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Development Environment Setup

Before you get started with contributing to LocalStack, make sure you’ve familiarized yourself with LocalStack from the perspective of a user. You can follow our getting started guide. Once LocalStack runs in your Docker environment and you’ve played around with the LocalStack and awslocal CLI, you can move forward to set up your developer environment.

Development requirements

You will need the following tools for the local development of LocalStack.

We recommend you to individually install the above tools using your favorite package manager. For example, on macOS, you can use Homebrew to install the above tools.

Setting up the Development Environment

To make contributions to LocalStack, you need to be able to run LocalStack in host mode from your IDE, and be able to attach a debugger to the running LocalStack instance. We have a basic tutorial to cover how you can do that.

The basic steps include:

  1. Fork the localstack repository on GitHub
  2. Clone the forked localstack repository git clone [email protected]:<GITHUB_USERNAME>/localstack.git
  3. Ensure you have python, pip, node, and npm installed.


You might also need java for some emulated services.

  1. Install the Python dependencies using make install.


This will install the required pip dependencies in a local Python 3 venv directory called .venv (your global Python packages will remain untouched). Depending on your system, some pip modules may require additional native libs installed.

  1. Start localstack in host mode using make start

Building the Docker image for Development

We generally recommend using this command to build the localstack/localstack Docker image locally (works on Linux/MacOS):

IMAGE_NAME="localstack/localstack" ./bin/ build

Additional Dependencies for running LocalStack in Host Mode

In host mode, additional dependencies (e.g., Java) are required for developing certain AWS-emulated services (e.g., DynamoDB). The required dependencies vary depending on the service, Configuration, operating system, and system architecture (i.e., x86 vs ARM). Refer to our official Dockerfile and our package installer LPM for more details.

Root Permissions

LocalStack runs its own DNS server which listens for requests on port 53. This requires root permission. When LocalStack starts in host mode it runs the DNS server as sudo, so a prompt is triggered asking for the sudo password. This is annoying during local development, so to disable this functionality, use DNS_ADDRESS=0.


We don't recommend disabling the DNS server in general (e.g. in Docker) because the DNS server enables seamless connectivity to LocalStack from different environments via the domain name

Python Dependencies

  • JPype1 might require g++ to fix a compile error on ARM Linux gcc: fatal error: cannot execute ‘cc1plus’
    • Used in EventBridge, EventBridge Pipes, and Lambda Event Source Mapping for a Java-based event ruler via the opt-in configuration EVENT_RULE_ENGINE=java
    • Introduced in #10615

Test Dependencies

  • Node.js is required for running LocalStack tests because the test fixture for CDK-based tests needs Node.js




  • macOS users need to configure LAMBDA_DEV_PORT_EXPOSE=1 such that the host can reach Lambda containers via IPv4 in bridge mode (see #7367).


  • Requires Java to execute to invoke the AWS event-ruler using JPype, a Python to Java bridge.
  • Set JAVA_HOME to a JDK installation. For example: JAVA_HOME=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/21.0.2

Changing our fork of moto

  1. Fork our moto repository on GitHub
  2. Clone the forked moto repository git clone [email protected]:<GITHUB_USERNAME>/moto.git (using the localstack branch)
  3. Within the localstack repository, install moto in editable mode:
# Assuming the following directory structure:
#├── localstack
#└── moto

cd localstack
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -e ../moto


  • If virtualenv chooses system python installations before your pyenv installations, manually initialize virtualenv before running make install: virtualenv -p ~/.pyenv/shims/python3.10 .venv .
  • Terraform needs version <0.14 to work currently. Use tfenv to manage Terraform versions comfortable. Quick start: tfenv install 0.13.7 && tfenv use 0.13.7
  • Set env variable LS_LOG='trace' to print every http request sent to localstack and their responses. It is useful for debugging certain issues.