builds virtual machines for CentOS 6.x from the command line.
- RHEL 6.x / CentOS 6.x
$ git clone git://github.com/hansode/vmbuilder.git
$ cd vmbuilder/kvm/rhel/6/
# yum install -y bridge-utils kpartx parted qemu-img qemu-kvm
# curl http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc | rpm --import -
# curl http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/el/virtualbox.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo
# yum install -y VirtualBox-4.2.x86_64
# ./vmbuilder.sh
This will create a virtual machine image in a directory.
# ls <distro_name>-<distro_ver>_<distro_arch>.raw
- --rootsize=SIZE [default: 4096]
- --swapsize=SIZE [default: 1024]
- --ip=ADDRESS [default: dhcp]
- --mask=VALUE [default: based on ip setting]
- --net=ADDRESS [default: based on ip setting]
- --bcast=VALUE [default: based on ip setting]
- --gw=ADDRESS [default: based on ip setting (first valid address in the network)]
- --dns=ADDRESS [default:]
- --copy=FILE
Read 'source dest' lines from FILE, copying source files from host to dest in the guest's file system.
- --execscript=SCRIPT
Script will be called with the guest's chroot as first argument, so you can use chroot $1 to run code in the virtual machine.
- --distro-arch=VALUE [ x86_64 | i686 ]
- --distro-name=VALUE [ centos | sl ]
- --distro-ver=VALUE [ 6 | 6.0 | 6.2 | 6.3 | ... ]