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132 lines (127 loc) · 14.6 KB
Usage: webpack serve|server|s [entries...] [options]

Run the webpack dev server.

  -c, --config <value...>                   Provide path to a webpack configuration file e.g. ./webpack.config.js.
  --config-name <value...>                  Name of the configuration to use.
  -m, --merge                               Merge two or more configurations using 'webpack-merge'.
  --env <value...>                          Environment passed to the configuration when it is a function.
  --node-env <value>                        Sets process.env.NODE_ENV to the specified value.
  --progress [value]                        Print compilation progress during build.
  -j, --json [value]                        Prints result as JSON or store it in a file.
  --entry <value...>                        The entry point(s) of your application e.g. ./src/main.js.
  -o, --output-path <value>                 Output location of the file generated by webpack e.g. ./dist/.
  -t, --target <value>                      Sets the build target e.g. node.
  -d, --devtool <value>                     Determine source maps to use.
  --no-devtool                              Do not generate source maps.
  --mode <value>                            Defines the mode to pass to webpack.
  --name <value>                            Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.
  --stats [value]                           It instructs webpack on how to treat the stats e.g. verbose.
  --no-stats                                Disable stats output.
  --watch-options-stdin                     Stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
  --no-watch-options-stdin                  Do not stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
  --allowed-hosts <value...>                Allows to enumerate the hosts from which access to the dev server are allowed (useful when you are proxying dev server, by default is 'auto').
  --allowed-hosts-reset                     Clear all items provided in 'allowedHosts' configuration. Allows to enumerate the hosts from which access to the dev server are allowed (useful when you are proxying dev server, by default is 'auto').
  --bonjour                                 Allows to broadcasts dev server via ZeroConf networking on start.
  --no-bonjour                              Disallows to broadcasts dev server via ZeroConf networking on start.
  --no-client                               Negative 'client' option.
  --client-logging <value>                  Allows to set log level in the browser.
  --client-overlay                          Enables a full-screen overlay in the browser when there are compiler errors or warnings.
  --no-client-overlay                       Disables a full-screen overlay in the browser when there are compiler errors or warnings.
  --client-overlay-errors                   Enables a full-screen overlay in the browser when there are compiler errors.
  --no-client-overlay-errors                Negative 'client-overlay-errors' option.
  --client-overlay-warnings                 Enables a full-screen overlay in the browser when there are compiler warnings.
  --no-client-overlay-warnings              Negative 'client-overlay-warnings' option.
  --client-progress                         Prints compilation progress in percentage in the browser.
  --no-client-progress                      Does not print compilation progress in percentage in the browser.
  --client-reconnect [value]                Tells dev-server the number of times it should try to reconnect the client.
  --no-client-reconnect                     Tells dev-server to not to try to connect the client.
  --client-web-socket-transport <value>     Allows to set custom web socket transport to communicate with dev server.
  --client-web-socket-url <value>           Allows to specify URL to web socket server (useful when you're proxying dev server and client script does not always know where to connect to).
  --client-web-socket-url-hostname <value>  Tells clients connected to devServer to use the provided hostname.
  --client-web-socket-url-password <value>  Tells clients connected to devServer to use the provided password to authenticate.
  --client-web-socket-url-pathname <value>  Tells clients connected to devServer to use the provided path to connect.
  --client-web-socket-url-port <value>      Tells clients connected to devServer to use the provided port.
  --client-web-socket-url-protocol <value>  Tells clients connected to devServer to use the provided protocol.
  --client-web-socket-url-username <value>  Tells clients connected to devServer to use the provided username to authenticate.
  --compress                                Enables gzip compression for everything served.
  --no-compress                             Disables gzip compression for everything served.
  --history-api-fallback                    Allows to proxy requests through a specified index page (by default 'index.html'), useful for Single Page Applications that utilise the HTML5 History API.
  --no-history-api-fallback                 Negative 'history-api-fallback' option.
  --host <value>                            Allows to specify a hostname to use.
  --hot [value]                             Enables Hot Module Replacement.
  --no-hot                                  Disables Hot Module Replacement.
  --http2                                   Allows to serve over HTTP/2 using SPDY. Deprecated, use the `server` option.
  --no-http2                                Does not serve over HTTP/2 using SPDY.
  --https                                   Allows to configure the server's listening socket for TLS (by default, dev server will be served over HTTP). Deprecated, use the `server` option.
  --no-https                                Disallows to configure the server's listening socket for TLS (by default, dev server will be served over HTTP).
  --https-ca <value...>                     Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate. Deprecated, use the `` option.
  --https-ca-reset                          Clear all items provided in '' configuration. Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate. Deprecated, use the `` option.
  --https-cacert <value...>                 Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate. Deprecated, use the `` option.
  --https-cacert-reset                      Clear all items provided in 'https.cacert' configuration. Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate. Deprecated, use the `` option.
  --https-cert <value...>                   Path to an SSL certificate or content of an SSL certificate. Deprecated, use the `server.options.cert` option.
  --https-cert-reset                        Clear all items provided in 'https.cert' configuration. Path to an SSL certificate or content of an SSL certificate. Deprecated, use the `server.options.cert` option.
  --https-crl <value...>                    Path to PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) or content of PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists). Deprecated, use the `server.options.crl` option.
  --https-crl-reset                         Clear all items provided in 'https.crl' configuration. Path to PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) or content of PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists). Deprecated, use the `server.options.crl` option.
  --https-key <value...>                    Path to an SSL key or content of an SSL key. Deprecated, use the `server.options.key` option.
  --https-key-reset                         Clear all items provided in 'https.key' configuration. Path to an SSL key or content of an SSL key. Deprecated, use the `server.options.key` option.
  --https-passphrase <value>                Passphrase for a pfx file. Deprecated, use the `server.options.passphrase` option.
  --https-pfx <value...>                    Path to an SSL pfx file or content of an SSL pfx file. Deprecated, use the `server.options.pfx` option.
  --https-pfx-reset                         Clear all items provided in 'https.pfx' configuration. Path to an SSL pfx file or content of an SSL pfx file. Deprecated, use the `server.options.pfx` option.
  --https-request-cert                      Request for an SSL certificate. Deprecated, use the `server.options.requestCert` option.
  --no-https-request-cert                   Does not request for an SSL certificate.
  --ipc [value]                             Listen to a unix socket.
  --live-reload                             Enables reload/refresh the page(s) when file changes are detected (enabled by default).
  --no-live-reload                          Disables reload/refresh the page(s) when file changes are detected (enabled by default)
  --magic-html                              Tells dev-server whether to enable magic HTML routes (routes corresponding to your webpack output, for example '/main' for 'main.js').
  --no-magic-html                           Disables magic HTML routes (routes corresponding to your webpack output, for example '/main' for 'main.js').
  --open [value...]                         Allows to configure dev server to open the browser(s) and page(s) after server had been started (set it to true to open your default browser).
  --no-open                                 Does not open the default browser.
  --open-app <value...>                     Open specified browser. Deprecated: please use '--open-app-name'.
  --open-app-name <value...>                Open specified browser.
  --open-app-name-reset                     Clear all items provided in '' configuration. Open specified browser.
  --open-reset                              Clear all items provided in 'open' configuration. Allows to configure dev server to open the browser(s) and page(s) after server had been started (set it to true to open your default browser).
  --open-target <value...>                  Opens specified page in browser.
  --open-target-reset                       Clear all items provided in '' configuration. Opens specified page in browser.
  --port <value>                            Allows to specify a port to use.
  --server-options-ca <value...>            Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate.
  --server-options-ca-reset                 Clear all items provided in '' configuration. Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate.
  --server-options-cacert <value...>        Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate. Deprecated, use the `` option.
  --server-options-cacert-reset             Clear all items provided in 'server.options.cacert' configuration. Path to an SSL CA certificate or content of an SSL CA certificate. Deprecated, use the `` option.
  --server-options-cert <value...>          Path to an SSL certificate or content of an SSL certificate.
  --server-options-cert-reset               Clear all items provided in 'server.options.cert' configuration. Path to an SSL certificate or content of an SSL certificate.
  --server-options-crl <value...>           Path to PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) or content of PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists).
  --server-options-crl-reset                Clear all items provided in 'server.options.crl' configuration. Path to PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) or content of PEM formatted CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists).
  --server-options-key <value...>           Path to an SSL key or content of an SSL key.
  --server-options-key-reset                Clear all items provided in 'server.options.key' configuration. Path to an SSL key or content of an SSL key.
  --server-options-passphrase <value>       Passphrase for a pfx file.
  --server-options-pfx <value...>           Path to an SSL pfx file or content of an SSL pfx file.
  --server-options-pfx-reset                Clear all items provided in 'server.options.pfx' configuration. Path to an SSL pfx file or content of an SSL pfx file.
  --server-options-request-cert             Request for an SSL certificate.
  --no-server-options-request-cert          Negative 'server-options-request-cert' option.
  --server-type <value>                     Allows to set server and options (by default 'http').
  --static [value...]                       Allows to configure options for serving static files from directory (by default 'public' directory).
  --no-static                               Negative 'static' option.
  --static-directory <value...>             Directory for static contents.
  --static-public-path <value...>           The static files will be available in the browser under this public path.
  --static-public-path-reset                Clear all items provided in 'static.publicPath' configuration. The static files will be available in the browser under this public path.
  --static-reset                            Clear all items provided in 'static' configuration. Allows to configure options for serving static files from directory (by default 'public' directory).
  --static-serve-index                      Tells dev server to use serveIndex middleware when enabled.
  --no-static-serve-index                   Does not tell dev server to use serveIndex middleware.
  --static-watch                            Watches for files in static content directory.
  --no-static-watch                         Does not watch for files in static content directory.
  --watch-files <value...>                  Allows to configure list of globs/directories/files to watch for file changes.
  --watch-files-reset                       Clear all items provided in 'watchFiles' configuration. Allows to configure list of globs/directories/files to watch for file changes.
  --web-socket-server <value>               Deprecated: please use '--web-socket-server-type' option. Allows to set web socket server and options (by default 'ws').
  --no-web-socket-server                    Negative 'web-socket-server' option.
  --web-socket-server-type <value>          Allows to set web socket server and options (by default 'ws').

Global options:
  --color                                   Enable colors on console.
  --no-color                                Disable colors on console.
  -v, --version                             Output the version number of 'webpack', 'webpack-cli' and 'webpack-dev-server' and commands.
  -h, --help [verbose]                      Display help for commands and options.

To see list of all supported commands and options run 'webpack --help=verbose'.

Webpack documentation:
CLI documentation:
Made with ♥ by the webpack team.