Name | Type | Description | Notes |
host | String | Hostname or IP address of the server where to migrate data from | |
port | i64 | Port number of the server where to migrate data from | |
password | Option<String> | Password for authentication with the server where to migrate data from | [optional] |
ssl | Option<bool> | The server where to migrate data from is secured with SSL | [optional] |
username | Option<String> | User name for authentication with the server where to migrate data from | [optional] |
dbname | Option<String> | Database name for bootstrapping the initial connection | [optional] |
ignore_dbs | Option<String> | Comma-separated list of databases, which should be ignored during migration (supported by MySQL only at the moment) | [optional] |
method | Option<models::EnumMigrationMethod> | [optional] |