Name | Type | Description | Notes |
anti_affinity_groups | Option<Vecmodels::AntiAffinityGroup> | Nodepool Anti-affinity Groups | [optional] |
description | Option<String> | Nodepool description | [optional] |
public_ip_assignment | Option<String> | Configures public IP assignment of the Instances with: * IPv4 (inet4 ) addressing only (default); * both IPv4 and IPv6 (dual ) addressing. |
[optional] |
labels | Option<std::collections::HashMap<String, String>> | [optional] | |
taints | Option<std::collections::HashMap<String, models::SksNodepoolTaint>> | [optional] | |
security_groups | Option<Vecmodels::SecurityGroup> | Nodepool Security Groups | [optional] |
name | String | Nodepool name, lowercase only | |
instance_type | models::InstanceType | ||
private_networks | Option<Vecmodels::PrivateNetwork> | Nodepool Private Networks | [optional] |
size | i64 | Number of instances | |
kubelet_image_gc | Option<models::KubeletImageGc> | [optional] | |
instance_prefix | Option<String> | Prefix to apply to instances names (default: pool), lowercase only | [optional] |
deploy_target | Option<models::DeployTarget> | [optional] | |
addons | Option<Vec> | Nodepool addons | [optional] |
disk_size | i64 | Nodepool instances disk size in GiB |