Default configuration file for the project rests at faceR/config.yml. It currently has the following structure:
provider: opencv # type: {text-stream, opencv}
framerate: 30
# use if provider is text-stream
width: 640
height: 480
video device: 0
port: '5555'
ip: ''
face alignment:
# {mtcnn, dlib, opencv}
provider: opencv
# entries specific to mtcnn
mtcnn conf:
model folder: models/mtcnn
minsize: 15
threshold: [0.6, 0.7, 0.9]
factor: 0.709
# entries specific to dlib
dlib conf:
# entries specific to opencv
opencv conf:
cascade path: models/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml
scale factor: 1.2
min neighbors: 5
min width: 15
min height: 20
provider: facenet
use ncs: true
# NCS device configurations
ncs conf:
graph file: models/20180402-114759_ncs/model-20180402-114759_ncs.graph
device to use: 0
image size: 160
# facenet configurations, not much at the moment
facenet conf:
model: models/20180402-114759/20180402-114759.pb
image size: 160
# {test-classifier only, sry, subject to change}
provider: test-classifier
test-classifier conf:
model: models/classifier/test_classifier.pkl
provider: dlib
frames: 7
dlib conf:
multiprocessing: False
processes: 4
provider: opencv
- Camera: instructs on how to get the video feed, for most cases opencv will work. Otherwise you will have to use to start streaming.
- Recognition: '*-model' is specifying the path to the models, obviously.
- face alignment: TODO
- embedding: TODO
- classification: TODO
- tracking: TODO
- Display: is used to specify where to pass the final product after processing the frame. Mostly the same as camera, but has no frame rate parameter.