;; HOW-TO ;; ------ ;; -- in shell: ;; lein gorilla ;; ;; -- db side ;; !!! Need to create the VIEWS manually until we migrate to postgres 9.3 where materialized views are availble. I.e. needs to go into DataGrip and execute all the SQLs in stat.sql. ;; ;; -- in emacs: ;; cider-connect ;; eval (C-c C-k) db-spec.clj first ;; eval (C-c C-k) stat.clj ;; ;; -- in gorilla repl (i.e in the browser) ;; ;; * start the browser with the link returned on the command line by lein gorilla ;; * to load an existing worksheet in the online viewer: ctrl-g ctrl-l ;; ;; (ns stat ;; (:require [gorilla-plot.core :as plot])) ;; (plot/bar-chart categories values) ;; ;; -- online viewer ;;http://viewer.gorilla-repl.org/view.html?source=github&user=grischoun&repo=stat-ccg-2015&path=stat-ccg-html.clj ;; ;; to reload a worksheet in the online viewer: ctrl-g ctrl-l ;;