Thanks for contributing to Hosh!
Please be sure that you read the Code of Conduct before contributing to this project and please create a new Issue and discuss first what your are planning to do for bigger changes.
The overall goal of Hosh is to have a portable, text-based shell for Linux/MacOS/Windows, while showing and testing features of standard JDK like FileSystem, WatchService, NetworkInterface, etc.
In order to achieve that we have a strong focus on maintainability and high test coverage:
formatting is enforced automatically by checkstyle: to keep at minimum discussions about it;
we expect new or modified unit test for every change (written in JUnit5 + Mockito + AssertJ);
we don't expect usage of specific system commands (e.g. /bin/sh, ifconfig, curl);
we like idiomatic Java code without too much magic (i.e. explicit "boring" code).
If you have any question please consider asking in For bug reports or specific code related topics create a new issue in