copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2025-02-12 |
apptio, cost benefit analysis |
account |
{: #exporting-your-usage}
You can export your account's usage data to a Cloud Object Storage (COS) bucket for continual visibility, optimization, governance and more across cloud environments. For example, if you are an account administrator and want to learn more about your account's usage and get cost optimization analysis, you can integrate your account with a third party provider to gain insights about your accounts usage. {: shortdesc}
When you set up your account to export usage report to a {{}} bucket you are enabling your account to continually export that data. To export data on a one time basis, see Exporting your usage details to a CSV file.
To enable your account to share usage data, you need to grant permissions to the Billing service to access usage details and export it to a COS bucket. Because the report includes usage data for the entire account, child account usage and information about services and instances, the service ID used by the Billing service needs administrator access to export usage details. After this setup is complete, a CSV formatted cost and usage report is automatically exported to your COS bucket on a daily basis.
{: #enable-export-usage} {: ui}
Before you can enable your account to export usage data, you need to have Administrator or editor role on the Billing account management service. For more information, see IAM access.
When you enable your account to export usage data, the COS bucket can collect data from as far back as a year. So if it's June 2024, you can only view usage as early as June 2023, but you'll always be able to view data from that far back. Meaning that if you enabled this feature in June 2023, and it is now June 2024, you can view usage data from June 2022 to June 2024. {: note}
To enable your account to export usage data, use the following steps:
- From the {{}} console, go to Manage > Billing and usage, and select Settings.
- Click Connect.
- Select a Cloud Object Storage instance and Bucket. By selecting these, you are choosing which bucket will store your usage reports.
- Optional: If you don't want to select an existing instance, you can click Select an instance > Create new.
- Optional: You can select a bucket or create a new bucket by clicking Create new bucket in the Bucket dropdown. For more information about buckets, see Getting started with IBM Cloud Object Storage. After you create your bucket
- For service to service authorizations, click Authorize. For the required access, select Object Writer and Content Reader. Click Review and then Assign.
- Click Connect after you review your folder details.
If you convert your account to an enterprise account, you'll need to follow these steps again to enable the enterprise account to export usage data. You can keep this feature on your original account or you can remove it by disconnecting your account from sharing usage. {: note}
{: #access-historical-data}
When you enable your account to export usage data, the COS bucket, by default, collects data from the current month as provided by the automatic daily export from the Billing service, but it can contain data from as far back as a year if you request historical data. So if it's June 2024, you can only view usage as early as June 2023, but you'll always be able to view data from that far back. Meaning that if you enabled this feature in June 2023, and it is now June 2024, you can view usage data from June 2022 to June 2024. To get historical data, you need to create a support case.
To request access to historical data, use the following steps:
From the {{}} console menu bar, click the Help icon
> Support center.
From the Contact support section, click Create a case.
For the category, select Billing and usage.
For the topic, select Billing and usage, and for the subtopic, select Exporting your usage details to a .csv file.
Complete the required fields. For the description of the support case, you'll need to mention the months that you want the data from.
To maintain security, do not include any personal information, sensitive data, or device or service credentials in case responses. For example, don't include passwords, API keys, secrets, or credit card information. {: important}
Click Next, review your case summary, and click Submit case. After you receive email verification for the case, follow the instructions for further communication on the issue.
After your support case is created, you can follow its progress on the Manage cases page. {: tip}
{: #enabling-account-terraform} {: terraform}
Before you can attach enable your account to export usage data by using Terraform, make sure that you have completed the following:
- Install the Terraform CLI and configure the {{}} Provider plug-in for Terraform. For more information, see the tutorial for Getting started with Terraform on {{}}. The plug-in abstracts the {{}} APIs that are used to complete this task.
- Create a Terraform configuration file that is named
. In this file, you define resources by using HashiCorp Configuration Language. For more information, see the Terraform documentation{: external}.
To enable your account to export usage data, you need to authorize a policy between two instances and provision billing_report_snaptshot
for a resource instance. For more information, see the terraform documentation for ibm_billing_report_snapshot{: external}. Use the following steps to create an authorization policy and provision billing_report_snaptshot
for a resource instance by using Terraform:
Credentials need to be provided by setting the environment variable IC_API_KEY
that corresponds to the API key of the respective account to run the billing snapshot configuration. For more information, see IBM Cloud Provider terraform documentation{: external}.
The following example creates an authorization policy between two specific instances.
provider "ibm" { } resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "policy" { source_service_name = "billing" target_service_name = "cloud-object-storage" target_resource_instance_id = var.cos_instance_id roles = ["Object Writer", "Content Reader"] }
{: codeblock}
The following example provisions
for a resource instance.provider "ibm" { } resource "ibm_billing_report_snapshot" "billing_report_snapshot_instance" { interval = var.billing_report_snapshot_interval versioning = var.billing_report_snapshot_versioning report_types = var.billing_report_snapshot_report_types cos_reports_folder = var.billing_report_snapshot_cos_reports_folder cos_bucket = var.billing_report_snapshot_cos_bucket cos_location = var.billing_report_snapshot_cos_location depends_on = [ ibm_iam_authorization_policy.policy ] }
{: codeblock}
After you finish building your configuration file, initialize the Terraform CLI. For more information, see Initializing Working Directories{: external}.
terraform init
{: pre}
Provision the resources from the
file. For more information, see Provisioning Infrastructure with Terraform{: external}.-
terraform plan
to generate a Terraform execution plan to preview the proposed actions.terraform plan
{: pre}
terraform apply
to create the resources that are defined in the plan.terraform apply
{: pre}
If a service-to-service authentication already exists, the depends_on
constraint can be removed for creation of billing_report_snapshot_instance.
{: note}
{: #enable-export-usage-bucket-requirements}
The bucket that you use to store your results does not require any particular settings or naming format. All the traffic between Billing service and Cloud Object Storage is done over a private network. The retrieval of data for display purposes in the console does not cost you anything. However, if you choose to download the data directly from Cloud Object Storage after it is stored, you do incur a data transfer cost. See Cloud Object Storage pricing for more information.
{: #disconnect-exporting-your-usage} {: ui}
If you've set up your account to export usage data, you can disconnect your chosen bucket so that you are no longer exporting data.
To disconnect, use the following steps:
- From the {{}} console, go to Manage > Billing and usage, and select Settings.
- Click Disconnect.
- Enter the name of your bucket.
- Click Disconnect.
{: #storing-usage-data}
Your data shared by using billing report snapshots and by going through the steps to enable your account to export usage data, you are setting up the snapshots.
Snapshots of the billing reports are stored based on the configuration setup. Depending on the configuration, older snapshots are either deleted or retained. Each snapshot would have a manifest file describing the details of the snapshot such as the files included as part of the snapshot. The manifest of the latest snapshot for that billing month would be stored at each billing month folder as well.
The following is an example of the folder structure of the snapshots in the COS bucket.
{: codeblock}
cos_reports_folder : The billing reports root folder customer has configured as part of the biling-reports-snapshots setup. : Defaults to IBMCloud-Billing-Reports
: The billing month for corresponding to the snapshot.
: Format is YYYY-MM
. For example, 2023-03
: Id of the snapshot.
: Alphanumberic value. For example, 1678234269105
manifest.json : Metadata file describing the details of the snapshot, such as the customer account id, csv files corresponding to the snapshot, report types etc : The manifest file at the billing-month contains the latest snapshot taken
*.gz : List of files mentioned in the manifest.json
For more information about the usage snapshot API, see Setup the snapshot configuration{: external}.
{: #understand-JSON-reports}
The following tables shows the correlation between the heading titles in your usage CSV report and JSON report fields as well the version of the CSV.
{: #export-csv-api-table-account-summary-csv}
The following table shows the correlation between the heading titles in your CSV report and JSON report fields as well the version of the CSV. For more information about JSON report fields, see Usage Reports: Get account summary{: external}. Each row of the Account Resource Usage section represents the aggregated usage of a service plan metric for all the resource instances in the account.
You can view other versions of the CSV if you have earlier account summary reports in your account. The CSV version depends on the date that the data is published. The following are the available versions:
- July 2024 to March 2025 is version 1.2
- March 2024 to June 2024 is version 1.1
- October 2023 to March 2024 is version 1.0
- February 2023 to October 2023 is version 0.2
- Before February 2023 is version 0.1.
{: #account-summary-csv-version-1-2}
The following table is version 1.2. You get this version if the data that you're viewing is from July 2024 to March 2025.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the account summary CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-2"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-1-2} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Account ID | account_id |
ID of the account |
Month | month |
The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Country Code | billing_country_code |
Country the requested account is mapped to |
Currency Code | billing_currency_code |
The currency in which the account is billed |
Billable Cost | resources.billable_cost |
The billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
Non Billable Cost | resources.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #account-id-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Subscription ID | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_id |
The ID of the subscription |
CA | subscription.subscriptions.charge_agreement_number |
The charge agreement number of the subscription |
Type | subscription.subscriptions.type |
Type of subscription |
Subscription Amount | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_amount |
The credits available in the subscription for the month |
Start | subscription.subscriptions.start or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.start |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: the date from which the subscription was active \n Subscription accounts: The start date of the term |
End | subscription.subscriptions.end or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.end |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: unavailable \n Subscription accounts: The end date of the term |
Credits Total | subscription.subscriptions.credits_total or \n |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: The total credits available in the subscription \n Subscription accounts: The total credits available for the term |
Credits Starting | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.starting_balance |
The unused credits in the term at the beginning of the month |
Credits Used | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Credits Balance | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in this term |
True Up | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.true_up |
The credits remaining after the end of the term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for subscriptions" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #subscription-id-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Subscriptions"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Offer ID | offers.offer_id |
The ID of the offer |
Credits Total | offers.credits_total |
The total credits before applying the offer |
Offer Template | offers.offer_template |
The template with which the offer was generated |
Valid From | offers.valid_from |
The date from which the offer is valid |
Expire Date | offers.expires_on |
The date until the offer is valid |
Recurring | offers.is_recurring |
Indicates if a cost is recurring |
Starting Balance | offers.credits.starting_balance |
The available credits in the offer at the beginning of the month |
Used | offers.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Balance | offers.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in the offer |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for offers" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #offer-id-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Offers"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Support Cost | support.cost |
The monthly support cost |
Support Type | support.type \n (STANDARD > Advanced and \n PREMIUM > Premium ) |
The type of support |
Support Overage | support.overage |
Additional support cost for the month |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for support summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #support-cost-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Support Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Currency | currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Indicates if the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
Name of the service plan |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
ID of the service plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
Pricing region for the plan |
Metric | resources.usage.metric |
The ID of the metric |
Unit | resources.usage.unit |
The unit that qualifies the quantity |
Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | resources.usage.cost |
The cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
Pre-discounted cost incurred by the metric |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Non Chargeable | resources.plans.usage.non_chargeable |
When set to true , the cost is for informational purpose and is not included while calculating the plan charges. |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.plans.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.plans.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #service-name-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Resource Usage"} |
{: #account-summary-csv-version-1-1}
You will get CSV version 1.1 if the data that you're viewing is from March 2024 to June 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the account summary CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-1"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-1-1} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Account ID | account_id |
ID of the account |
Month | month |
The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Country Code | billing_country_code |
Country the requested account is mapped to |
Currency Code | billing_currency_code |
The currency in which the account is billed |
Billable Cost | resources.billable_cost |
The billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
Non Billable Cost | resources.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #account-id-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Subscription ID | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_id |
The ID of the subscription |
CA | subscription.subscriptions.charge_agreement_number |
The charge agreement number of the subscription |
Type | subscription.subscriptions.type |
Type of subscription |
Subscription Amount | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_amount |
The credits available in the subscription for the month |
Start | subscription.subscriptions.start or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.start |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: the date from which the subscription was active \n Subscription accounts: The start date of the term |
End | subscription.subscriptions.end or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.end |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: unavailable \n Subscription accounts: The end date of the term |
Credits Total | subscription.subscriptions.credits_total or \n |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: The total credits available in the subscription \n Subscription accounts: The total credits available for the term |
Credits Starting | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.starting_balance |
The unused credits in the term at the beginning of the month |
Credits Used | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Credits Balance | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in this term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for subscriptions" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #subscription-id-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Subscriptions"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Offer ID | offers.offer_id |
The ID of the offer |
Credits Total | offers.credits_total |
The total credits before applying the offer |
Offer Template | offers.offer_template |
The template with which the offer was generated |
Valid From | offers.valid_from |
The date from which the offer is valid |
Expire Date | offers.expires_on |
The date until the offer is valid |
Recurring | offers.is_recurring |
Indicates if a cost is recurring |
Starting Balance | offers.credits.starting_balance |
The available credits in the offer at the beginning of the month |
Used | offers.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Balance | offers.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in the offer |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for offers" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #offer-id-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Offers"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Support Cost | support.cost |
The monthly support cost |
Support Type | support.type \n (STANDARD > Advanced and \n PREMIUM > Premium ) |
The type of support |
Support Overage | support.overage |
Additional support cost for the month |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for support summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #support-cost-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Support Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Currency | currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Indicates if the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
Name of the service plan |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
ID of the service plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
Pricing region for the plan |
Metric | resources.usage.metric |
The ID of the metric |
Unit | resources.usage.unit |
The unit that qualifies the quantity |
Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | resources.usage.cost |
The cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
Pre-discounted cost incurred by the metric |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Non Chargeable | resources.plans.usage.non_chargeable |
When set to true , the cost is for informational purpose and is not included while calculating the plan charges. |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.plans.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.plans.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #service-name-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Resource Usage"} |
{: #account-summary-csv-version-1-0}
You will get CSV version 1.0 if the data that you're viewing is from October 2023 to March 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-0"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-1-0} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Account ID | account_id |
ID of the account |
Month | month |
The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Country Code | billing_country_code |
Country the requested account is mapped to |
Currency Code | billing_currency_code |
The currency in which the account is billed |
Billable Cost | resources.billable_cost |
The billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
Non Billable Cost | resources.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #account-id-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Subscription ID | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_id |
The ID of the subscription |
CA | subscription.subscriptions.charge_agreement_number |
The charge agreement number of the subscription |
Type | subscription.subscriptions.type |
Type of subscription |
Subscription Amount | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_amount |
The credits available in the subscription for the month |
Start | subscription.subscriptions.start or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.start |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: the date from which the subscription was active \n Subscription accounts: The start date of the term |
End | subscription.subscriptions.end or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.end |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: unavailable \n Subscription accounts: The end date of the term |
Credits Total | subscription.subscriptions.credits_total or \n |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: The total credits available in the subscription \n Subscription accounts: The total credits available for the term |
Credits Starting | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.starting_balance |
The unused credits in the term at the beginning of the month |
Credits Used | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Credits Balance | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in this term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for subscriptions" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #subscription-id-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Subscriptions"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Offer ID | offers.offer_id |
The ID of the offer |
Credits Total | offers.credits_total |
The total credits before applying the offer |
Offer Template | offers.offer_template |
The template with which the offer was generated |
Valid From | offers.valid_from |
The date from which the offer is valid |
Expire Date | offers.expires_on |
The date until the offer is valid |
Recurring | offers.is_recurring |
Indicates if a cost is recurring |
Starting Balance | offers.credits.starting_balance |
The available credits in the offer at the beginning of the month |
Used | offers.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Balance | offers.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in the offer |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for offers" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #offer-id-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Offers"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Support Cost | support.cost |
The monthly support cost |
Support Type | support.type \n (STANDARD > Advanced and \n PREMIUM > Premium ) |
The type of support |
Support Overage | support.overage |
Additional support cost for the month |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for support summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #support-cost-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Support Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Currency | currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Indicates if the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
Name of the service plan |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
ID of the service plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
Pricing region for the plan |
Metric | resources.usage.metric |
The ID of the metric |
Unit | resources.usage.unit |
The unit that qualifies the quantity |
Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | resources.usage.cost |
The cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
Pre-discounted cost incurred by the metric |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Non Chargeable | resources.plans.usage.non_chargeable |
When set to true , the cost is for informational purpose and is not included while calculating the plan charges. |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.plans.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.plans.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #service-name-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Resource Usage"} |
{: #account-summary-csv-version-0-2}
You will get CSV version 0.2 if the data that you're viewing is from February 2023 to October 2023.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-2"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-0-2} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Account ID | account_id |
ID of the account |
Month | month |
The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Country Code | billing_country_code |
Country the requested account is mapped to |
Currency Code | billing_currency_code |
The currency in which the account is billed |
Billable Cost | resources.billable_cost |
The billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
Non Billable Cost | resources.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #account-id-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Subscription ID | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_id |
The ID of the subscription |
CA | subscription.subscriptions.charge_agreement_number |
The charge agreement number of the subscription |
Type | subscription.subscriptions.type |
Type of subscription |
Subscription Amount | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_amount |
The credits available in the subscription for the month |
Start | subscription.subscriptions.start or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.start |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: the date from which the subscription was active \n Subscription accounts: The start date of the term |
End | subscription.subscriptions.end or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.end |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: unavailable \n Subscription accounts: The end date of the term |
Credits Total | subscription.subscriptions.credits_total or \n |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: The total credits available in the subscription \n Subscription accounts: The total credits available for the term |
Credits Starting | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.starting_balance |
The unused credits in the term at the beginning of the month |
Credits Used | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Credits Balance | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in this term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for subscriptions" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #subscription-id-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Subscriptions"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Offer ID | offers.offer_id |
The ID of the offer |
Credits Total | offers.credits_total |
The total credits before applying the offer |
Offer Template | offers.offer_template |
The template with which the offer was generated |
Valid From | offers.valid_from |
The date from which the offer is valid |
Expire Date | offers.expires_on |
The date until the offer is valid |
Recurring | offers.is_recurring |
Indicates if a cost is recurring |
Starting Balance | offers.credits.starting_balance |
The available credits in the offer at the beginning of the month |
Used | offers.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Balance | offers.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in the offer |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for offers" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #offer-id-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Offers"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Support Cost | support.cost |
The monthly support cost |
Support Type | support.type \n (STANDARD > Advanced and \n PREMIUM > Premium ) |
The type of support |
Support Overage | support.overage |
Additional support cost for the month |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for support summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #support-cost-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Support Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Currency | currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Indicates if the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
Name of the service plan |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
ID of the service plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
Pricing region for the plan |
Metric | resources.usage.metric |
The ID of the metric |
Unit | resources.usage.unit |
The unit that qualifies the quantity |
Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | resources.usage.cost |
The cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
Pre-discounted cost incurred by the metric |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #service-name-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Resource Usage"} |
{: #account-summary-csv-version-0-1}
You will get CSV version 0.1 if the data that you're viewing is from before February 2023.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-1"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-0-1} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Account ID | account_id |
ID of the account |
Month | month |
The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Country Code | billing_country_code |
Country the requested account is mapped to |
Currency Code | billing_currency_code |
The currency in which the account is billed |
Billable Cost | resources.billable_cost |
The billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
Non Billable Cost | resources.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges for all cloud resources used in the account |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #account-id-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Subscription ID | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_id |
The ID of the subscription |
CA | subscription.subscriptions.charge_agreement_number |
The charge agreement number of the subscription |
Type | subscription.subscriptions.type |
Type of subscription |
Subscription Amount | subscription.subscriptions.subscription_amount |
The credits available in the subscription for the month |
Start | subscription.subscriptions.start or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.start |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: the date from which the subscription was active \n Subscription accounts: The start date of the term |
End | subscription.subscriptions.end or \n subscription.subscriptions.terms.end |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: unavailable \n Subscription accounts: The end date of the term |
Credits Total | subscription.subscriptions.credits_total or \n |
Pay-As-You-Go accounts: The total credits available in the subscription \n Subscription accounts: The total credits available for the term |
Credits Starting | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.starting_balance |
The unused credits in the term at the beginning of the month |
Credits Used | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Credits Balance | subscription.subscriptions.terms.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in this term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for subscriptions" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #subscription-id-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Subscriptions"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Offer ID | offers.offer_id |
The ID of the offer |
Credits Total | offers.credits_total |
The total credits before applying the offer |
Offer Template | offers.offer_template |
The template with which the offer was generated |
Valid From | offers.valid_from |
The date from which the offer is valid |
Expire Date | offers.expires_on |
The date until the offer is valid |
Recurring | offers.is_recurring |
Indicates if a cost is recurring |
Starting Balance | offers.credits.starting_balance |
The available credits in the offer at the beginning of the month |
Used | offers.credits.used |
The credits used in this month |
Balance | offers.credits.balance |
The remaining credits in the offer |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for offers" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #offer-id-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Offers"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Support Cost | support.cost |
The monthly support cost |
Support Type | support.type \n (STANDARD > Advanced and \n PREMIUM > Premium ) |
The type of support |
Support Overage | support.overage |
Additional support cost for the month |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for support summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #support-cost-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Support Summary"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Currency | currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Indicates if the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
Name of the service plan |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
ID of the service plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
Pricing region for the plan |
Metric | resources.usage.metric |
The ID of the metric |
Unit | resources.usage.unit |
The unit that qualifies the quantity |
Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | resources.usage.cost |
The cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
Pre-discounted cost incurred by the metric |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account summary CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #service-name-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Resource Usage"} |
{: #table-account-instance-csv}
The following tables show the correlation between the heading titles in your CSV report and API parameters. For more information about JSON report fields, see Usage Reports: Get resource instance usage in an account. Each row of the Account Instance Usage section represents an instance usage of a specific metric in a service plan.
Regular account CSV reports are not real time and can be incomplete. Complete CSV reports are generated for previous months that have already been invoiced. In case of potentially inconsistent data in the CSV reports, it's advised to regenerate the CSV after couple of hours. For more accurate and real time usages, it's always recommended to use the JSON APIs. {: note}
You can view other versions of the CSV if you have earlier instances reports in your account. The CSV version depends on the date that the data is published. The following are the available versions:
- February 2025 to March 2025 is version 1.3
- June 2024 to January 2025 is version 1.2
- March 2024 to June 2024 is version 1.1
- October 2023 to March 2024 is version 1.0
- February 2023 to October 2023 is version 0.2
- Before February 2023 is version 0.1.
{: #instances-CSV-version-1-3}
The following table is version 1.3. You get this version if the data that you're viewing is from February 2025 to March 2025.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the account instance CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-3"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-instance-1-3} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Instance Name | resources.resource_instance_name |
The name of the resource instance |
Instance ID | resources.resource_instance_id |
The ID of the resource instance |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Region | resources.region |
The region where instance was provisioned |
Consumer ID | resources.consumer_id |
The ID of the consumer |
Resource Group Name | resources.resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group |
Resource Group ID | resources.resource_group_id |
The ID of the resource group |
CF Org | resources.organization_name |
The name of the CF organization |
Org ID | resources.organization_id |
The ID of the CF organization |
CF Space | resources.space_name |
The name of the CF space |
Space ID | resources.space_id |
The ID of the CF space |
Currency | resources.currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Validates if a cost is charged to the account |
Usage Metric | resources.usage.metric |
ID of the metric |
Usage Unit | resources.usage.unit |
Unit that qualifies the quantity |
Usage Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
Aggregated value for the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
The starting cost of a resource within your account |
Volume Discount | resources.usage.volume_discount |
This percentage reflects the reduction to the original cost that you receive under a volume based pricing structure |
Volume Cost | resources.usage.volume_cost |
The original cost adjusted for volume based discounts that are applied at the account level |
Cost | resources.usage.cost |
The pre-tax cost after accounting for any applicable discounts |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Non Chargeable | resources.usage.non_chargeable |
When set to true , the cost is for informational purpose and is not included while calculating the plan charges. |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Created At | resources.created_at |
Created at timestamp of the instance. |
Deleted At | resources.deleted_at |
Deleted at timestamp of the instance. |
Parent Resource Instance ID | resources.parent_resource_instance_id |
Resource instance ID of the parent resource associated with this instance |
Other Tags | resources.tags |
Tags that are not of key:value format |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account instance usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-3"} | ||
{: #service-name-instance-1-3} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Instance Usage"} |
{: #instances-CSV-version-1-2}
You will get CSV version 1.2 if the data that you're viewing is from June 2024 to January 2025.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the account instance CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-2"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-instance-1-2} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Instance Name | resources.resource_instance_name |
The name of the resource instance |
Instance ID | resources.resource_instance_id |
The ID of the resource instance |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Region | resources.region |
The region where instance was provisioned |
Consumer ID | resources.consumer_id |
The ID of the consumer |
Resource Group Name | resources.resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group |
Resource Group ID | resources.resource_group_id |
The ID of the resource group |
CF Org | resources.organization_name |
The name of the CF organization |
Org ID | resources.organization_id |
The ID of the CF organization |
CF Space | resources.space_name |
The name of the CF space |
Space ID | resources.space_id |
The ID of the CF space |
Currency | resources.currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Validates if a cost is charged to the account |
Usage Metric | resources.usage.metric |
ID of the metric |
Usage Unit | resources.usage.unit |
Unit that qualifies the quantity |
Usage Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
Aggregated value for the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
The starting cost of a resource within your account |
Volume Discount | resources.usage.volume_discount |
This percentage reflects the reduction to the original cost that you receive under a volume based pricing structure |
Volume Cost | resources.usage.volume_cost |
The original cost adjusted for volume based discounts that are applied at the account level |
Cost | resources.usage.cost |
The pre-tax cost after accounting for any applicable discounts |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Non Chargeable | resources.usage.non_chargeable |
When set to true , the cost is for informational purpose and is not included while calculating the plan charges. |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Parent Resource Instance ID | resources.parent_resource_instance_id |
Resource instance ID of the parent resource associated with this instance |
Other Tags | resources.tags |
Tags that are not of key:value format |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account instance usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-2"} | ||
{: #service-name-instance-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Instance Usage"} |
{: #instances-csv-version-1-1}
You will get CSV version 1.1 if the data that you're viewing is from March 2024 to June 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the account instance CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-1"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-instance-1-1} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Instance Name | resources.resource_instance_name |
The name of the resource instance |
Instance ID | resources.resource_instance_id |
The ID of the resource instance |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Region | resources.region |
The region where instance was provisioned |
Consumer ID | resources.consumer_id |
The ID of the consumer |
Resource Group Name | resources.resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group |
Resource Group ID | resources.resource_group_id |
The ID of the resource group |
CF Org | resources.organization_name |
The name of the CF organization |
Org ID | resources.organization_id |
The ID of the CF organization |
CF Space | resources.space_name |
The name of the CF space |
Space ID | resources.space_id |
The ID of the CF space |
Currency | resources.currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Validates if a cost is charged to the account |
Usage Metric | resources.usage.metric |
ID of the metric |
Usage Unit | resources.usage.unit |
Unit that qualifies the quantity |
Usage Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
Aggregated value for the metric |
Usage Cost | resources.usage.cost |
Cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
The starting cost of a resource within your account |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Non Chargeable | resources.usage.non_chargeable |
When set to true , the cost is for informational purpose and is not included while calculating the plan charges. |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Parent Resource Instance ID | resources.parent_resource_instance_id |
Resource instance ID of the parent resource associated with this instance |
Other Tags | resources.tags |
Tags that are not of key:value format |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account instance usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-1"} | ||
{: #service-name-instance-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Instance Usage"} |
{: #instances-csv-version-1-0}
You will get CSV version 1.0 if the data that you're viewing is from October 2023 to March 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-0"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-instance-1-0} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Instance Name | resources.resource_instance_name |
The name of the resource instance |
Instance ID | resources.resource_instance_id |
The ID of the resource instance |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Region | resources.region |
The region where instance was provisioned |
Consumer ID | resources.consumer_id |
The ID of the consumer |
Resource Group Name | resources.resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group |
Resource Group ID | resources.resource_group_id |
The ID of the resource group |
CF Org | resources.organization_name |
The name of the CF organization |
Org ID | resources.organization_id |
The ID of the CF organization |
CF Space | resources.space_name |
The name of the CF space |
Space ID | resources.space_id |
The ID of the CF space |
Currency | resources.currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Validates if a cost is charged to the account |
Usage Metric | resources.usage.metric |
ID of the metric |
Usage Unit | resources.usage.unit |
Unit that qualifies the quantity |
Usage Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
Aggregated value for the metric |
Usage Cost | resources.usage.cost |
Cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
The starting cost of a resource within your account |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Non Chargeable | resources.usage.non_chargeable |
When set to true , the cost is for informational purpose and is not included while calculating the plan charges. |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Parent Resource Instance ID | resources.parent_resource_instance_id |
Resource instance ID of the parent resource associated with this instance |
Other Tags | resources.tags |
Tags that are not of key:value format |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account instance usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-instance-1-0"} | ||
{: #service-name-instance-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Instance Usage"} |
{: #instances-csv-version-0-2}
You will get CSV version 0.2 if the data that you're viewing is from February 2023 to October 2023.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-instance-0-2"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-instance-0-2} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Instance Name | resources.resource_instance_name |
The name of the resource instance |
Instance ID | resources.resource_instance_id |
The ID of the resource instance |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Region | resources.region |
The region where instance was provisioned |
Consumer ID | resources.consumer_id |
The ID of the consumer |
Resource Group Name | resources.resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group |
Resource Group ID | resources.resource_group_id |
The ID of the resource group |
CF Org | resources.organization_name |
The name of the CF organization |
Org ID | resources.organization_id |
The ID of the CF organization |
CF Space | resources.space_name |
The name of the CF space |
Space ID | resources.space_id |
The ID of the CF space |
Currency | resources.currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Validates if a cost is charged to the account |
Usage Metric | resources.usage.metric |
ID of the metric |
Usage Unit | resources.usage.unit |
Unit that qualifies the quantity |
Usage Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
Aggregated value for the metric |
Usage Cost | resources.usage.cost |
Cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
The starting cost of a resource within your account |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Other Tags | resources.tags |
Tags that are not of key:value format |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account instance usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-instance-0-2"} | ||
{: #service-name-instance-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Instance Usage"} |
{: #instances-csv-version-0-1}
You will get CSV version 0.1 if the data that you're viewing is from before February 2023.
CSV Header | Description |
Account Owner ID | ID of the account |
Account Name | Name of the account |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and descriptions for account metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="account-instance-0-1"} | |
{: #account-owner-id-instance-0-1} | |
{: tab-title="Account Metadata"} |
CSV Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Service Name | resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Instance Name | resources.resource_instance_name |
The name of the resource instance |
Instance ID | resources.resource_instance_id |
The ID of the resource instance |
Plan Name | resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Plan ID | resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan where the instance was provisioned and rated |
Region | resources.region |
The region where instance was provisioned |
Consumer ID | resources.consumer_id |
The ID of the consumer |
Resource Group Name | resources.resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group |
Resource Group ID | resources.resource_group_id |
The ID of the resource group |
CF Org | resources.organization_name |
The name of the CF organization |
Org ID | resources.organization_id |
The ID of the CF organization |
CF Space | resources.space_name |
The name of the CF space |
Space ID | resources.space_id |
The ID of the CF space |
Currency | resources.currency_code |
The currency for the cost fields in the resources, plans, and metrics |
Billable | resources.billable |
Validates if a cost is charged to the account |
Usage Metric | resources.usage.metric |
ID of the metric |
Usage Unit | resources.usage.unit |
Unit that qualifies the quantity |
Usage Quantity | resources.usage.quantity |
Aggregated value for the metric |
Usage Cost | resources.usage.cost |
Cost incurred by the metric |
Original Cost | resources.usage.rated_cost |
The starting cost of a resource within your account |
Pending | resources.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Discount (%) | , semicolon(;) delimited |
Discount percentage that is applied to the account |
Discount ID | resources.plans.usage.discounts.ref , semicolon(;) delimited |
Reference ID of the discount |
Other Tags | resources.tags |
Tags that are not of key:value format |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Account instance CSV header titles and JSON report fields for account instance usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="account-instance-0-1"} | ||
{: #service-name-instance-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Account Instance Usage"} |
{: #acct-instance-user-tags}
For tags that are of key:value
format, a new column is added for each and every unique key
, with the key
as the column name and the value
as the column value for the corresponding instance usage row. For example, if there are two instances, i1
and i2
, with tag env:prod
on i1
and tags env:test
and team:backend
on i2
, there would be two additional columns named env
and team
. And only the i1
row will have value prod
under the env
column. The i2
row will have values test
and backend
under the env
and team
columns. The following table shows the example layout.
Instance ID | Other tags | env |
team |
i1 |
prod |
i2 |
test |
backend |
{: caption="Example of tag layout in the CSV report" caption-side="bottom"} |
{: #acct-instance-service-tags}
If the account has Projects provisioned in it, then all the resource instances that are part of a project will have some service tags attached to them. These service tags are also of key:value
type and they indicate the project_id
and config_id
that the project resource instance belongs to. Similar to the key:value
user tags, a new column is added for each and every unique service tag key
, with the key
as the column name and the value
as the column value for the corresponding instance usage row.
Service tags are also attached to resource instances that are part of a Deployable Architecture (DA). These service tags are also of key:value
type and they indicate the da_locator
that the resource instance belongs to. For example, project::da_locator:XXXXX
or schematics::da_locator:XXXXX
{: note}
For example, if there are two instances, i1
and i2
, with service tags project::config_id:123
and project::project_id:321
on i1
, and service tags schematics::config_id:456
and schematics::project_id:654
on i2
, there would be four additional columns named service_tag::project::config_id
, service_tag::project::project_id
, service_tag::schematics::config_id
and service_tag::schematics::project_id
. So, they would have the service tag keys with a prefix service_tag::
prepended to it, which helps in visual distinction between user tag keys and service tag keys. And eventually, the i1
row will have values 123
and 321
under the first two columns, and i2
row will have values 456
and 654
under the next two columns respectively.
The following table shows the example layout.
Instance ID | Other tags | env |
team |
service_tag::project::config_id |
service_tag::project::project_id |
service_tag::schematics::config_id |
service_tag::schematics::project_id |
i1 |
prod |
123 |
321 |
i2 |
test |
backend |
456 |
654 |
{: caption="Example of service tag layout in the CSV report" caption-side="bottom"} |
Tags are shown for both active and deleted resources. It might take up to 24 hours to reflect the updated or created tags. {: note}
{: #enterprise-usage-table-account-summary-csv}
The following tables show the correlation between the heading titles in your CSV report and JSON report fields. The usage in the Enterprise Resource Usage section is aggregated by each metric of a service plan.
The following are the JSON report section APIs for the different CVS headings:
- Billing Units: Enterprise Billing Units: List billing units{: external}
- Credit Pools and Overages: Enterprise Billing Units: Get credit pools{: external}
- Enterprise Usage Summary and Enterprise Resource Usage: Enterprise Usage Reports API: Get usage reports for enterprise entities{: external}
You can view other versions of the CSV if you have earlier enterprise account summary reports in your account. The CSV version depends on the date that the data is published. The following are the available versions:
- October 2024 to present is version 1.3
- July 2024 to September 2024 is version 1.2
- March 2024 to June 2024 is version 1.1
- October 2024 to March 2024 is version 1.0
- February 2023 to October 2024 is version 0.2
- Before February 2023 is version 0.1.
{: #enterprise-account-summary-csv-version-1-3}
The following table is version 1.3 and the most recent CSV version. You get this version if the data that you're viewing is from October 2024 to present.
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the requested entity (enterprise_id /account_group_id /account_id ) |
Entity Type | Type of the requested entity (enterprise/account_group/account) |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the enterprise summary CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-3"} | |
{: #entity-metadata-1-3} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Metadata"} |
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Type | Type of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Name | Name of the hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity ID | ID of the parent of this hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Name | Name of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Type | Type of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Entity CreatedOn | Timestamp at which the hierarchy entity was created |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity hierarchy" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-3"} | |
{: #entity-hierarchy-1-3} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Hierarchy"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Billing Unit ID | |
The ID of the DEFAULT billing unit of the requested entity, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) |
Billing Unit Name | |
The name of the billing unit |
Billing Unit CreatedOn | resources.created_at |
The creation date of the billing unit |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for billing units" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-3"} | ||
{: #billing-unit-id-enterprise-1-3} | ||
{: tab-title="Billing Units"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Billing Option ID | resources.term_credits.billing_option_id |
The ID of the billing option from which the subscription term is derived |
Category | resources.term_credits.category |
The category of the credit pool. \n For platform credit the valid values are PLATFORM , OFFER , or SERVICE \n For support credit the valid value is SUPPORT |
Start Date | resources.term_credits.start_date |
The start date of the term in ISO format |
End Date | resources.term_credits.end_date |
The end date of the term in ISO format |
Total Credits | resources.term_credits.total_credits |
The total credit available in this term |
Starting Balance | resources.term_credits.starting_balance |
The balance of available credit at the start of the current month |
Used Credits | resources.term_credits.used_credits |
The amount of credit used during the current month |
Current Balance | resources.term_credits.current_balance |
The balance of remaining credit in the subscription term |
True Up | resources.term_credits.true_up |
The credits remaining after the end of the term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for credit pools" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-3"} | ||
{: #credit-pool-type-enterprise-1-3} | ||
{: tab-title="Credit Pools"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Billing Option ID | resources.overage.billing_option_id |
The ID of the billing option from which the subscription term incurring the overage is derived. |
Category | resources.overage.category |
The category of the credit pool that has incurred the overage. The valid values are PLATFORM , OFFER , or SERVICE for platform credit and SUPPORT for support credit. |
Overage | resources.overage.cost |
The number of credits that are used as overage |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for overages" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-3"} | ||
{: #overages-enterprise-1-3} | ||
{: tab-title="Overages"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Entity Name | reports.entity_name |
A user-defined name for the entity, such as the enterprise name or account group name |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Billing Unit Name | reports.billing_unit_name |
The name of the billing unit |
Country Code | reports.country_code |
The country code of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Billable Cost | reports.billable_cost |
Billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
Non Billable Cost | reports.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-3"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage1-1-3} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity. \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Parent Entity ID | reports.parent_entity_id |
The ID of the parent of the requested entity |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Service Name | reports.resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | reports.resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Billable | reports.resources.plans.billable |
Whether the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | reports.resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan |
Plan ID | reports.resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
The pricing region for the plan |
Metric | reports.resources.plans.usage.metric |
The name of the metric |
Unit | reports.resources.plans.usage.unit |
A unit to qualify the quantity |
Quantity | reports.resources.plans.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | reports.resources.plans.usage.cost |
The cost that was incurred by the metric |
Pending | reports.resources.plans.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-3"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage2-1-3} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Resource Usage"} |
{: #enterprise-account-summary-csv-version-1-2}
The following table is for version 1.2. You get this version if the data that you're viewing is from July 2024 to September 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the requested entity (enterprise_id /account_group_id /account_id ) |
Entity Type | Type of the requested entity (enterprise/account_group/account) |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the enterprise summary CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-2"} | |
{: #entity-metadata-1-2} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Metadata"} |
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Type | Type of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Name | Name of the hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity ID | ID of the parent of this hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Name | Name of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Type | Type of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Entity CreatedOn | Timestamp at which the hierarchy entity was created |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity hierarchy" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-2"} | |
{: #entity-hierarchy-1-2} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Hierarchy"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Billing Unit ID | |
The ID of the DEFAULT billing unit of the requested entity, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) |
Billing Unit Name | |
The name of the billing unit |
Billing Unit CreatedOn | resources.created_at |
The creation date of the billing unit |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for billing units" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #billing-unit-id-enterprise-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Billing Units"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Billing Option ID | resources.term_credits.billing_option_id |
The ID of the billing option from which the subscription term is derived |
Category | resources.term_credits.category |
The category of the credit pool. \n For platform credit the valid values are PLATFORM , OFFER , or SERVICE \n For support credit the valid value is SUPPORT |
Start Date | resources.term_credits.start_date |
The start date of the term in ISO format |
End Date | resources.term_credits.end_date |
The end date of the term in ISO format |
Total Credits | resources.term_credits.total_credits |
The total credit available in this term |
Starting Balance | resources.term_credits.starting_balance |
The balance of available credit at the start of the current month |
Used Credits | resources.term_credits.used_credits |
The amount of credit used during the current month |
Current Balance | resources.term_credits.current_balance |
The balance of remaining credit in the subscription term |
True Up | resources.term_credits.true_up |
The credits remaining after the end of the term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for credit pools" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #credit-pool-type-enterprise-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Credit Pools"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Overage | resources.overage.cost |
The number of credits that are used as overage |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for overages" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #overages-enterprise-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Overages"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Entity Name | reports.entity_name |
A user-defined name for the entity, such as the enterprise name or account group name |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Billing Unit Name | reports.billing_unit_name |
The name of the billing unit |
Country Code | reports.country_code |
The country code of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Billable Cost | reports.billable_cost |
Billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
Non Billable Cost | reports.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage1-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity. \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Parent Entity ID | reports.parent_entity_id |
The ID of the parent of the requested entity |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Service Name | reports.resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | reports.resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Billable | reports.resources.plans.billable |
Whether the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | reports.resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan |
Plan ID | reports.resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
The pricing region for the plan |
Metric | reports.resources.plans.usage.metric |
The name of the metric |
Unit | reports.resources.plans.usage.unit |
A unit to qualify the quantity |
Quantity | reports.resources.plans.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | reports.resources.plans.usage.cost |
The cost that was incurred by the metric |
Pending | reports.resources.plans.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-2"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage2-1-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Resource Usage"} |
{: #enterprise-account-summary-csv-version-1-1}
The following table is version 1.1. You get this version if the data that you're viewing is from March 2024 to June 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the requested entity (enterprise_id /account_group_id /account_id ) |
Entity Type | Type of the requested entity (enterprise/account_group/account) |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
Version | The version number of the enterprise summary CSV |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-1"} | |
{: #entity-metadata-1-1} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Metadata"} |
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Type | Type of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Name | Name of the hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity ID | ID of the parent of this hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Name | Name of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Type | Type of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Entity CreatedOn | Timestamp at which the hierarchy entity was created |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity hierarchy" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-1"} | |
{: #entity-hierarchy-1-1} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Hierarchy"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Billing Unit ID | |
The ID of the DEFAULT billing unit of the requested entity, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) |
Billing Unit Name | |
The name of the billing unit |
Billing Unit CreatedOn | resources.created_at |
The creation date of the billing unit |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for billing units" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #billing-unit-id-enterprise-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Billing Units"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Billing Option ID | resources.term_credits.billing_option_id |
The ID of the billing option from which the subscription term is derived |
Category | resources.term_credits.category |
The category of the credit pool. \n For platform credit the valid values are PLATFORM , OFFER , or SERVICE \n For support credit the valid value is SUPPORT |
Start Date | resources.term_credits.start_date |
The start date of the term in ISO format |
End Date | resources.term_credits.end_date |
The end date of the term in ISO format |
Total Credits | resources.term_credits.total_credits |
The total credit available in this term |
Starting Balance | resources.term_credits.starting_balance |
The balance of available credit at the start of the current month |
Used Credits | resources.term_credits.used_credits |
The amount of credit used during the current month |
Current Balance | resources.term_credits.current_balance |
The balance of remaining credit in the subscription term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for credit pools" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #credit-pool-type-enterprise-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Credit Pools"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Overage | resources.overage.cost |
The number of credits that are used as overage |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for overages" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #overages-enterprise-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Overages"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Entity Name | reports.entity_name |
A user-defined name for the entity, such as the enterprise name or account group name |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Billing Unit Name | reports.billing_unit_name |
The name of the billing unit |
Country Code | reports.country_code |
The country code of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Billable Cost | reports.billable_cost |
Billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
Non Billable Cost | reports.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage1-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity. \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Parent Entity ID | reports.parent_entity_id |
The ID of the parent of the requested entity |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Service Name | reports.resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | reports.resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Billable | reports.resources.plans.billable |
Whether the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | reports.resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan |
Plan ID | reports.resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
The pricing region for the plan |
Metric | reports.resources.plans.usage.metric |
The name of the metric |
Unit | reports.resources.plans.usage.unit |
A unit to qualify the quantity |
Quantity | reports.resources.plans.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | reports.resources.plans.usage.cost |
The cost that was incurred by the metric |
Pending | reports.resources.plans.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-1"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage2-1-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Resource Usage"} |
{: #enterprise-account-summary-csv-version-1-0}
You will get CSV version 1.0 if the data that you're viewing is from October 2024 to March 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the requested entity (enterprise_id /account_group_id /account_id ) |
Entity Type | Type of the requested entity (enterprise/account_group/account) |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-0"} | |
{: #entity-metadata-1-0} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Metadata"} |
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Type | Type of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Name | Name of the hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity ID | ID of the parent of this hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Name | Name of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Type | Type of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Entity CreatedOn | Timestamp at which the hierarchy entity was created |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity hierarchy" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-0"} | |
{: #entity-hierarchy-1-0} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Hierarchy"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Billing Unit ID | |
The ID of the DEFAULT billing unit of the requested entity, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) |
Billing Unit Name | |
The name of the billing unit |
Billing Unit CreatedOn | resources.created_at |
The creation date of the billing unit |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for billing units" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #billing-unit-id-enterprise-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Billing Units"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Billing Option ID | resources.term_credits.billing_option_id |
The ID of the billing option from which the subscription term is derived |
Category | resources.term_credits.category |
The category of the credit pool. \n For platform credit the valid values are PLATFORM , OFFER , or SERVICE \n For support credit the valid value is SUPPORT |
Start Date | resources.term_credits.start_date |
The start date of the term in ISO format |
End Date | resources.term_credits.end_date |
The end date of the term in ISO format |
Total Credits | resources.term_credits.total_credits |
The total credit available in this term |
Starting Balance | resources.term_credits.starting_balance |
The balance of available credit at the start of the current month |
Used Credits | resources.term_credits.used_credits |
The amount of credit used during the current month |
Current Balance | resources.term_credits.current_balance |
The balance of remaining credit in the subscription term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for credit pools" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #credit-pool-type-enterprise-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Credit Pools"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Overage | resources.overage.cost |
The number of credits that are used as overage |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for overages" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #overages-enterprise-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Overages"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Entity Name | reports.entity_name |
A user-defined name for the entity, such as the enterprise name or account group name |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Billing Unit Name | reports.billing_unit_name |
The name of the billing unit |
Country Code | reports.country_code |
The country code of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Billable Cost | reports.billable_cost |
Billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
Non Billable Cost | reports.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage1-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity. \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Parent Entity ID | reports.parent_entity_id |
The ID of the parent of the requested entity |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Service Name | reports.resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | reports.resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Billable | reports.resources.plans.billable |
Whether the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | reports.resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan |
Plan ID | reports.resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
The pricing region for the plan |
Metric | reports.resources.plans.usage.metric |
The name of the metric |
Unit | reports.resources.plans.usage.unit |
A unit to qualify the quantity |
Quantity | reports.resources.plans.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | reports.resources.plans.usage.cost |
The cost that was incurred by the metric |
Pending | reports.resources.plans.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
Classic Infrastructure Product ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_product_id |
Product ID of classic infrastructure resource |
Classic Infrastructure Package ID | resources.usage.additional_properties.classic_infrastructure_package_id |
Package ID of classic infrastructure resource |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-1-0"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage2-1-0} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Resource Usage"} |
{: #enterprise-account-summary-csv-version-0-2}
You will get CSV version 0.2 if the data that you're viewing is from February 2023 to October 2024.
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the requested entity (enterprise_id /account_group_id /account_id ) |
Entity Type | Type of the requested entity (enterprise/account_group/account) |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Currency Rate | Currency Exchange Rate with USD as the base |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-2"} | |
{: #entity-metadata-0-2} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Metadata"} |
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Type | Type of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Name | Name of the hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity ID | ID of the parent of this hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Name | Name of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Type | Type of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Entity CreatedOn | Timestamp at which the hierarchy entity was created |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity hierarchy" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-2"} | |
{: #entity-hierarchy-0-2} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Hierarchy"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Billing Unit ID | |
The ID of the DEFAULT billing unit of the requested entity, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) |
Billing Unit Name | |
The name of the billing unit |
Billing Unit CreatedOn | resources.created_at |
The creation date of the billing unit |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for billing units" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #billing-unit-id-enterprise-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Billing Units"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Billing Option ID | resources.term_credits.billing_option_id |
The ID of the billing option from which the subscription term is derived |
Category | resources.term_credits.category |
The category of the credit pool. \n For platform credit the valid values are PLATFORM , OFFER , or SERVICE \n For support credit the valid value is SUPPORT |
Start Date | resources.term_credits.start_date |
The start date of the term in ISO format |
End Date | resources.term_credits.end_date |
The end date of the term in ISO format |
Total Credits | resources.term_credits.total_credits |
The total credit available in this term |
Starting Balance | resources.term_credits.starting_balance |
The balance of available credit at the start of the current month |
Used Credits | resources.term_credits.used_credits |
The amount of credit used during the current month |
Current Balance | resources.term_credits.current_balance |
The balance of remaining credit in the subscription term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for credit pools" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #credit-pool-type-enterprise-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Credit Pools"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Overage | resources.overage.cost |
The number of credits that are used as overage |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for overages" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #overages-enterprise-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Overages"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Entity Name | reports.entity_name |
A user-defined name for the entity, such as the enterprise name or account group name |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Billing Unit Name | reports.billing_unit_name |
The name of the billing unit |
Country Code | reports.country_code |
The country code of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Billable Cost | reports.billable_cost |
Billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
Non Billable Cost | reports.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage1-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity. \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Parent Entity ID | reports.parent_entity_id |
The ID of the parent of the requested entity |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Service Name | reports.resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | reports.resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Billable | reports.resources.plans.billable |
Whether the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | reports.resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan |
Plan ID | reports.resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
The pricing region for the plan |
Metric | reports.resources.plans.usage.metric |
The name of the metric |
Unit | reports.resources.plans.usage.unit |
A unit to qualify the quantity |
Quantity | reports.resources.plans.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | reports.resources.plans.usage.cost |
The cost that was incurred by the metric |
Pending | reports.resources.plans.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-2"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage2-0-2} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Resource Usage"} |
{: #enterprise-account-summary-csv-version-0-1}
You will get CSV version 0.1 if the data that you're viewing is from before February 2023.
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the requested entity (enterprise_id /account_group_id /account_id ) |
Entity Type | Type of the requested entity (enterprise/account_group/account) |
Billing Month | The month in which usages were incurred. Represented in yyyy-mm format |
Created Time | Timestamp at which the CSV report was generated |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity metadata" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-1"} | |
{: #entity-metadata-0-1} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Metadata"} |
CSV Header | Description |
Entity ID | ID of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Type | Type of the hierarchy entity |
Entity Name | Name of the hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity ID | ID of the parent of this hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Name | Name of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Parent Entity Type | Type of the parent of the current hierarchy entity |
Entity CreatedOn | Timestamp at which the hierarchy entity was created |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | |
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for entity hierarchy" caption-side="bottom"} | |
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-1"} | |
{: #entity-hierarchy-0-1} | |
{: tab-title="Entity Hierarchy"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Billing Unit ID | |
The ID of the DEFAULT billing unit of the requested entity, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) |
Billing Unit Name | |
The name of the billing unit |
Billing Unit CreatedOn | resources.created_at |
The creation date of the billing unit |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for billing units" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #billing-unit-id-enterprise-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Billing Units"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Billing Option ID | resources.term_credits.billing_option_id |
The ID of the billing option from which the subscription term is derived |
Category | resources.term_credits.category |
The category of the credit pool. \n For platform credit the valid values are PLATFORM , OFFER , or SERVICE \n For support credit the valid value is SUPPORT |
Start Date | resources.term_credits.start_date |
The start date of the term in ISO format |
End Date | resources.term_credits.end_date |
The end date of the term in ISO format |
Total Credits | resources.term_credits.total_credits |
The total credit available in this term |
Starting Balance | resources.term_credits.starting_balance |
The balance of available credit at the start of the current month |
Used Credits | resources.term_credits.used_credits |
The amount of credit used during the current month |
Current Balance | resources.term_credits.current_balance |
The balance of remaining credit in the subscription term |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for credit pools" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #credit-pool-type-enterprise-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Credit Pools"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Credit Pool Type | resources.type |
The type of credit, either PLATFORM or SUPPORT |
Currency Code | resources.currency_code |
The currency code of the associated billing unit |
Overage | resources.overage.cost |
The number of credits that are used as overage |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for overages" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #overages-enterprise-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Overages"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Entity Name | reports.entity_name |
A user-defined name for the entity, such as the enterprise name or account group name |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Billing Unit Name | reports.billing_unit_name |
The name of the billing unit |
Country Code | reports.country_code |
The country code of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Billable Cost | reports.billable_cost |
Billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
Non Billable Cost | reports.non_billable_cost |
Non-billable charges that are aggregated from all entities in the report |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise usage summary" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage1-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Usage Summary"} |
CSV Header Header | JSON Report Fields | Description |
Entity ID | reports.entity_id |
The ID of the entity |
Entity Type | reports.entity_type |
The type of the entity. \n Possible values: enterprise , account-group , or account |
Parent Entity ID | reports.parent_entity_id |
The ID of the parent of the requested entity |
Billing Unit ID | reports.billing_unit_id |
The ID of the billing unit |
Currency Code | reports.currency_code |
The currency code of the billing unit |
Service Name | reports.resources.resource_name |
The name of the resource |
Service ID | reports.resources.resource_id |
The ID of the resource |
Billable | reports.resources.plans.billable |
Whether the plan charges are billed to the customer |
Plan Name | reports.resources.plan_name |
The name of the plan |
Plan ID | reports.resources.plan_id |
The ID of the plan |
Pricing Region | reports.resources.plans.pricing_region |
The pricing region for the plan |
Metric | reports.resources.plans.usage.metric |
The name of the metric |
Unit | reports.resources.plans.usage.unit |
A unit to qualify the quantity |
Quantity | reports.resources.plans.usage.quantity |
The aggregated value for the metric |
Cost | reports.resources.plans.usage.cost |
The cost that was incurred by the metric |
Pending | reports.resources.plans.pending |
Pending charge from classic infrastructure |
{: class="simple-tab-table"} | ||
{: caption="Enterprise usage report CSV contents for enterprise resource usage" caption-side="bottom"} | ||
{: tab-group="enterprise-account-summary-0-1"} | ||
{: #entity-resource-usage2-0-1} | ||
{: tab-title="Enterprise Resource Usage"} |