basic aws cognito and javascript example
No jquery, just a basic html form, javascript and amazon-cognito-identity.min.js.
Bit of duplication in the code, but this allows you to walkthrough what is happening.
Assuming you have an AWS account, you need to create a cognito user pool. The pool is configured to allow email login also.
- Create user pool
- Give it a name and select "step through settings"
- Leave Username radio button selected and also tick "Also allow sign in with verified email address" beheath it
- Tick the required tickbox against "preferred username"
- Choose a password policy, leave "Allow users to sign themselves up" selected
- Leave MFA & verifications as defaults
- If preferred, choose an SES region closer to you, leave the rest as default for now
- Add tags if you want
- Leave "Do you want to remember your user's devices" as default
- Click "Add an app client"
- Give app client a name, untick "Generate client secret"
- Click "Create app client", then click "next step"
- Click through Triggers & Review & click "Create pool"
- Within your user pool under "General Settings", copy the "Pool Id"
- Under "App clients", copy the "App client id"
- Paste both of these values into user.js into the placeholders under the getPoolData function
You should now be able to run load all 3 html files locally and successfully communicate with cognito. Use your browsers developer tools to see the console whilst you test as all output goes there.
- register.html = create a user within your userpool and it will sent you a verification code via email
- verify.html = the emailed verification code can be entered with your username
- login.html = your username/email and password are used here, the console will show your access token
( - Gave a brilliant kickstart in figuring out where i was going wrong with my testing