This guide is intended for contributors to the google-cloud-rust
SDK. It will
walk you through the steps necessary to set up your development workstation to
compile the code, run the unit tests, and formatting miscellaneous files.
We recommend that you follow the Getting Started guide.
Once you have cargo
and rustup
installed the rest is relatively easy.
The code generator is implemented in Go. Follow the Download and install guide to install golang.
Whatever works for you. Several team members use Visual Studio Code, but Rust can be used with many IDEs.
The default configuration for VS Code is to cargo check
all the code when you
save a file. As the project is rather large (almost 200 crates, over 1 million
lines of code), this can be rather slow. We recommend you override these
defaults in your settings.json
"rust-analyzer.cargo.buildScripts.overrideCommand": [
"rust-analyzer.cargo.features": ["proc-macro"],
"rust-analyzer.check.workspace": false
Just use cargo:
cargo build
cargo test
cargo fmt && cargo clippy -- --deny warnings && cargo test
git status # Shows any diffs created by `cargo fmt`
We use [mdBook] to generate a user guide: a series of short "how-to" documents.
Install the tool using cargo install
cargo install mdbook
Then generate the documents with mdbook build
mdbook build guide
You will find the generated book in guide/book
. You can also test any code
snippets in the documentation using:
mdbook test guide
Some of the samples are integration tests, you can verify they build using:
cargo build --package user-guide-samples
and verify they run using the instructions in the Integration Tests section.
If you are working on the user guide you may find this handy:
mdbook serve guide
This will serve the documentation on a local HTTP server (usually at
). It will also automatically rebuild the documentation
as you modify it.
You will need to install cargo-tarpaulin
cargo install cargo-tarpaulin
On macOS you need to enable an extra feature:
cargo install cargo-tarpaulin --features vendored-openssl
cargo tarpaulin --out xml
If you prefer to exclude generated code:
cargo tarpaulin --out xml \
--exclude-files 'generator/**' \
--exclude-files 'src/generated/**' \
--exclude-files 'src/integration-tests/**' \
--exclude-files 'src/wkt/src/generated/**'
This guide assumes you are familiar with the Google Cloud CLI, you have access to an existing Google Cloud Projects, and have enough permissions on that project.
We use Secret Manager to run integration tests. Follow the Enable the Secret Manager API guide to, as it says, enable the API and make sure that billing is enabled in your projects.
Verify this is working with something like:
gcloud secrets list
It is fine if the list is empty, you just don't want an error.
The integration tests need a service account in your project. This service account is used to:
- Run test that perform IAM operations, temporarily granting this service account some permissions.
- Configure the service account used for test workflows.
For a test project, just create the SA using the CLI:
gcloud iam service-accounts create rust-sdk-test \
--display-name="Used in SA testing" \
--description="This SA gets assigned to roles on short-lived resources during integration tests"
For extra safety, disable the service account:
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT="$(gcloud config get project)"
gcloud iam service-accounts disable rust-sdk-test@${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}
Use cargo test
to run the tests. The run-integration-tests
features enables
running the integration tests. The default is to only run unit tests:
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT="$(gcloud config get project)"
env \
cargo test --features run-integration-tests --package integration-tests --package user-guide-samples
There are (at the moment) six integration tests. All using secret manager. We test the OpenAPI-generated client, the OpenAPI-generated client with locational endpoints, and the Protobuf generated client. For each version we run the tests with logging enabled and with logging disabled.
We use a number of tools to format non-Rust code. The CI builds enforce formatting, you can fix any formatting problems manually (using the CI logs), or may prefer to install these tools locally to fix formatting problems.
Typically we do not format these files for generated code, so local runs requires skipping the generated files.
We use taplo
to format the hand-crafted TOML files. Install with:
cargo install taplo-cli
use with:
git ls-files -z -- '*.toml' ':!:**/testdata/**' ':!:src/generated/**' | xargs -0 taplo fmt
We use typos
to detect typos. Install with:
cargo install typos-cli
We use mdformat
to format hand-crafted markdown files. Install with:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # Or whatever is the right command for you shell
pip install -r ci/requirements.txt
use with:
git ls-files -z -- '*.md' ':!:**/testdata/**' | xargs -0 -r -P "$(nproc)" -n 50 mdformat
We use yamlfmt
to format hand-crafted YAML files (mostly GitHub Actions).
Install and use with:
go install[email protected]
use with:
git ls-files -z -- '*.yaml' '*.yml' ':!:**/testdata/**' | xargs -0 yamlfmt
We use terraform
to format .tf
files. You will rarely have any need to edit
these files. If you do, you probably know how to install terraform. Format the
files using:
git ls-files -z -- '*.tf' ':!:**/testdata/**' | xargs -0 terraform fmt