An easy to reuse open source code of conduct template for communities.
Developed by the @TODOGroup to promote code of conducts for open source communities.
We strongly believe that a code of conduct helps set the ground rules for participation in communities, and more importantly helps to build a culture of respect and improve diversity. According to the latest FLOSS survey, we have lots of work to do in improving diversity across open source communities.
Diversity is the spice of life. Having a diverse contributor community from different backgrounds and organizations will help set your community up for long term success. Research shows that diverse communities are more creative, diligent and innovative.
A very liberal CC-BY-4.0.
It's very hard to develop a one size fits all code of conduct for open source communities, so we took template approach inspired by the BSD license. This allows organizations to work off the core code of conduct while customizing it to their needs.
- Twitter:
- Box:
- Yahoo:
- Facebook:
- GitHub:
- TODO (add your company or community)
It wasn't intended for that purpose.
However, we highly recommend the following resources on the topic,
- by Ashe Dryden
The contributor convenant is a great option and we recommend you take a look at it. However, we had a need to make a customizable by default code of conduct in template form, geared towards organizations who run larger open source projects.
Contributions are welcome on how to improve this open code of conduct!
Please send us a pull request with your suggestions.
See this XKCD for our feelings on this matter:
We all stand on the shoulders of giants across many open source communities.
We'd like to thank the communities and projects that established code of conducts and diversity statements as our inspiration:
- Django:
- Python:
- Ubuntu:
- Contributor Covenant:
- Geek Feminism: