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File metadata and controls

393 lines (264 loc) · 13.9 KB



4.3.1 - 07/24/2024

  • zadara tasks aren't shown/executed if zadara api config not present

4.3.0 - 06/12/2024

Changes for Opencast 15:

  • remove activemq

4.2.0 - 05/02/2024

  • set a consistent DeletionPolicy for RDS resources based on stack type (dev, stage, or prod)
  • properly delete vpc peering route table entries

4.1.0 - 01/22/2024

  • add creation of cold-archive bucket

4.0.0 - 08/21/2023

Updates related to moving to RHEL7, including:

  • update to v3 of ruby aws sdk
  • updated instance OS specifier when creating opsworks stack
  • Wait for VPC peering connection to exist before tagging
  • toggle the distribution bucket's public policy block during creation
  • add missing && in the ami building instance prep commands
  • separate deletion of peering connection routes no longer necessary

Additional miscellaneous updates

  • update nginx proxy recipe used for admin setup
  • add 'utf8mb4' character set properties to RDS parameter group in CFn template

3.3.0 - 05/25/2023

  • Cloudformation templates and Cluster::RDS methods for handling the migration from Aurora MySQL 5.6 -> 5.7

3.2.0 - 05/26/2022

  • DEPLOY-77: consolidate prebuilt opencast cookbook and software builds

3.1.0 - 04/28/2022

  • DEPLOY-76: Support cluster configuration for prebuilt opencast deployments

3.0.1 - 03/16/2022

  • DEPLOY-68: clean up vpc peering route table entries on cluster deletion

3.0.0 - 01/10/2022

  • DEPLOY-20: Transition to AWS Linux 2018.03 Backwards compatible with existing clusters. Be sure to use ruby > v2.3.0. You will need to run gem update bundler and ./bin/setup after updating Includes:
    • update to bundler 2 & lots of gem updates
    • reworking the ami builder script
    • added stack:id task; outputs the opsworks stack id which is used by the ami builder script
    • using builtin opsworks cloudwatch log groups and removing all references to the previous cwlogs agent install recipe
    • remove references to newrelic
    • removing ubuntu-specific and obsolete recipes from setup lists
    • tweaks to stack deletion process
    • use ebs-optimized instances; idk why this was ever default false
    • modified stack:instances:start process to Only start specifically named layers, allowing us to "hide" instances in custom layers so they don't get automatically started

2.6.2 - 11/22/2021

  • DEPLOY-54: don't hibernate zadara if the vpsa is shared and another cluster using it is online

2.6.1 - 07/20/2021

  • deletion process needs to unset deletion protection from the rds cluster
  • MI-187: additional Vagrant file fix

2.6.0 - 05/07/2020

  • OPC-528: update tagging to match HUIT schema
  • MI-187: get local opsworks vagrant environment working again + update to base box

2.5.3 - 04/22/2020

  • Couple of gem version updates (thanks, dependabot!)

2.5.2 - 04/22/2020

  • MI-186: RDS Aurora version upgrade prep

2.5.1 - 04/15/2020

  • MI-185: add readonly rds cluster endpoint to deploy config

2.5.0 - 01/13/2020

  • OPC-357 HLS CORS requires extra headers
  • MI-180 don't prompt for vpsa hibernate/restore (just do it)

2.4.0 - 08/20/2019

  • fix db instance class pattern that controls logic for enabling rds performance insights
  • establish vpc peering connections; part of MI-170

2.3.1 - 03/16/2019

  • MI-167: updates to RDS default instance sizes and monitoring/logging options

2.3.0 - 03/06/2019

  • MI-158: hibernate/restore vpsa during stack:intances:start|stop

2.2.0 - 02/13/2019

  • MI-150: cluster:new asks for cookbook revision, no longer asks for cookbook source type
  • MI-149: adding tasks to hibernate/restore the dev zadara vpsa

2.1.0 - 01/15/2019

  • MI-144: vpn/ca ips are now in base-secrets.json so look for them in the custom json instead of local secrets

2.0.0 - 01/14/2019

These changes all relate or were implemented during the Opencast 1.x -> 5.x migration work

  • t/MI-122: update all gems to latest versions
  • b/MI-124: redo db subnet group; remove db subnet
  • b/MI-119: set storage type to general pupose ssd
  • t/MI-118: force cluster names to lowercase
  • open iperf3 port from capture agents in common security group
  • set default cluster cookbook revision to "oc-opsworks-5.x-recipes" (for now)
  • MI-100: add vpc filter to security group finder api call (cherry-picked from main line)
  • MI-98: remove EFS storage support
  • MI-95: use multiple private subnets/AZs so worker spin-up isn't vulnerable to AZ capacity issues
  • Incorporate utility layer/node creation into cluster:new
  • enable RDS performance insights
  • MI-125: rename maven cache file
  • MI-127: remove crowdstrike install from runlists
  • MI-130: PermissionsSyncer now compares configured user ssh_key value with existing and updates if they differ
  • sleep a little longer waiting for the ssh_users deployment to inititate
  • include create-opencast-directories recipe in local vagrant setup runlists to ensure directories are created on first up / deployment
  • MI-97: RDS Aurora clusters
  • remove enhanced networking setup recipe from runlists
  • add mh-opsworks version compatability check
  • MI-134: find and use latest amis in cluster config
  • fix for empty sns email
  • add additional instance info to stack:instances:list output
  • add option to stack:instances:stop to prevent stopping rds cluster
  • don't try to unsub pending sns subscriptions
  • Allow db.t2.small/medium RDS types; enable performance insights only for r4/3 types
  • Add newrelic install recipe to OC node runlists.
  • replacing install-queued-jobs-metric recipe with expanded install-opencast-job-metrics Note: a stub of the old recipe remains in the cookbook for backwards compatibility
  • zadara cluster config template was missing chef log level setting

1.17.2 - 10/25/2018

  • set rds storage_type to 'gp2' as default is not what we want
  • add vpc filter to security group finder API call because performance

1.17.1 - 06/05/2018

  • MI-89: Don't bother specifying ebs optimization in layer settings. Instance types where we'd want it will have it enabled automatically anyway.

1.17.0 - 05/11/2018

  • insert missing install-cwlogs recipe in zadara cluster config template
  • add num_workers=n option to stack:instances:start to allow only starting n workers.

1.16.1 - 12/13/2017

  • swap '/' for '-' in s3 cookbook source package names

1.16.0 - 12/07/2017

  • 'activesupport' gem updated to address security vulnerability
  • fail more nicely when VPN/capture agent IPs aren't configured in secrets
  • add NAT Gateway's IP to common security group ingress rules
  • include db parameter group value in rds params
  • custom_cookbooks_source can now be s3 (default) or git

1.15.0 - 08/24/2017

  • new rake tasks for pausing & resuming horizontal scaling: moscaler:pause & moscaler:resume.

1.14.1 - 08/15/2017

  • fix formatting of service role policy doc entry

1.14.0 - 08/16/2017

  • Security changes for MATT-2377

1.13.0 - 08/10/2017

  • update rds mysql version
  • Vagrantfile config fix for local-up ssh timeout on Mac OS X (MATT-2293)
  • fix js typo in cluster config templates
  • execute cluster:edit's stack, app & layer updates in parallel

1.12.0 - 01/10/2017

  • Crowdstrike install recipe added to cluster config templates
  • Delete any RDS hibernation snapshots on cluster delete

1.11.0 - 11/28/2016

  • Make it easier to add an analytics node via cluster:new
  • Allow configtest override for advanced, edge case clusters via skip_configtest.
  • RDS hibernation via snapshot + delete & re-creation

1.10.0 - 10/19/2016

  • don't use the --binstubs flag in bin/setup
  • Include new install-cwlogs recipe in cluster config templates. Add IAM policy permissions for managing cloudwatch log groups. On rollout the "oc-opsworks-cluster-managers" IAM group will need to be manually updated to include the new "logs:" and "sqs:" permissions. Existing clusters will need to run ./bin/rake stack:users:init to sync their respective cluster manager user. Add deletion of additional cluster artifacts, including cloudwatch log groups and sqs queues & buckets related to the analytics node.

1.9.0 - 9/16/2016

  • custom tagging as rake task

1.8.1 - 9/08/2016

  • add the install-job-queued-metric recipe to the Ganglia layer's setup list
  • downward adjustments to default instance types and volume sizes

1.8.0 - 8/11/2016

  • tag provisioned s3 buckets with the opsworks stack name
  • Fix a couple of issues that resulted in modifications to files as a side-effect of running bin/setup.
  • prompt user to consider using a local vagrant cluster
  • removed unnecessary /var/matterhorn-workspace volume definition from workers layer config in all cluster config templates.
  • add opsworks:DescribeLayers action to instance profile policy

1.7.1 - 7/20/2016

  • Configure waiters to do "exponential backoff" when waiting for resources to become available/deleted.
  • increase retry_limit on AWS client objects to alleviate failures due to API throttling errors
  • Rename of moscaler install recipe in cluster config templates & updates to horizontal scaling docs

1.7.0 - 7/15/2016

  • Add custom_json item for controlling chef log level.
  • Added policy to S3 file archive bucket (2-week project) so that nothing can be deleted in production.

1.6.2 - 6/24/2016

  • Provide convenience defaults when executing cluster:new.
  • bump analytics node instance type and ebs size

1.6.1 - 6/08/2016

  • Allow install_updates_on_boot to be configured when a layer is created or updated. As far as I can tell, this doesn't get retroactively applied to instances in a layer that've already been created. This is a setting in each layer's config.

1.6.0 - 5/31/2016

  • Increase the default root ebs volume size to 16G and allow for it to be customized in the cluster template. This only applies to new instances - you must delete and recreate an instance for it to get an increased root volume size with this change.
  • Create the s3_file_archive_bucket_name attribute during cluster creation. Also create the bucket during admin:cluster:init and delete it during admin:cluster:delete. This is necessary for the auto archiving features soon to land in matterhorn-dce-fork. To add the file archive bucket to an existing cluster: 1) Edit the cluster config, 2) create a unique and appropriate s3_file_archive_bucket_name right below the s3_distribution_bucket_name (probably something like <cluster_name>-file-archive), 3) Run admin:cluster:init to ensure the bucket is created, and then 4) deploy the version of matterhorn that contains the archiving code. It is OK if you create the bucket before the deploy, it'll just sit there waiting.

1.5.0 - 5/19/2016

  • Delete stack-level alarms when removing a cluster. Fix issue where alarms were not being removed using the correct instance id.
  • Add event subscriptions to RDS clusters to watch for failure and failover events, sending notifications to the default SNS topic. To roll out, Be sure to update the "oc-opsworks-cluster-managers" IAM group to include the new rights (it should match templates/example_group_inline_policy.json). New clusters will automatically get these subscriptions. To update an existing cluster, switch into it and run ./bin/rake rds:create_event_subscriptions
  • Fix stack:commands:update_packages, which will correctly apply only bug- and security- fixes.
  • Implement "vpc:update" rake task to allow for vpc cloudformation infrastructure to be applied when the template changes. cloudformation will incrementally apply changes to the template. This allows for new routes, security groups and other attributes to changed easily and precisely.

1.4.0 - 5/10/2016

  • improved tooling to spin up local vagrant-backed all-in-one nodes. See for details.

1.3.1 - 5/5/2016

  • Fix a bug in the local opsworks support where the package repos weren't up to date on instance boot before the first package install.

1.3.0 - 4/20/2016

  • Local opsworks cluster support. See for details.

1.2.1 - 4/xx/2016

  • Add SQS access to the instance profile policy document.
  • Document ELK component layer configuration and provided services.

1.2.0 - 3/23/2016

  • Allow for cluster state to be turned into a "seed file" and applied to another cluster. See README.cluster_seed_files.txt for more information on how this feature works.
  • Very minor - don't write to templates/minimal_cluster_config.json.

1.0.11 - 2/25/2016

  • Open the squid proxy port for rfc 1918 addresses. Document how to set up zadara s3 object backups. This has essentially no effect for clusters that don't use zadara object backups (not enabled by default). See for more information.

1.0.10 - 2/16/2016

  • Mount nfs earlier in the init process to ensure we correctly add disk space checks at the right time.
  • Document multi-az RDS creation better. Create multi-az RDS by default for large clusters.

1.0.9 - 2/10/2016

  • Allow unit tests to be run via the deployment:redeploy_app_with_unit_tests rake task.

1.0.8 - 2/4/2016

  • Only set the bucket policy on the s3 distribution bucket on creation

1.0.7 - 2/2/2016

  • Add a working bucket policy to the s3 distribution bucket

1.0.6 - 1/28/2016

  • Auto-create the s3 distribution bucket with the correct CORS headers

1.0.5 - 1/21/2016

  • Don't error out when deleting non-existing buckets

1.0.4 - 1/21/2016

  • Remove the asset layer as it's replaced with the new s3 distribution.
  • Autocreate an s3 bucket config value based on the cluster name.

1.0.3 - 1/19/2016

  • Give additional rights to the default instance profile to allow the engage node to publish compiled assets to s3. This is part of the "seed from s3 to cloudfront" feature implemented in MATT-1727

1.0.2 - 1/6/2016

  • Increase ebs workspace size for production-sized clusters

1.0.1 - 1/5/2016

  • Allow private instances to access port 8081 through the NAT instance so that java nexus build servers can be used.

1.0.0 - 1/4/2016

  • Initial release