This application allows you to search for Twitter hashtags and do sentiment analysis using VaderSentiment
- Python 3.6+
- pip3
- JRE 11+ (needed to run H2O-3)
- NodeJS (Only needed for Run integration tests on local machine)
New to H2O Wave? We recommend starting in the documentation to download and run the Wave Server on your local machine. Once the server is up and running you can easily use any Wave app.
git clone [email protected]:h2oai/wave-apps.git
cd wave-apps/twitter-sentiment
make setup
make run
Point your favorite web browser to localhost:10101
This application uses an app secret for the Twitter login credentials so that it can be entered automatically upon the start of the app, avoiding manual/client login.
h2o secret create twitter-sentiment-secrets --from-literal=consumer_key=<CONSUMER KEY> --from-literal=consumer_secret=<CONSUMER SECRET> --from-literal=access_token=<ACCESS TOKEN> --from-literal=access_token_secret=<ACCESS TOKEN SECRET>