local redis = { _VERSION = 'luaredis', _DESCRIPTION = 'A Lua client library for the redis key value storage system.', _COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2023', _EDITOR = 'Minh Minh' } -- The following line is used for backwards compatibility in order to keep the `Redis` -- global module name. Using `Redis` is now deprecated so you should explicitly assign -- the module to a local variable when requiring it: `local redis = require('redis')`. Redis = redis local unpack = _G.unpack or table.unpack local network, request, response = {}, {}, {} local defaults = { host = '', port = 6379, tcp_nodelay = true, path = nil, } local function merge_defaults(parameters) if parameters == nil then parameters = {} end for k, v in pairs(defaults) do if parameters[k] == nil then parameters[k] = defaults[k] end end return parameters end local function parse_boolean(v) if v == '1' or v == 'true' or v == 'TRUE' then return true elseif v == '0' or v == 'false' or v == 'FALSE' then return false else return nil end end local function toboolean(value) return value == 1 end local function sort_request(client, command, key, params) --[[ params = { by = 'weight_*', get = 'object_*', limit = { 0, 10 }, sort = 'desc', alpha = true, } ]] local query = { key } if params then if params.by then table.insert(query, 'BY') table.insert(query, params.by) end if type(params.limit) == 'table' then -- TODO: check for lower and upper limits table.insert(query, 'LIMIT') table.insert(query, params.limit[1]) table.insert(query, params.limit[2]) end if params.get then if (type(params.get) == 'table') then for _, getarg in pairs(params.get) do table.insert(query, 'GET') table.insert(query, getarg) end else table.insert(query, 'GET') table.insert(query, params.get) end end if params.sort then table.insert(query, params.sort) end if params.alpha == true then table.insert(query, 'ALPHA') end if params.store then table.insert(query, 'STORE') table.insert(query, params.store) end end request.multibulk(client, command, query) end local function zset_range_request(client, command, ...) local args, opts = {...}, { } if #args >= 1 and type(args[#args]) == 'table' then local options = table.remove(args, #args) if options.withscores then table.insert(opts, 'WITHSCORES') end end for _, v in pairs(opts) do table.insert(args, v) end request.multibulk(client, command, args) end local function zset_range_byscore_request(client, command, ...) local args, opts = {...}, { } if #args >= 1 and type(args[#args]) == 'table' then local options = table.remove(args, #args) if options.limit then table.insert(opts, 'LIMIT') table.insert(opts, options.limit.offset or options.limit[1]) table.insert(opts, options.limit.count or options.limit[2]) end if options.withscores then table.insert(opts, 'WITHSCORES') end end for _, v in pairs(opts) do table.insert(args, v) end request.multibulk(client, command, args) end local function zset_range_reply(reply, command, ...) local args = {...} local opts = args[4] if opts and (opts.withscores or string.lower(tostring(opts)) == 'withscores') then local new_reply = { } for i = 1, #reply, 2 do table.insert(new_reply, { reply[i], reply[i + 1] }) end return new_reply else return reply end end local function zset_store_request(client, command, ...) local args, opts = {...}, { } if #args >= 1 and type(args[#args]) == 'table' then local options = table.remove(args, #args) if options.weights and type(options.weights) == 'table' then table.insert(opts, 'WEIGHTS') for _, weight in ipairs(options.weights) do table.insert(opts, weight) end end if options.aggregate then table.insert(opts, 'AGGREGATE') table.insert(opts, options.aggregate) end end for _, v in pairs(opts) do table.insert(args, v) end request.multibulk(client, command, args) end local function mset_filter_args(client, command, ...) local args, arguments = {...}, {} if (#args == 1 and type(args[1]) == 'table') then for k,v in pairs(args[1]) do table.insert(arguments, k) table.insert(arguments, v) end else arguments = args end request.multibulk(client, command, arguments) end local function hash_multi_request_builder(builder_callback) return function(client, command, ...) local args, arguments = {...}, { } if #args == 2 then table.insert(arguments, args[1]) for k, v in pairs(args[2]) do builder_callback(arguments, k, v) end else arguments = args end request.multibulk(client, command, arguments) end end local function parse_info(response) local info = {} local current = info response:gsub('([^\r\n]*)\r\n', function(kv) if kv == '' then return end local section = kv:match('^# (%w+)$') if section then current = {} info[section:lower()] = current return end local k,v = kv:match(('([^:]*):([^:]*)'):rep(1)) if k:match('db%d+') then current[k] = {} v:gsub(',', function(dbkv) local dbk,dbv = kv:match('([^:]*)=([^:]*)') current[k][dbk] = dbv end) else current[k] = v end end) return info end local function scan_request(client, command, ...) local args, req, params = {...}, { }, nil if command == 'SCAN' then table.insert(req, args[1]) params = args[2] else table.insert(req, args[1]) table.insert(req, args[2]) params = args[3] end if params and params.match then table.insert(req, 'MATCH') table.insert(req, params.match) end if params and params.count then table.insert(req, 'COUNT') table.insert(req, params.count) end request.multibulk(client, command, req) end local zscan_response = function(reply, command, ...) local original, new = reply[2], { } for i = 1, #original, 2 do table.insert(new, { original[i], tonumber(original[i + 1]) }) end reply[2] = new return reply end local hscan_response = function(reply, command, ...) local original, new = reply[2], { } for i = 1, #original, 2 do new[original[i]] = original[i + 1] end reply[2] = new return reply end local function load_methods(proto, commands) local client = setmetatable ({}, getmetatable(proto)) for cmd, fn in pairs(commands) do if type(fn) ~= 'function' then redis.error('invalid type for command ' .. cmd .. '(must be a function)') end client[cmd] = fn end for i, v in pairs(proto) do client[i] = v end return client end local function create_client(proto, client_socket, commands) local client = load_methods(proto, commands) client.error = redis.error client.network = { socket = client_socket, read = network.read, write = network.write, } client.requests = { multibulk = request.multibulk, } return client end -- ############################################################################ function network.write(client, buffer) local _, err = client.network.socket:send(buffer) if err then client.error(err) end end function network.read(client, len) if len == nil then len = '*l' end local line, err = client.network.socket:receive(len) if not err then return line else client.error('connection error: ' .. err) end end -- ############################################################################ function response.read(client) local payload = client.network.read(client) local prefix, data = payload:sub(1, -#payload), payload:sub(2) -- status reply if prefix == '+' then if data == 'OK' then return true elseif data == 'QUEUED' then return { queued = true } else return data end -- error reply elseif prefix == '-' then return client.error('redis error: ' .. data) -- integer reply elseif prefix == ':' then local number = tonumber(data) if not number then if data == 'nil' then return nil end client.error('cannot parse ' .. data .. ' as a numeric response.') end return number -- bulk reply elseif prefix == '$' then local length = tonumber(data) if not length then client.error('cannot parse ' .. length .. ' as data length') end if length == -1 then return nil end local nextchunk = client.network.read(client, length + 2) return nextchunk:sub(1, -3) -- multibulk reply elseif prefix == '*' then local count = tonumber(data) if count == -1 then return nil end local list = {} if count > 0 then local reader = response.read for i = 1, count do list[i] = reader(client) end end return list -- unknown type of reply else return client.error('unknown response prefix: ' .. prefix) end end -- ############################################################################ function request.raw(client, buffer) local bufferType = type(buffer) if bufferType == 'table' then client.network.write(client, table.concat(buffer)) elseif bufferType == 'string' then client.network.write(client, buffer) else client.error('argument error: ' .. bufferType) end end function request.multibulk(client, command, ...) local args = {...} local argsn = #args local buffer = { true, true } if argsn == 1 and type(args[1]) == 'table' then argsn, args = #args[1], args[1] end buffer[1] = '*' .. tostring(argsn + 1) .. "\r\n" buffer[2] = '$' .. #command .. "\r\n" .. command .. "\r\n" local table_insert = table.insert for i = 1, argsn do local s_argument = tostring(args[i] or '') table_insert(buffer, '$' .. #s_argument .. "\r\n" .. s_argument .. "\r\n") end client.network.write(client, table.concat(buffer)) end -- ############################################################################ local function custom(command, send, parse) command = string.upper(command) return function(client, ...) send(client, command, ...) local reply = response.read(client) if type(reply) == 'table' and reply.queued then reply.parser = parse return reply else if parse then return parse(reply, command, ...) end return reply end end end local function command(command, opts) if opts == nil or type(opts) == 'function' then return custom(command, request.multibulk, opts) else return custom(command, opts.request or request.multibulk, opts.response) end end local define_command_impl = function(target, name, opts) local opts = opts or {} target[string.lower(name)] = custom( opts.command or string.upper(name), opts.request or request.multibulk, opts.response or nil ) end local undefine_command_impl = function(target, name) target[string.lower(name)] = nil end -- ############################################################################ local client_prototype = {} client_prototype.raw_cmd = function(client, buffer) request.raw(client, buffer .. "\r\n") return response.read(client) end -- obsolete client_prototype.define_command = function(client, name, opts) define_command_impl(client, name, opts) end -- obsolete client_prototype.undefine_command = function(client, name) undefine_command_impl(client, name) end client_prototype.quit = function(client) request.multibulk(client, 'QUIT') client.network.socket:shutdown() return true end client_prototype.shutdown = function(client) request.multibulk(client, 'SHUTDOWN') client.network.socket:shutdown() end -- Command pipelining client_prototype.pipeline = function(client, block) local requests, replies, parsers = {}, {}, {} local table_insert = table.insert local socket_write, socket_read = client.network.write, client.network.read client.network.write = function(_, buffer) table_insert(requests, buffer) end -- TODO: this hack is necessary to temporarily reuse the current -- request -> response handling implementation of luaredis -- without further changes in the code, but it will surely -- disappear when the new command-definition infrastructure -- will finally be in place. client.network.read = function() return '+QUEUED' end local pipeline = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(env, name) local cmd = client[name] if not cmd then client.error('unknown redis command: ' .. name, 2) end return function(self, ...) local reply = cmd(client, ...) parsers[#requests] = reply.parser -- table_insert(parsers, #requests, reply.parser) return reply end end }) local success, retval = pcall(block, pipeline) client.network.write, client.network.read = socket_write, socket_read if not success then client.error(retval, 0) end client.network.write(client, table.concat(requests, '')) for i = 1, #requests do local reply, parser = response.read(client), parsers[i] if parser then reply = parser(reply) end table_insert(replies, i, reply) end return replies, #requests end -- Publish/Subscribe do local channels = function(channels) if type(channels) == 'string' then channels = { channels } end return channels end local subscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'subscribe', ...) end local psubscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'psubscribe', ...) end local unsubscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'unsubscribe') end local punsubscribe = function(client, ...) request.multibulk(client, 'punsubscribe') end local consumer_loop = function(client) local aborting, subscriptions = false, 0 local abort = function() if not aborting then unsubscribe(client) punsubscribe(client) aborting = true end end return coroutine.wrap(function() while true do local message local response = response.read(client) if response[1] == 'pmessage' then message = { kind = response[1], pattern = response[2], channel = response[3], payload = response[4], } else message = { kind = response[1], channel = response[2], payload = response[3], } end if string.match(message.kind, '^p?subscribe$') then subscriptions = subscriptions + 1 end if string.match(message.kind, '^p?unsubscribe$') then subscriptions = subscriptions - 1 end if aborting and subscriptions == 0 then break end coroutine.yield(message, abort) end end) end client_prototype.pubsub = function(client, subscriptions) if type(subscriptions) == 'table' then if subscriptions.subscribe then subscribe(client, channels(subscriptions.subscribe)) end if subscriptions.psubscribe then psubscribe(client, channels(subscriptions.psubscribe)) end end return consumer_loop(client) end end -- Redis transactions (MULTI/EXEC) do local function identity(...) return ... end local emptytable = {} local function initialize_transaction(client, options, block, queued_parsers) local table_insert = table.insert local coro = coroutine.create(block) if options.watch then local watch_keys = {} for _, key in pairs(options.watch) do table_insert(watch_keys, key) end if #watch_keys > 0 then client:watch(unpack(watch_keys)) end end local transaction_client = setmetatable({}, {__index=client}) transaction_client.exec = function(...) client.error('cannot use EXEC inside a transaction block') end transaction_client.multi = function(...) coroutine.yield() end transaction_client.commands_queued = function() return #queued_parsers end assert(coroutine.resume(coro, transaction_client)) transaction_client.multi = nil transaction_client.discard = function(...) local reply = client:discard() for i, v in pairs(queued_parsers) do queued_parsers[i]=nil end coro = initialize_transaction(client, options, block, queued_parsers) return reply end transaction_client.watch = function(...) client.error('WATCH inside MULTI is not allowed') end setmetatable(transaction_client, { __index = function(t, k) local cmd = client[k] if type(cmd) == "function" then local function queuey(self, ...) local reply = cmd(client, ...) assert((reply or emptytable).queued == true, 'a QUEUED reply was expected') table_insert(queued_parsers, reply.parser or identity) return reply end t[k]=queuey return queuey else return cmd end end }) client:multi() return coro end local function transaction(client, options, coroutine_block, attempts) local queued_parsers, replies = {}, {} local retry = tonumber(attempts) or tonumber(options.retry) or 2 local coro = initialize_transaction(client, options, coroutine_block, queued_parsers) local success, retval if coroutine.status(coro) == 'suspended' then success, retval = coroutine.resume(coro) else -- do not fail if the coroutine has not been resumed (missing t:multi() with CAS) success, retval = true, 'empty transaction' end if #queued_parsers == 0 or not success then client:discard() assert(success, retval) return replies, 0 end local raw_replies = client:exec() if not raw_replies then if (retry or 0) <= 0 then client.error("MULTI/EXEC transaction aborted by the server") else --we're not quite done yet return transaction(client, options, coroutine_block, retry - 1) end end local table_insert = table.insert for i, parser in pairs(queued_parsers) do table_insert(replies, i, parser(raw_replies[i])) end return replies, #queued_parsers end client_prototype.transaction = function(client, arg1, arg2) local options, block if not arg2 then options, block = {}, arg1 elseif arg1 then --and arg2, implicitly options, block = type(arg1)=="table" and arg1 or { arg1 }, arg2 else client.error("Invalid parameters for redis transaction.") end if not options.watch then local watch_keys = { } for i, v in pairs(options) do if tonumber(i) then table.insert(watch_keys, v) options[i] = nil end end options.watch = watch_keys elseif not (type(options.watch) == 'table') then options.watch = { options.watch } end if not options.cas then local tx_block = block block = function(client, ...) client:multi() return tx_block(client, ...) --can't wrap this in pcall because we're in a coroutine. end end return transaction(client, options, block) end end -- MONITOR context do local monitor_loop = function(client) local monitoring = true -- Tricky since the payload format changed starting from Redis 2.6. local pattern = '^(%d+%.%d+)( ?.- ?) ?"(%a+)" ?(.-)$' local abort = function() monitoring = false end return coroutine.wrap(function() client:monitor() while monitoring do local message, matched local response = response.read(client) local ok = response:gsub(pattern, function(time, info, cmd, args) message = { timestamp = tonumber(time), client = info:match('%d+.%d+.%d+.%d+:%d+'), database = tonumber(info:match('%d+')) or 0, command = cmd, arguments = args:match('.+'), } matched = true end) if not matched then client.error('Unable to match MONITOR payload: '..response) end coroutine.yield(message, abort) end end) end client_prototype.monitor_messages = function(client) return monitor_loop(client) end end -- ############################################################################ local function connect_tcp(socket, parameters) local host, port = parameters.host, tonumber(parameters.port) if parameters.timeout then socket:settimeout(parameters.timeout, 't') end local ok, err = socket:connect(host, port) if not ok then redis.error('could not connect to '..host..':'..port..' ['..err..']') end socket:setoption('tcp-nodelay', parameters.tcp_nodelay) if parameters.tls then local ssl_ok, ssl = pcall(require, "ssl") if not ssl_ok then redis.error("SSL/TLS support requires the LuaSec library") end -- Configure SSL parameters local ssl_params = { mode = "client", protocol = "tlsv1_2", verify = parameters.verify, options = "all", cafile = parameters.cafile } -- Wrap the socket with SSL local secure_sock, err = ssl.wrap(socket, ssl_params) if not secure_sock then redis.error("Failed to wrap socket with SSL: " .. err) end secure_sock:settimeout(parameters.timeout) -- Perform SSL handshake local success, err = secure_sock:dohandshake() if not success then redis.error("SSL handshake failed: " .. err) end socket = secure_sock end return socket end local function connect_unix(socket, parameters) local ok, err = socket:connect(parameters.path) if not ok then redis.error('could not connect to '..parameters.path..' ['..err..']') end return socket end local function create_connection(parameters) if parameters.socket then return parameters.socket end local perform_connection, socket if parameters.scheme == 'unix' then perform_connection, socket = connect_unix, require('socket.unix') assert(socket, 'your build of LuaSocket does not support UNIX domain sockets') elseif parameters.scheme == 'tcp6' then perform_connection, socket = connect_unix, require('socket').tcp6 assert(socket, 'your build of LuaSocket does not support IPv6 domain sockets') else if parameters.scheme then local scheme = parameters.scheme assert(scheme == 'redis' or scheme == 'tcp' or scheme == 'tcp6', 'invalid scheme: '..scheme) end local isaddr = require('socket').dns.getaddrinfo(parameters.host) if isaddr and isaddr[1].family == 'inet6' then perform_connection, socket = connect_tcp, require('socket').tcp6 else perform_connection, socket = connect_tcp, require('socket').tcp end end return perform_connection(socket(), parameters) end -- ############################################################################ function redis.error(message, level) error(message, (level or 1) + 1) end function redis.connect(...) local args, parameters = {...}, nil if #args == 1 then if type(args[1]) == 'table' then parameters = args[1] else local uri = require('socket.url') parameters = uri.parse(select(1, ...)) if parameters.scheme then if parameters.scheme == 'rediss' then parameters.tls = true -- Enable TLS if using 'rediss' else parameters.tls = false end if parameters.query then for k, v in parameters.query:gmatch('([-_%w]+)=([-_%w]+)') do if k == 'tcp_nodelay' or k == 'tcp-nodelay' then parameters.tcp_nodelay = parse_boolean(v) elseif k == 'timeout' then parameters.timeout = tonumber(v) end end end else parameters.host = parameters.path end end elseif #args > 1 then local host, port, timeout, tls, verify, cafile = unpack(args) tls = tls or false -- Default TLS to false verify = verify or 'none' -- Default verification to 'none' cafile = cafile or nil -- Default cafile to an empty string parameters = { host = host, port = port, timeout = tonumber(timeout), tls = tls, verify = verify, cafile = cafile } -- verify is 'peer', TLS must be enabled if parameters.verify == 'peer' and not parameters.tls then redis.error("TLS must be enabled when 'verify' is set to 'peer'") end -- verify is 'peer', a certificate file (cafile) must be provided if parameters.verify == 'peer' and (parameters.cafile == nil or parameters.cafile == '') then redis.error("A CA certificate file (cafile) must be provided when 'verify' is set to 'peer'") end -- If a CA certificate file (cafile) is provided, TLS must be enabled and verify must be 'peer' if parameters.cafile ~= nil then if not parameters.tls then redis.error("TLS must be enabled when a CA certificate file (cafile) is provided") end if parameters.verify ~= 'peer' then redis.error("Certificate verification ('verify') must be set to 'peer' when a CA certificate file (cafile) is provided") end end end local commands = redis.commands or {} if type(commands) ~= 'table' then redis.error('invalid type for the commands table') end local socket = create_connection(merge_defaults(parameters)) local client = create_client(client_prototype, socket, commands) return client end function redis.command(cmd, opts) return command(cmd, opts) end -- obsolete function redis.define_command(name, opts) define_command_impl(redis.commands, name, opts) end -- obsolete function redis.undefine_command(name) undefine_command_impl(redis.commands, name) end -- ############################################################################ -- Commands defined in this table do not take the precedence over -- methods defined in the client prototype table. redis.commands = { -- commands operating on the key space exists = command('EXISTS', { response = toboolean }), del = command('DEL'), type = command('TYPE'), rename = command('RENAME'), renamenx = command('RENAMENX', { response = toboolean }), expire = command('EXPIRE', { response = toboolean }), pexpire = command('PEXPIRE', { -- >= 2.6 response = toboolean }), expireat = command('EXPIREAT', { response = toboolean }), pexpireat = command('PEXPIREAT', { -- >= 2.6 response = toboolean }), ttl = command('TTL'), pttl = command('PTTL'), -- >= 2.6 move = command('MOVE', { response = toboolean }), dbsize = command('DBSIZE'), persist = command('PERSIST', { -- >= 2.2 response = toboolean }), keys = command('KEYS', { response = function(response) if type(response) == 'string' then -- backwards compatibility path for Redis < 2.0 local keys = {} response:gsub('[^%s]+', function(key) table.insert(keys, key) end) response = keys end return response end }), randomkey = command('RANDOMKEY'), sort = command('SORT', { request = sort_request, }), scan = command('SCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, }), -- commands operating on string values set = command('SET'), setnx = command('SETNX', { response = toboolean }), setex = command('SETEX'), -- >= 2.0 psetex = command('PSETEX'), -- >= 2.6 mset = command('MSET', { request = mset_filter_args }), msetnx = command('MSETNX', { request = mset_filter_args, response = toboolean }), get = command('GET'), mget = command('MGET'), getset = command('GETSET'), incr = command('INCR'), incrby = command('INCRBY'), incrbyfloat = command('INCRBYFLOAT', { -- >= 2.6 response = function(reply, command, ...) return tonumber(reply) end, }), decr = command('DECR'), decrby = command('DECRBY'), append = command('APPEND'), -- >= 2.0 substr = command('SUBSTR'), -- >= 2.0 strlen = command('STRLEN'), -- >= 2.2 setrange = command('SETRANGE'), -- >= 2.2 getrange = command('GETRANGE'), -- >= 2.2 setbit = command('SETBIT'), -- >= 2.2 getbit = command('GETBIT'), -- >= 2.2 bitop = command('BITOP'), -- >= 2.6 bitcount = command('BITCOUNT'), -- >= 2.6 -- commands operating on lists rpush = command('RPUSH'), lpush = command('LPUSH'), llen = command('LLEN'), lrange = command('LRANGE'), ltrim = command('LTRIM'), lindex = command('LINDEX'), lset = command('LSET'), lrem = command('LREM'), lpop = command('LPOP'), rpop = command('RPOP'), rpoplpush = command('RPOPLPUSH'), blpop = command('BLPOP'), -- >= 2.0 brpop = command('BRPOP'), -- >= 2.0 rpushx = command('RPUSHX'), -- >= 2.2 lpushx = command('LPUSHX'), -- >= 2.2 linsert = command('LINSERT'), -- >= 2.2 brpoplpush = command('BRPOPLPUSH'), -- >= 2.2 -- commands operating on sets sadd = command('SADD'), srem = command('SREM'), spop = command('SPOP'), smove = command('SMOVE', { response = toboolean }), scard = command('SCARD'), sismember = command('SISMEMBER', { response = toboolean }), sinter = command('SINTER'), sinterstore = command('SINTERSTORE'), sunion = command('SUNION'), sunionstore = command('SUNIONSTORE'), sdiff = command('SDIFF'), sdiffstore = command('SDIFFSTORE'), smembers = command('SMEMBERS'), srandmember = command('SRANDMEMBER'), sscan = command('SSCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, }), -- commands operating on sorted sets zadd = command('ZADD'), zincrby = command('ZINCRBY', { response = function(reply, command, ...) return tonumber(reply) end, }), zrem = command('ZREM'), zrange = command('ZRANGE', { request = zset_range_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zrevrange = command('ZREVRANGE', { request = zset_range_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zrangebyscore = command('ZRANGEBYSCORE', { request = zset_range_byscore_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zrevrangebyscore = command('ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', { -- >= 2.2 request = zset_range_byscore_request, response = zset_range_reply, }), zunionstore = command('ZUNIONSTORE', { -- >= 2.0 request = zset_store_request }), zinterstore = command('ZINTERSTORE', { -- >= 2.0 request = zset_store_request }), zcount = command('ZCOUNT'), zcard = command('ZCARD'), zscore = command('ZSCORE'), zremrangebyscore = command('ZREMRANGEBYSCORE'), zrank = command('ZRANK'), -- >= 2.0 zrevrank = command('ZREVRANK'), -- >= 2.0 zremrangebyrank = command('ZREMRANGEBYRANK'), -- >= 2.0 zscan = command('ZSCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, response = zscan_response, }), -- commands operating on hashes hset = command('HSET', { -- >= 2.0 response = toboolean }), hsetnx = command('HSETNX', { -- >= 2.0 response = toboolean }), hmset = command('HMSET', { -- >= 2.0 request = hash_multi_request_builder(function(args, k, v) table.insert(args, k) table.insert(args, v) end), }), hincrby = command('HINCRBY'), -- >= 2.0 hincrbyfloat = command('HINCRBYFLOAT', {-- >= 2.6 response = function(reply, command, ...) return tonumber(reply) end, }), hget = command('HGET'), -- >= 2.0 hmget = command('HMGET', { -- >= 2.0 request = hash_multi_request_builder(function(args, k, v) table.insert(args, v) end), }), hdel = command('HDEL'), -- >= 2.0 hexists = command('HEXISTS', { -- >= 2.0 response = toboolean }), hlen = command('HLEN'), -- >= 2.0 hkeys = command('HKEYS'), -- >= 2.0 hvals = command('HVALS'), -- >= 2.0 hgetall = command('HGETALL', { -- >= 2.0 response = function(reply, command, ...) local new_reply = { } for i = 1, #reply, 2 do new_reply[reply[i]] = reply[i + 1] end return new_reply end }), hscan = command('HSCAN', { -- >= 2.8 request = scan_request, response = hscan_response, }), -- connection related commands ping = command('PING', { response = function(response) return response == 'PONG' end }), echo = command('ECHO'), auth = command('AUTH'), select = command('SELECT'), -- transactions multi = command('MULTI'), -- >= 2.0 exec = command('EXEC'), -- >= 2.0 discard = command('DISCARD'), -- >= 2.0 watch = command('WATCH'), -- >= 2.2 unwatch = command('UNWATCH'), -- >= 2.2 -- publish - subscribe subscribe = command('SUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 unsubscribe = command('UNSUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 psubscribe = command('PSUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 punsubscribe = command('PUNSUBSCRIBE'), -- >= 2.0 publish = command('PUBLISH'), -- >= 2.0 -- redis scripting eval = command('EVAL'), -- >= 2.6 evalsha = command('EVALSHA'), -- >= 2.6 script = command('SCRIPT'), -- >= 2.6 -- remote server control commands bgrewriteaof = command('BGREWRITEAOF'), config = command('CONFIG', { -- >= 2.0 response = function(reply, command, ...) if (type(reply) == 'table') then local new_reply = { } for i = 1, #reply, 2 do new_reply[reply[i]] = reply[i + 1] end return new_reply end return reply end }), client = command('CLIENT'), -- >= 2.4 slaveof = command('SLAVEOF'), save = command('SAVE'), bgsave = command('BGSAVE'), lastsave = command('LASTSAVE'), flushdb = command('FLUSHDB'), flushall = command('FLUSHALL'), monitor = command('MONITOR'), time = command('TIME'), -- >= 2.6 slowlog = command('SLOWLOG', { -- >= 2.2.13 response = function(reply, command, ...) if (type(reply) == 'table') then local structured = { } for index, entry in ipairs(reply) do structured[index] = { id = tonumber(entry[1]), timestamp = tonumber(entry[2]), duration = tonumber(entry[3]), command = entry[4], } end return structured end return reply end }), info = command('INFO', { response = parse_info, }), } -- ############################################################################ return redis