Name | Type | Description | Notes |
description | Option<String> | DbaaS service description | [optional] |
updated_at | Option<String> | Service last update timestamp (ISO 8601) | [optional] |
node_count | Option<i64> | Number of service nodes in the active plan | [optional] |
connection_info | Option<models::DbaasServiceGrafanaConnectionInfo> | [optional] | |
node_cpu_count | Option<i64> | Number of CPUs for each node | [optional] |
integrations | Option<Vecmodels::DbaasIntegration> | Service integrations | [optional] |
zone | Option<String> | The zone where the service is running | [optional] |
node_states | Option<Vecmodels::DbaasNodeState> | State of individual service nodes | [optional] |
name | String | ||
r#type | String | ||
state | Option<models::EnumServiceState> | [optional] | |
grafana_settings | Option<models::JsonSchemaGrafana> | [optional] | |
ip_filter | Option<Vec> | Allowed CIDR address blocks for incoming connections | [optional] |
backups | Option<Vecmodels::DbaasServiceBackup> | List of backups for the service | [optional] |
termination_protection | Option<bool> | Service is protected against termination and powering off | [optional] |
notifications | Option<Vecmodels::DbaasServiceNotification> | Service notifications | [optional] |
components | Option<Vecmodels::DbaasServiceMysqlComponentsInner> | Service component information objects | [optional] |
maintenance | Option<models::DbaasServiceMaintenance> | [optional] | |
disk_size | Option<i64> | TODO UNIT disk space for data storage | [optional] |
node_memory | Option<i64> | TODO UNIT of memory for each node | [optional] |
uri | Option<String> | URI for connecting to the service (may be absent) | [optional] |
uri_params | Option<serde_json::Value> | service_uri parameterized into key-value pairs | [optional] |
version | Option<String> | Grafana version | [optional] |
created_at | Option<String> | Service creation timestamp (ISO 8601) | [optional] |
plan | String | Subscription plan | |
users | Option<Vecmodels::DbaasServiceGrafanaUsersInner> | List of service users | [optional] |