Work in progress!
A very lean SolidJs
app compiled to a custom-element using:
Postcss is used runtime to:
Render css in a style-tag in the shadow-dom to minimize external dependencies.
Have nested-rules expanded.
Trying out SurrealDb v2 as a Backend-as-a-Service.
Create an Auth0 Application
Must match this ConfigService::auth0
"domain": '<YOUR_DOMAIN>',
"clientId": '<GENERATED>',
"authorizationParams": {
audience: '',
redirect_uri: window.location.origin
Create an Auth0 Api "surrealdb-<YOUR_DOMAIN>"
Api Identifier is
JWT Profile:
JWT Algorith:
Create an Auth0 Action "SurrealDbPostLogin".
NOTE!! For som reason the Action example doesn't work. The action will not trigger with this guard:
if (event.authorization) { /*...*/ }
For now delete the above mentioned guard. -Will propbably cause problems later...
NOTE! Maybe try Clerk
- indexPage:
* - Must reference the/dist/main.js
- pemKey:
- pemCert:
NOTE! Since we will be running on a self-signed certificate, you need to allow insecure origins for localhost. If the app doesn't load, check the /version
request to SurrealDB.
Open SurrealdD
in a browser tab (in same browser as you use for the app), and proceed through the warning to load the page content. -
Set chrome://flags/ for allowing insecure
ports 7999 (SurrealDb), 8000 (dev server) and (maybe) 8001 (live-realod). -
Add the certificate to the system's trusted root certificate store. Check online for how-to.
Create the CA's private key and self-signed certificate:
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout ca.key -out ca.pem -days 365 -subj "/CN=MyCA"
Create the server's private key and a Certificate Signing Request (CSR):
openssl req -nodes -new -keyout server.key -out server.csr -subj "/CN=localhost"
Use the CA to sign the server's CSR and generate the server certificate:
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.cert -days 365
Move files to folder
Built using custom esbuild
script .build
. Outputs to dist
Always watch mode!
Build to prod using flag
SurrealDB - Start local dev-server using TLS files:
surreal start --user r00t --pass r00t surrealkv://.dev-data -A --bind --web-crt .build-assets/server.cert --web-key .build-assets/server.key
Web-server - Start local dev-server using TLS files:
node .build.mjs
Applying style is philosophically tricky. Css-in-js can be runtime or buildtime, and the cut-off for runtime is really a benchmark.
Allow for importing plain CSS? Needs a plugin in esbuild.
- If plain css demands are miniscule, just
Production build script
Minify Css
- Why? - Since this is an extra runtime-step performed at the client
Minify Js - Buildtime, so OK
Admin backend w/ login
SMS / Payment option to verify clients?