim whitespace from filters (closes #342)
- Add the ability to add new projects
- add logging for lock
- Fix version number in About dialog
- Add support for a dark theme
- Update PatternFly
- Fix a bug with the dashboard
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /frontend
- Check if the first argument passed to on_failure is a dict
- new endpoint filter for frontend
- fix AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'project'
- fix docker-compose command in README
- Update version number
- Re-release to try to fix previous release mess
- Allow user's name to be edited
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- Add project management for administrators
- Ignore persistent data
- Update the Getting Started documentation
- Add data persistence to ibutsu-pod.sh script
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /frontend
- Add basic user management
- Add a development Docker Compose file
- Add an ellipsis to the heatmap labels
- Move admin creation into environment variables
- fix ibutsu-pod script
- Allow to import tests cases without time attr
- Fall back to older id fields
- Prevent a possible null result id
- Prevent a possible null run id
- Clear projects and dashboards when logging out. Fixes #295
- fix metadata reading during test import
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10 in /frontend
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 in /frontend
- newbie fixes
- Bump nanoid from 3.1.23 to 3.2.0 in /frontend
- Only filter on env if an env is not null
- Add some logging and a URL check (#284)
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.1 to 1.14.7 in /frontend
- Add JWT secret to template files
- Estimate count on test-history page
- Small improvements to the test history tab
- Hide username/password related components when user login is disabled (#279)
- Add test history tab to Result page (#276)
- Address some issues raised by static analysis (#278)
- Convert USER_LOGIN_ENABLED to bool if given as env var
- Get a user's primary e-mail on GitHub if they have no public e-mail address (#272)
- Add a way to disabled basic auth for non-superadmins
- Add get_user_list endpoint
- Fix keycloak login (#270)
- Update docker image names (#267)
- Show login progress feedback (#266)
- Add build_deploy script for App-SRE builds (#265)
- A single jUnit XML file is a single test run, refactor the importer to take this into account
- Some code refactoring after static analysis. (#245)
- Implement MetaFilter with separate field and value (#225)
- Adjustments for app-sre deployment (#256)
- Fix small FE bug on user profile page
- Add superadmin user after upgrading db
- Add a task for adding users/project owners
- Add superadmin to the ocp template files
- Add ability to create superadmin user on startup
- Allow logging in by hitting 'Enter'
- Require superadmin token for running admin task
- Update pods script to create an admin user, a project, standardise on echo, and make the output prettier. (#247)
- Some small fixes to ENV vars
- Split templates into one file for each
- Update @greatsumini/react-facebook-login
- Fix Jenkins Job View
- Allow superadmins to update projects
- Support adding users to projects
- Add project info to the profile page
- Filter runs/results on user projects, if none specified
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 in /frontend (#234)
- Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 in /frontend (#233)
- Bump tar from 6.1.0 to 6.1.11 in /frontend (#232)
- Add authentication and authorisation to Ibutsu
- Promote user property data to metadata
- Add babel core dependency
- Switch from 'babel-eslint' to '@babel/eslint-parser'
- Update and re-apply pre-commit (#216)
- Support adding artifacts to test runs (#215)
- Update default timeouts in OCP templates (#204)
- Fixed a spelling error (#212)
- Fix the archive import
- Set failed reports as failed in the DB
- Add support for run_id, hiding filter chips in FilterTable
- Fix bulk_update endpoint
- Add a checkbox select filter for exceptions
- Add docs reference for backend/settings.yaml
- Migrate to use the Furo theme in the docs. Looks much nicer and provides both a light and dark theme
- add support for import metadata (#194)
- Update OCP template config
- Update readme with badges
- Add a script to build a settings file at container runtime
- Small changes to dockerfiles
- Add a script to start ibutsu in a podman pod
- Sync aborted runs from the last 3 hrs
- Small bugs fixes
- Also fix possibility that duration is None is update_run task
- Handle 'None' results in the task controller
- Change the user when copying over the application
- Use Ubi8 images
- Build worker, schedule too
- Add a build image stage in tests.yaml
- remove travis.yml
- Change from travis to gh action
- Fix division by 0 in the jenkins heatmap
- Change 204 to 206
- Add an API endpoint to check the status of a task
- Small changes to OCP templates
- Update pre-commit; add in task for syncing aborted runs
- Update the Python dependencies (#169)
- Pin SqlAlchemy to 1.3.23 (#158)
- Fix bugs in the OpenAPI specification, and make sure to drop the 'data' attribute before sending it out (#153)
- Use 'id' rather than 'name'
- Use 'in' rather than dict.get()
- updated importer to work with older style junit xml
- Use the number of collected tests
- Add a note on how to generate the changelog (#148)
- Actually count when we are filtering on very small subset of rows
- oc create -f will just create the template, we need to process it
- Add cronjob/job for nightly vacuuming of database
- Add ocp templates for backup cronjob
- Add in tasks to prune old runs and results from the DB
- Also index requirements
- Fix filters on reports
- Add a upgrade function to add gin indexes on metadata.tags
- Added EmptyObject component for missing results/runs (#133)
- Validate UUID in OpenAPI spec and controllers
- Just use "ls" rather than "ls -ltr"
- Release 1.12.1
- Remember tab + updates (#115)
- Update API spec to allow null values in Runs (#118)
- Pass project along with file when importing via the UI (closes #110) (#116)
- Remove reference to MongoDB in docs
- Add a button for deleting a single widget from a dashboard
- Add some documentation about filters, fixup docs elsewhere
- Add a button to delete dashboards
- Add some default fields and specify whether it's required
- Add custom filters for some widgets
- Bring the CHANGELOG up to date (#103)
- Add a new option to the release script to update the changelog (#102)
- Create a UI to add dashboards and widgets (#100)
- Build the custom dashboards (#99)
- Build the dashboard API (#96)
- Create a way to upgrade databases on the fly (#95)
- Frontend updates to show the annotation in the heatmap
- Add endpoint to update multiple runs at a time
- Fix result tree page crash on junit imported run
- Add xfail/xpass to widget calculations
- Fix loading of result component
- Add
to thenumeric_fields
- Allow filtering by JSON run summary fields
- Sort recent builds by
rather thanbuild_number
(#84) - Fix bugs #78 and #79 (#83)
- Fix bugs #78 and #79 (#83)
- Fix issue #75 (#80)
- Fix task tests (#80)
- Updates to support xfail in Ibutsu
- Update file pruning for PSQL
- Fix an additional bug with the project selector
A new bug fix release in the 1.11.x series, this fixes the following bugs:
- Screenshots not showing up on the results page
- Project selector causes a blank screen when trying to change project
- Widget grouping by
instead ofcomponent
In order to overcome some performance and other issues, and due to MongoDB's license changes, Ibutsu has now migrated to use PostgreSQL.
- Fix a small celery error
Cannot mix new and old setting keys
- Fix styling of count skips on Jenkins Job Analysis page (#29)
- [Heatmap] Sort builds by
, not the stringbuild_number
- [Heatmap] Use an aggregation to get the correct number of jobs that exist in the DB
- [Heatmap] Don't show columns in which all the plugins failed
- Add link to JIRA issues.redhat.com
- Convert failure classification table into its own component
- Expose the
parameter in the UI (#24) - Check to make sure
- Add a switch to change from overall health from bar to area chart
- Show active filters and make exception name clickable in failure classification table
- Apply a limit to the amount of runs from which we create the JJV
- Make failure classification table expandable, to aid in debugging
- Add a tooltip to the generic area chart
- Fix warnings for links, limit reports to 1e5 documents
- Make links open in a new tab
- Add link to submit upstream issue, make links open in new tab
- Limit documents returned by reports to a reasonable number
- Add trademark and file retention policy to About modal
- Add a link to the docs on the about modal
- Limit the number of results we can display in the results table.
- Made run-list component and env pills clickable for filtering
- Update the rtd conf file location
- Fix the
for Sphinx - Make the docs requirements file match the config file
- Add readthedocs config
- Change Travis config to support both Python and JS
- Initial import from Gitlab
- Allow for displaying 70, 150 builds in the Overall Health and Build Duration
- Show tags if they are available in the metadata
- Add filters to the Jenkins Job page
- Use Linkify to create a link for the
- Add a link to the jenkins build url on the Jenkins Job page
- Update the logo and background in the About modal
- Add in a task to delete files > 256 KiB
- Don't retry pruning task
- Tweak the UI to make things look better
- Change pruning to remove files older than 3 months
- Update to run only once, not every minute
- Add the line chart BE endpoint and FE widget
- Upgrade to the latest version of PatternFly4
- small fix so this text doesn't display when the widget is loading
- Some small fixes, add link to analysis page on dashboard
- Add a widget endpoint and FE View component for a Jenkins Analysis View
- Add in a chgrp and chmod for the image
- Fix Dockerfile for the celery beat scheduler
- Add artifact pruning as a periodic task
- Add in 'Dependency Outage' as a classification
- Add in a task to delete old artifact files
- Add 'Unknown' to classification dropdown
- Fix KeyError on prod
- Fix for non-null fields in Jenkins Job View
- "Classify failures" tab added to the Run page, allows for classification of multiple test failures at a time
- Added Jenkins Job BE endpoint for aggregating results of any Jenkins Job
- Tables refactored into a common
component - Enabled classification dropdown for skipped results
- More visible description for
on widgets - Added in dropdown for settings the number of builds in Vortex Heatmap
- Added in support for custom page components, added a Jenkins Job View
- Add a generic dropdown for changing widget params in the FE
- Add in a common component widgets can use as a header that includes a refresh
- Add KVP for source on run detail page
- Sort alphabetically in run aggregator widget
- Fix rounding in run aggregator
- Fix the URL for frontend version checking
- Fix the filters on the run page not being read from the URL
- Fix the ordering in
to use the newstart_time
column - Improve the execution time of
- Make failure classification available on error results as well as failed results
- Update all references of
- Add a task for adding metadata.project to runs/results
- Create a task to add
to all results - Expand the tree to the level of the python files by default
- Change heatmap links to go to the run page
- Use .get to avoid KeyError
- Add exception handling for older run IDs
- Add the DB task to celery
- Add a task to recreate runs from results
- Update the OpenAPI spec to follow what we're doing
- Add in some documentation about importing results
- Fixup the junit xml importer
- Adding a doc-requirements file for packages required to build the docs
- Use componentDidUpdate rather than the eventEmitter for widgets
- Make a start on the documentation
- Add the category dropdown for skips
- Add in the result-aggregator widget endpoint
- Fix for percentage colouring in results tree on run page
- Fix tree nodes that were incorrect when test params contain paths
- Fix a bug where the test result pane was not updated after clicking a new node
- Hide the search bar until it actually works
- Add a spinner when the tree is loading
- Start with a fresh tree when the tab is loaded again
- Write some tests around some of the above functions
- Expand the results tree page in the run view
- Add in a result aggregator endpoint (for future widget)
- Add project to widget queries
- UI tweaks
- Add a skip reason to the result details page
- Rearrange run summary page to allow for more details/metadata to be displayed in the future
- Move test tree and results into tabs on run details page
- Add project selector drop
- Implement support for project selector dropdown (i.e. automatic filtering based on project selected)
- Remove API for static widgets
- Add project lookups in all the relevant places
- Add in loading and dynamic chart height
- Fix the parameter error in the widgets
- Create new widget framework
- Create new Jenkins heatmap widget
- Create new result summary widget
- Create new run aggregator widget
- Remove the old static widgets from the dashboard
- Fix some issues with the FileUpload component
- Write some tests for the FileUpload component
- Write some other JavaScript tests
- Add filter by source on run list page
- Fix a small filtering bug
- Support partial archives in the importer.
- Support updated archives
- Fix a couple issues in displaying dates
- Add getOperationMode, add handling of 'exists' operator
- Make UI filter operations depend on the field that is selected
- Support multi select from dropdown menus when using "in" operation
- Add in
widget for "in" operation on results and run pages - Add error handling to all tables
- Add empty states to all tables
- Add spinners to all tables
- Update the Docker setup
- Add in unix timestamp
to the run object - Add filters to the run page