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.. cpp:namespace:: nanobind

Reference leaks

When the Python interpreter shuts down, nanobind may generate warnings similar to the following:

nanobind: leaked 1 instances!
 - leaked instance 0x102123728 of type "my_ext.MyClass"
nanobind: leaked 1 types!
 - leaked type "my_ext.MyClass"
nanobind: leaked 1 functions!
 - leaked function "__init__"

nanobind: this is likely caused by a reference counting issue in the binding code.

Reference leaks are the most frequently reported issue in this project—please read this page carefully before opening a bug report.

If you are a user of an extension experiencing this issue (e.g., my_ext in the example above), do not open a nanobind issue. Instead, inform the extension maintainers and direct them to this page.

Why are these warnings generated?

nanobind registers a callback that runs once Python has fully shut down. If any nanobind-created instances, functions, or types still exist at this point, something has gone wrong—they should have been automatically deleted by Python's garbage collector.

As Python objects can reference significant amounts of memory (e.g., large CPU or GPU tensors), an inability to delete them is potentially very bad.

Although leaks aren't always a serious problem, the decision was made to have nanobind complain noisily about their presence to to encourage early detection and resolution. Other binding tools do not report leaks, allowing them to accumulate unnoticed until they cause serious problems.

Disabling leak warnings

Ignorance is bliss. If you prefer to simply not see these messages, you can easily disable them by calling :cpp:func:`nb::set_leak_warnings() <set_leak_warnings>` in your binding code:

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    // ...

Note that is a global flag shared by all nanobind extension libraries in the same ABI domain. When changing global flags, please isolate your extension from others by passing the NB_DOMAIN parameter to the :cmake:command:`nanobind_add_module()` CMake command:

  NB_DOMAIN my_abi_domain

Some projects choose to activate leak warnings for internal builds but disable them for wheels uploaded to PyPI, as they can be confusing to end users.

Reference counting fundamentals

Let's begin with some background material to understand the cause of these warnings.

Each Python object tracks its reference count—the number of places it is used. When this count reaches zero, the object is automatically deallocated.

This mechanism is simple and efficient but it fails in the presence of reference cycles, where objects indirectly references themselves (e.g., A → B → C → A). In this case, the reference count never reaches zero, and reference counting alone does not suffice to free the cycle (even if A, B, and C are not used anywhere else).

In such cases, Python's cyclic garbage collector must step in. The garbage collector periodically sweeps through all Python objects to find and break up any cycles that are not referenced by other objects. To do its job, it must know how objects are connected to each other.

For pure Python code, this works seamlessly. Consider the following snippet:

l = []       # 'l' ref. count = 1
l.append(l)  # 'l' ref. count = 2
del l        # 'l' ref. count = 1

Following the last line, the reference count of l remains 1 due to the self-reference. Python's garbage collector will eventually visit the list and its elements, identify the cycle, and delete it.

Sources of reference leaks

Under-defined types impede Python's ability to detect cycles, which can causes leaks. However, user-defined types alone aren't enough---a specific mixture of ingredients is needed to cause leaks. The following subsections review several troublesome constructions.

Class members

Consider this nanobind extension:

#include <nanobind/nanobind.h>

namespace nb = nanobind;

struct Wrapper { nb::object value; };

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    nb::class_<Wrapper>(m, "Wrapper")
        .def_rw("value", &Wrapper::value);

Now, run the following Python code.

>>> import my_ext
>>> w = my_ext.Wrapper()
>>> w.value = w

This triggers a leak warning:

nanobind: leaked 1 instances!
 - leaked instance 0x104d63728 of type "my_ext.Wrapper"
nanobind: leaked 1 types!
 - leaked type "my_ext.Wrapper"
nanobind: leaked 3 functions!
 - leaked function ""
 - leaked function ""
 - leaked function "__init__"

This resembles the previous example with a self-referential list, except that a user-defined Wrapper type is now used instead.

The first message ("leaked instance") warns that a Python object of type Wrapper was not freed during the Python interpreter shutdown. This instance in turn references other objects, which also become part of the leak:

  • w implicitly references the underlying type object my_ext.Wrapper.
  • my_ext.Wrapper references several methods: __init__, and anonymous setter/getter functions.

The root of the problem here is that Python lacks the ability to peek inside the C++ Wrapper class to examine its connectivity. Therefore, it cannot detect and free the cycle.

The fact that we are storing a nb::object in the C++ instance is irrelevant---the same issue would have occurred when using std::shared_ptr<Wrapper> or an intrusively reference-counted object.

Function objects

Functions are often a source of reference cycles. Let's reuse the earlier example but instead assign a local function g to w.value.

>>> def f():
...     w = my_ext.Wrapper()
...     def g():
...         return w
...     w.value = g
>>> f()

This code behaves very badly: every call to f() will leak an uncollectable cycle.

The local function g() is a function closure. That is to say, besides being a function, it additionally captures variable state, in this case the variable w. This creates an inter-language WrapperfunctionWrapper cycle.

Here is another tricky case: let's move the code back to the top level and create a dummy function that doesn't reference anything.

>>> def f():
...     pass
>>> w = my_ext.Wrapper()
>>> w.value = f

Given that the function is now empty, we may be tempted to assume that this should fix the leak. However, this intuition is incorrect:

nanobind: leaked 1 instances!
 - leaked instance 0x104d63728 of type "my_ext.Wrapper"
nanobind: leaked 1 types!
 - leaked type "my_ext.Wrapper"
nanobind: leaked 3 functions!
 - leaked function ""
 - leaked function ""
 - leaked function "__init__"

The reference cycle consists of:

  • w (Wrapper instance) → f (Python function object).
  • f (Python function object) → globals().
  • globals()w (Wrapper instance).

Functions implicitly depend on the global module namespace, which in turn associates the name w with the instance. Reference leaks involving globals can be especially noisy because they can pull in thousands of other objects that dangle from the uncollectable cycle.

Modifying Wrapper so that it uses an STL function object does not help.

#include <nanobind/stl/functional.h>

struct Wrapper {
    std::function<void()> value;

This produces same cycle, just with more layers of indirection:

  • wstd::function<void()> instance
  • std::function<void()> instance → nanobind function dispatch object
  • nanobind function dispatch object → f.
  • fglobals().
  • globals()w.

It is easy to encounter such cycles when binding C++ classes with callbacks that invoke Python functions. An example would be a button class in a GUI framework that allows the user to assign a button press handler.

Default arguments

Here is another subtle case, where the Wrapper constructor was modified to set a default argument.

struct Wrapper { nb::object value; };

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    nb::class_<Wrapper>(m, "Wrapper")
        .def(nb::init<Wrapper>() = Wrapper());

Now, we don't even need to use the Wrapper type.

import my_ext

Its mere presence produces a leak:

nanobind: leaked 1 instances!
 - leaked instance 0x1035fbb68 of type "my_ext.Wrapper"
nanobind: leaked 1 types!
 - leaked type "my_ext.Wrapper"
nanobind: leaked 1 functions!
 - leaked function "__init__"

The reference cycle here is as follows:

  • my_ext.Wrapper type → my_ext.Wrapper.__init__ function
  • my_ext.Wrapper.__init__ function → my_ext.Wrapper instance (the constructed default argument)
  • my_ext.Wrapper instance → my_ext.Wrapper type (instances implictly reference their type)

Default arguments in general are harmless. However, default arguments that introduce cycles between instance and type objects can cause uncollectable cycles.

Fixing reference leaks

As the above examples hopefully demonstrate, this can be quite the minefield---and these were "easy" cycles with only only a few hops. In practice, leaks can be significantly more complex.

For this reason, it is recommended that you immediately investigate and squash leaks when they occur, especially while things are still under control (i.e., when there is only a single source of leaks). Start by building your extension in debug mode, in which case Dr.Jit will exhaustively print warnings about all leaked instances/type.

Look at the listed types and think about what objects they reference directly or indirectly. C++ code that stores Python functions (i.e., callbacks) is especially suspect, since functions can implicitly depend on globals and other state through theyr closure object. Does a simple import statement suffice to cause leaks? This might implicate default function arguments.

Once you have identified a type binding as likely culprit, you must tell Python how to traverse instances of this type to break cycles. nanobind provides no abstractions for this at the moment. You must drop down to the CPython API level and declare two callbacks (referred to as type slots):

  • tp_traverse: Python's GC will call this function to discover references of user-defined types.
  • tp_clear: Python's GC will call this function to break collectable cycles.

In particular, all types in the cycle must implement the tp_traverse type slot, and at least one of them must implement the tp_clear type slot.

Here is an example of the required code for the prior Wrapper type:

int wrapper_tp_traverse(PyObject *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) {
    // Get the C++ object associated with 'self' (this always succeeds)
    Wrapper *w = nb::inst_ptr<Wrapper>(self);

    // If w->value has an associated Python object, return it.
    // If not, value.ptr() will equal NULL, which is also fine.
    nb::handle value = nb::find(w->value);

    // Inform the Python GC about the instance

    // On Python 3.9+, we must traverse the implicit dependency
    // of an object on its associated type object.
    #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03090000

    return 0;

int wrapper_tp_clear(PyObject *self) {
    // Get the C++ object associated with 'self' (this always succeeds)
    Wrapper *w = nb::inst_ptr<Wrapper>(self);

    // Break the reference cycle!
    w->value = {};

    return 0;

// Table of custom type slots we want to install
PyType_Slot wrapper_slots[] = {
    { Py_tp_traverse, (void *) wrapper_tp_traverse },
    { Py_tp_clear, (void *) wrapper_tp_clear },
    { 0, 0 }

The types visitproc, PyType_Slot, and macro Py_VISIT() are part of the Python C API.

The expression :cpp:func:`nb::inst_ptr\<Wrapper\>(self) <inst_ptr>` efficiently returns the C++ instance associated with a Python object and is explained in the documentation about nanobind's :cpp:ref:`low level interface <lowlevel>`.

Note the use of the :cpp:func:`nb::find() <find>` function, which behaves like :cpp:func:`nb::cast() <cast>` by returning the Python object associated with a C++ instance. The main difference is that :cpp:func:`nb::cast() <cast>` will create the Python object if it doesn't exist, while :cpp:func:`nb::find() <find>` returns a nullptr object in that case. When given a std::function<> instance, :cpp:func:`nb::find() <find>` retrieves the associated Python function object (if present), which means that the wrapper_tp_traverse() works for all of the examples shown in this documentation section.

To activate this machinery, the Wrapper type bindings must be made aware of these extra type slots via :cpp:class:`nb::type_slots <type_slots>`:

nb::class_<Wrapper>(m, "Wrapper", nb::type_slots(slots))

With this change, the cycle can be garbage-collected, and the leak warnings disappear.


When targeting free-threaded Python, it is important that the tp_traverse callback does not hold additional references to the objects being traversed.

A previous version of this documentation page suggested the following

nb::object value = nb::find(w->value);

However, these now have to change to

nb::handle value = nb::find(w->value);

Additional sources of leaks

In most of cases, leaks are caused by cycles, and the text above explains how deal with them. For completeness, let's consider some other possibilities.

  • Reference counting bugs. If you write raw Python C API code or use the nanobind wrappers including functions like Py_[X]INCREF(), Py_[X]DECREF(), :cpp:func:`nb::steal() <steal>`, :cpp:func:`nb::borrow() <borrow>`, :cpp:func:`.dec_ref() <detail::api::dec_ref>`, :cpp:func:`.inc_ref() <detail::api::inc_ref>` , etc., then incorrect use of such calls can cause a reference to leak that prevents the associated object from being deleted.

  • Interactions with other tools that leak references. Python extension libraries---especially huge ones with C library components like PyTorch, Tensorflow, etc., have been observed to leak references to nanobind objects.

    Some of these frameworks cache JIT-compiled functions based on the arguments with which they were called, and such caching schemes could leak references to nanobind types if they aren't cleaned up by the responsible extensions (this is a hypothesis). In this case, the leak would be benign---even so, it should be fixed in the responsible framework so that leak warnings aren't cluttered with flukes and can be more broadly useful.

  • Older Python versions: Very old Python versions (e.g., 3.8) don't do a good job cleaning up global references when the interpreter shuts down. The following code may leak a reference if it is a top-level statement in a Python file or the REPL.

    a = my_ext.MyObject()

    Such a warning is benign and does not indicate an actual leak. It simply highlights a flaws in the interpreter shutdown logic of old Python versions. Wrap your code into a function to address this issue even on such versions:

    def run():
        a = my_ext.MyObject()
        # ...
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Exceptions. Some exceptions such as AttributeError have been observed to hold references, e.g. to the object which lacked the desired attribute. If the last exception raised by the program references a nanobind instance, then this may be reported as a leak since Python finalization appears not to release the exception object. See issue #376 for a discussion.