If you don't have access to a running Kubernetes cluster, an easy way to get one is via Minikube. You're also going to need kubectl. Here's a quick script to get them both:
cd /tmp
wget -O kubectl https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.18.1/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
wget -O minikube https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/v1.9.2/minikube-linux-amd64
chmod +x kubectl minikube
sudo mv kubectl minikube /usr/bin/
(Tested with the versions downloaded above, but feel free to try out later versions.)
Start a Minikube virtual machine with enough memory for our demo application:
minikube start --memory=4096
Give it some time to start, and then access the dashboard from your web browser:
minikube dashboard
Now compile and apply the demo application's TOSCA:
puccini-tosca compile examples/kubernetes/bookinfo/bookinfo-simple.yaml --exec=kubernetes.generate | kubectl apply -f -
On the dashboard you'll see the pods coming up. When they're finally up, forward a port from the frontend pod so that we can access it via your browser.
POD=$(kubectl get pods -l service=productpage -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
kubectl port-forward $POD 9080:9080 &
Now you can see the application at http://localhost:9080.
When you're done, you can stop the port forwarding and destroy the Minikube:
killall kubectl
minikube delete
The next step would to be look at the examples and learn more about what Puccini can do.