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Is there a way to search for all objects created under that transaction #1777

Answered by isidentical
isidentical asked this question in Q&A
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I have a tree object that I recursively traverse and insert node by node in a bottum up manner. So for an AST of this code;

2 + 3

I insert the rhs (2) and get the ID of it, and then I insert the lhs (3) and get the ID of it and then insert the BinOp itself by BinOp(left = uid, right = uid, op = enum). The thing I would use such a feature is that, after I insert the whole AST, I need to add a link from every node to the root node.

-> Expr
-> BinOp

Since I first need to insert childre nodes in order to insert root node, I do that and collect all uids from the childs nodes and after I insert the module node itself, I go over that list and generate tons of UPDATE queries filtering for …

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