Harmony is a programming language designed for testing and experimenting with concurrent code.
For more information, please visit the official page https://harmony.cs.cornell.edu.
Harmony requires the following to be installed:
- Python (version 3.6 or higher)
- Graphviz
- C Compiler (potentially potential)
In the following instructions, Windows users using WSL should follows instructions for Linux.
For users of a Cornell CS Department Linux machine, e.g. <netid>@ugclinux.cs.cornell.edu
, you likely do not need to install Python3
or Graphviz
because they may be available already. However, you can verify that they are available by running python3 --version
and dot -V
Harmony requires Python (version 3.6 or higher) to be installed. If you do not have Python3 already installed, download and install Python depending on your OS (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc) on the official Python site. Be sure to download the installer for Python version 3.6
or higher.
In the installer, the default installation settings will also add pip
. If you choose to run the installer with custom settings, be sure that pip
gets installed.
On the command line, you can check if Python has been successfully installed by running the following:
python --version
## If python does not work or if python gives version 2.X
python3 --version
Harmony uses Graphviz to visualize the state changes in a program. For example, the following Harmony program can produce the subsequent graph.
# Filename: example.hny
def a():
print "A"
def b():
print "B"
spawn a()
spwan b()
# Run with [harmony -o example.png example.hny]
Instructions for installing the latest version of Graphviz can be found here.
For Windows users, when running the installer, make sure to select the option Add Graphviz to the system PATH for current user so that the command dot
is available to produce the graphs.
After installing python
, you should also be able to use the command pip
. Run the following command to get the latest version of Harmony:
pip install --user harmony
## If pip fails try pip3
pip3 install --user harmony
For Windows users: you may encounter the error message along the lines of the following when installing harmony
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with
"Microsoft C++ Build Tools": <link to visual studio - cpp build tools>
This is to be expected if you had not installed the "Microsoft C++ Build Tools" before. Navigate to the outputted link and press Download Build Tools
to download the installer. When you run the installer, you will encounter a selection screen such as the following:
Select Desktop development with C++
in the Desktop & Mobile
section and then install.
Note that this will likely take a while. When it finishes installing, run pip install harmony
It may be possible that pip
is not available on your Linux machine. In that case, you will need to download and build the source code directly.
Go to https://pypi.org/project/harmony/#files. There, you should find a harmony-1.2.x.tar.gz
for the latest version of Harmony. Download the file onto your local machine and then send it to the Linux machine via scp
Alternatively, you can download the file directly from the Linux machine via wget
. Right click on the download link to the file and copy the link address. Then on the Linux machine, run the following:
wget <link copied from pypi.org>
Once you have the tar.gz
file on your Linux machine, run the following commands:
# Change the version number accordingly if necessary
gzip -d harmony-1.2.2767.tar.gz
tar -xf harmony-1.2.2767.tar
cd harmony-1.2.2767
python3 setup.py install --user
You can find the latest releases here.
Afterward, you will likely need to add the directory with the harmony
command to your environment PATH
. You can get the directory with the script by running python3 -m site --user-base
, which will output something like /home/<net-id>/.local
. Add this directory to your PATH
(See here for more information on how to do so).
When installing Harmony, you may encounter a warning on the command line of something like the following:
WARNING: The script harmony is installed in '/path/with/harmony/' which is not on PATH.
Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
If you do not see this warning, then you can continue.
Otherwise, add that path displayed in the message to your PATH
variable. See here for extra information on editing the PATH
Once you have installed harmony
, you should be able to use the harmony
command on your command line.
You check which version you have by running harmony --version
Harmony is available as an extension on VSCode, which includes syntax highlighting and basic parser checks.
Please see here for a guide on the basic usage of the VSCode extension.
Harmony can be updated by running the following pip
command on the command line:
pip install --upgrade harmony
In Harmony versions 1.2.0
and higher, the compiler will output a warning if the currently installed version of Harmony is outdated and an updated one can be installed.
The following section provides some guide for how to resolve common issues.
Search for Edit environment variables in the search bar. You can add it either to the Path
associated with your account or the system Path
Select the variable Path
in the user variables section and then click "Edit", which opens a new pane.
Click "New" to add a new path, for example, the directory containing gcc
or the pip
Complete your changes by pressing "Ok".
You will have to restart your command line (and VSCode if you are using the extension) to have the changes take effect.
MacOS / Linux:
Open the Terminal application. Check which shell is running on the Terminal. You check which one you have by running echo "$SHELL"
The following instructions are for bash
and zsh
. Open the ~/.bash_profile
file (for bash users) or the ~/.zsh_profile
file (for zsh users) using your favorite text editor, such as vim
, nano
, emacs
, or TextEdit
. Then, add the following command to the end of the file, where /path/to/add
is to be substituted:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/add/
Save the file.
You will have to restart Terminal (and VSCode if you are using the extension) to have the changes take effect.