- Description: Sue O'Connell Rockwell and Samuel Forbes Rockwell In the kitchen at 370 summer street in north andover
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Sue O'Connell Rockwell and Samuel Forbes Rockwell, New Years Eve party at 370 Summer StreetThis photo hung to the right as you entered the front door and will always remind me of that.
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: John Gianutsos in his office, 03/21/2007
- Date Taken: 2007:03:21 18:14:50
- Description: Philomena Gianutsos, Brady and Ethan Torres at Philomena's first birthday party
- Date Taken: 2012:10:27 12:59:32
- Description: Helen (Marulis), Claudia and Helmut Lankenau, 1-11-2002
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Katherine (Marulis) Gianutsos' with her sister in front of the house on Ithaca in Greece
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Nick Stavrakas, Christmas 2008
- Date Taken: 2008:12:25 19:07:44
- Description: Gerry Gianutsos and Angelo MusolinoMoose was my college professor and mentor and friend
- Date Taken: 2009:02:21 17:16:03
- Description: Suzy and Tony Stavrakas, Matthew Gianutsos, Gregory Stavrakas, Rosamond Gianutsos, Nick Stavrakas Christmas 2008
- Date Taken: 2008:12:25 19:08:58
- Description: Ursula (Ingalls Rockwell) Hazen holding Gerry Gianutsos with Katherine Gianutsos at 11 West Chester street, Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: John Gianutsos with his father, Gerasimos Gianutsos
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Nick Stavrakas and John Gianutsos, Christmas 2006
- Date Taken: 2006:12:25 17:40:57
- Description: John Gianutsos holding Gerry Gianutsos in the Nantucket house
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Nick Stavrakas, John Gianutsos and Suzy Stavrakas Gerry's apartment 38-27 52nd street, Christmas 2007
- Date Taken: 2007:12:25 16:49:40
- Description: Gerry Gianutsos riding the five borough bike tour with Ringo in basket, 2009
- Date Taken: 2009:05:03 09:35:22
- Description: John Gianutsos with his mother Katherine Gianutsos and Nick and Harry Stavrakas' mother
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: John Gianutsos holding Gerry Gianutsos in the Nantucket houseThe bat was an Al Kaline model.
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Suzy Stavrakas, Christmas 2008
- Date Taken: 2008:12:25 19:11:59
- Description: Caleb Morbillo at Philomena Gianutsos' first birthday party
- Date Taken: 2012:10:27 14:20:22
- Description: John Gianutsos with his mother Katherine Gianutsos
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Back row:Daniel and Paul Stewart, Gerry Gianutsos, Cornelia Stevens, Lora and Perry StewartFront Row:Carrie Stevens, Rosamond Gianutsos, Amy Stillman (Stewart), Diana Stewart
- Date Taken: 2008:07:15 20:33:15
- Description: Nondas and Andreas Lorandos
- Date Taken: 2011:09:27 15:03:44
- Description: John Gianutsos during a tour of the Dole plantation on Hawaii trying to make Gerry laugh. 11-13-2006
- Date Taken: 2006:11:13 23:24:41
- Description: Suzy Stavrakas and Philomena Gianutsos at Philomena's first birthday party
- Date Taken: 2012:10:27 15:39:05
- Description:
- Date Taken: 2009:06:22 10:13:10
- Description: Frank and Salvatore Morbillo, Brothers
- Date Taken: 2009:07:05 17:09:12
- Description: Diana Rockwell
- Date Taken: 2008:05:18 06:33:50
- Description: Gail Majaukas, Rosamond Gianutsos, Eleanor Rockwell, Diana Rockwell in the farm stand at Ingaldsby Farm. Their mother, Ursula worked in her family's farm stand when she was a girl.
- Date Taken: 2008:05:18 10:40:00
- Description: John Gianutsos with his father, Gerasimos Gianutsos
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description:
- Date Taken: 2002:01:01 15:03:04
- Description: John GianutsosPhotographed taken by Gerry Gianutsos outside Rusk Institute in the car. I had just bought a new 50 millimeter fixed lens for my camera at B&H Photo and was trying it out in the car while I was waiting for him to come downstairs from his office for me to pick him up.A friend and my photography mentor, Joe Rufrano, commented one time that he was smiling because he was looking at his boy and that has always meant a lot to me.
- Date Taken: 2004:12:24 12:34:16
- Description: Back Row:Fran and Al Morbillo, Carmelo (Dio) and Patty MorbilloFront Row:Connie, Frank and Jane Morbillo
- Date Taken: 2009:07:05 18:28:05
- Description: Eleni Lorandou with her grandmother, Katherine (Marulis) Gianutsos' sister
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Alina Morbillo and Philomena GianutsosLaura and Caroline DeMarco in backgroundat Philomena's first birthday party
- Date Taken: 2012:10:27 16:59:40
- Description: My favorite painting by Sue O'Connell Rockwell
- Date Taken: 2009:07:26 13:08:24
- Description: Andrew Marulis
- Date Taken: 2009:01:18 16:51:51
- Description: Andrew Marulis
- Date Taken: 2009:01:18 16:51:54
- Description: Vickie and Devin Singh
- Date Taken: 2010:03:27 20:38:26
- Description: Leslie Packer-Hopke and Rosamond Gianutsos
- Date Taken: 2010:03:27 20:43:56
- Description: Matthew, John, Gerry Gianutsos, June 16, 2002
- Date Taken: 2002:06:16 18:56:19
- Description: Gerry and Matthew Gianutsos, 1991
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Matthew Gianutsos and Gerry Gianutsos on the ferry to Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Gerry Gianutsos and Samuel Forbes Rockwell III in his old truck at 370 Summer street, North Andover
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Ursula Ingalls Rockwell Hazen with her horse Stormy
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description:
- Date Taken: 2000:08:28 20:18:30
- Description: Francis Rockwell
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Gerasimos (Jerry) Gianutsos, September 11, 19655 days later, during John and Rosamond's honeymoon, he would die of a heart attack while watching the yankee game.
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Katherine Gianutsos, September 11, 1965
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: John Gianutsos and Rosamond Rockwell on their wedding day, September 11, 1965
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Sue O'Connell Rockwell with her daughter Susan at 370 Summer street in the kitchen
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: John Gianutsos holding Gerry Gianutsos on the deck at the Nantucket house.
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Ursula Ingalls Rockwell Hazen walking her poodle on the beach on Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Gerry Gianutsos with Bill Hazen at 11 West Chester Street Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Ursula Ingalls Rockwell Hazen with her horse Stormy on the beach on Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Samuel Forbes Rockwell III on Mount Washington
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: George Michalopoulos, Panos, Koutsoulis, Anna Michalopoulos, Matthew Gianutsos
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Suzy and Nick Stavrakas in the background on the porch. Gregory, Nick, Tony Stavrakas and Gerry GianutsosThis was a common scene. Nick and Suzy commonly sat on the porch in good weather.
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Gerry and Katherine Gianutsos looking out the kitchen window into the backyard at 38-25 52nd street in Sunnyside
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Gerry Gianutsos In the house on Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Harry, Nick and George Stavrakas, brothers
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Ursula Ingalls Rockwell Hazen and Matthew Gianutsos at eleven West Chester street, Nantucket in front of Ursula's rose garden
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Main Street Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Matthew and John Gianutsos in Nantucket
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Samuel Forbes Rockwell II, third from leftSamuel Forbes Rockwell III, last on rightBill Rockwell, second from rightMabel Rockwell?, third from right
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Back row:Stavros And Helen Trilivas, Penny, Jerry Piazzi, Suzy StavrakasFront rowNick Marulis, Kitty and Andrew Marulis
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Tom Rockwell, Samuel Forbes Rockwell III's Brother
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description:
- Date Taken: N/A
- Description: Katherine Gianutsos painting on NantucketJohn Gianutsos's Mother
- Date Taken: N/A