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2025-01-28 |
catalog, catalog management, manage catalogs, video |
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As an account owner, you can control your users' access to the {{}} catalog, which contains over 350 products available for public use. You can hide the {{}} catalog from all users, or apply filters to scope the products that are available. Within your account, private catalogs provide more fine-tuned control over access to products in the {{}} catalog. {: shortdesc}
Let's say you're an account administrator for your team, and you require access to all products in the {{}} catalog. A member of your team is tasked with a specific project, for example, building a voice-enabled chatbot by using {{}}, {{}}, and {{}}. And, you want them to access only those products in the {{}} catalog.
To achieve this, you create one catalog that includes all products in the {{}} catalog. Then, you create another catalog that includes only the required products, and you give the team member viewer access to the catalog.
For information about managing settings for all catalogs in your account, go to Managing catalog settings.
For information about filtering the products that are available to users in your account, go to Customizing the IBM Cloud catalog and private catalogs for users in your account.
When you're ready, head over to Catalog management{: external} in the {{}} console to get started.
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Manage settings for catalogs across your account. Go to Manage > Catalogs to access catalog management. Then, click Settings.
Turn the {{}} catalog off or on with one click. From the Settings page, you can control whether users in your account can access the {{}} catalog or not. Toggle on the {{}} catalog to make the catalog available for users in your account.
Add rules for fine-grained control. From the Settings page, you can customize what's available in the {{}} catalog to users in your account. You can exclude products from the {{}} catalog based on specific filters, such as the category. Click Edit for the Category filter and select Exclude Storage to hide products that are categorized as Storage
. Click Update to save your changes.
Create private catalogs for your team. Click Private catalogs then, click Create. Provide a name and a description for your private catalog.
Start with an empty catalog or include products from {{}}. After providing a name and a description of your private catalog, select whether you want to create an empty catalog or a catalog with all available products in your account. Then, click Create.
Protect your data within {{}} by setting up automatic security checks in our Security and Compliance Center. Open the navigation menu and click Security and Compliance to go to the Security and Compliance Center.
Your software and ours, together at last, and curated by you.