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79 lines (77 loc) · 6.66 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (77 loc) · 6.66 KB

Codebook for Tidy Data Set

The subj_activ_feat_summaries.txt file which is generated by the run_analysis.R script is saved in a .txt format with the first line being a space-separated list of 68 quoted variables names, and the remaining non-blank lines each corresponding to an observation of the feature data from the Samsung dataset for a particular Subject ID / Activity pair, arranged in a space-separated list of 68 strings and numbers. The columns in the data are as below. Unless commented otherwise, all numeric features are normalized and bounded within an interval of [-1,1]. All of the values are means of features (taken across each SubjectID / Activity grouping) which are themselves means or standard deviations of raw features that were collected in 2.56 sec. overlapping windows of 128 accelerometer and gyroscope measurements. The 66 features chosen are a subset of the 561 features explained in the UCI HAR Dataset/features_info.txt and features.txt files, the mean and std features. The columns:

  • SubjectID (integer) -- The ID number (between 1 and 30) of the participant in the Samsung experiment that participated in 6 different activities while accelerometer and gyroscope data was being collected.
  • Activity (factor) -- An activity that the subject was engaged in while accelerometer and gyroscope data were collected. Each subject engaged in the following 6 activities during their experimental section:
  • Walk -- normal walking
  • WalkUpstairs -- walking up a set of stairs
  • WalkDownstairs -- walking down a set of stairs
  • Sit -- sitting down
  • Stand -- standing in place
  • Lie -- lying down (on one's back in the video example shown)
  • tBodyAccMeanX (numeric) -- mean of X linear body acceleration.
  • tBodyAccMeanY (numeric) -- mean of Y linear body acceleration.
  • tBodyAccMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of Z linear body acceleration.
  • tBodyAccStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of X linear body acceleration.
  • tBodyAccStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of Y linear body acceleration.
  • tBodyAccStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of Z linear body acceleration.
  • tGravityAccMeanX (numeric) -- mean of X linear gravity component of acceleration.
  • tGravityAccMeanY (numeric) -- mean of Y linear gravity component of acceleration.
  • tGravityAccMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of Z linear gravity component of acceleration.
  • tGravityAccStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of X linear gravity component of acceleration.
  • tGravityAccStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of Y linear gravity component of acceleration.
  • tGravityAccStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of Z linear gravity component of acceleration.
  • tBodyAccJerkMeanX (numeric) -- mean of X linear body acceleration jerk.
  • tBodyAccJerkMeanY (numeric) -- mean of Y linear body acceleration jerk.
  • tBodyAccJerkMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of Z linear body acceleration jerk.
  • tBodyAccJerkStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of X linear body acceleration jerk.
  • tBodyAccJerkStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of Y linear body acceleration jerk.
  • tBodyAccJerkStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of Z linear body acceleration jerk.
  • tBodyGyroMeanX (numeric) -- mean of X gyro velocity.
  • tBodyGyroMeanY (numeric) -- mean of Y gyro velocity.
  • tBodyGyroMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of Z gyro velocity.
  • tBodyGyroStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of X gyro velocity.
  • tBodyGyroStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of Y gyro velocity.
  • tBodyGyroStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of Z gyro velocity.
  • tBodyGyroJerkMeanX (numeric) -- mean of X gyro jerk.
  • tBodyGyroJerkMeanY (numeric) -- mean of Y gyro jerk.
  • tBodyGyroJerkMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of Z gyro jerk.
  • tBodyGyroJerkStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of X gyro jerk.
  • tBodyGyroJerkStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of Y gyro jerk.
  • tBodyGyroJerkStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of Z gyro jerk.
  • tBodyAccMagMean (numeric) -- mean of linear body acceleration magnitude.
  • tBodyAccMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of linear body acceleration magnitude.
  • tGravityAccMagMean (numeric) -- mean of linear gravity component of acceleration magnitude.
  • tGravityAccMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of linear gravity component of acceleration magnitude.
  • tBodyAccJerkMagMean (numeric) -- mean of linear body jerk magnitude.
  • tBodyAccJerkMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of linear body jerk magnitude.
  • tBodyGyroMagMean (numeric) -- mean of gyro velocity magnitude.
  • tBodyGyroMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of gyro velocity magnitude.
  • tBodyGyroJerkMagMean (numeric) -- mean of gyro jerk magnitude.
  • tBodyGyroJerkMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of gyro jerk magnitude.
  • fBodyAccMeanX (numeric) -- mean of frequency X body acceleration.
  • fBodyAccMeanY (numeric) -- mean of frequency Y body acceleration.
  • fBodyAccMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of frequency Z body acceleration.
  • fBodyAccStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency X body acceleration.
  • fBodyAccStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency Y body acceleration.
  • fBodyAccStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency Z body acceleration.
  • fBodyAccJerkMeanX (numeric) -- mean of frequency X body jerk.
  • fBodyAccJerkMeanY (numeric) -- mean of frequency Y body jerk.
  • fBodyAccJerkMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of frequency Z body jerk.
  • fBodyAccJerkStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency X body jerk.
  • fBodyAccJerkStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency Y body jerk.
  • fBodyAccJerkStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency Z body jerk.
  • fBodyGyroMeanX (numeric) -- mean of frequency X gyro velocity.
  • fBodyGyroMeanY (numeric) -- mean of frequency Y gyro velocity.
  • fBodyGyroMeanZ (numeric) -- mean of frequency Z gyro velocity.
  • fBodyGyroStdX (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency X gyro velocity.
  • fBodyGyroStdY (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency Y gyro velocity.
  • fBodyGyroStdZ (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency Z gyro velocity.
  • fBodyAccMagMean (numeric) -- mean of frequency body acceleration magnitude.
  • fBodyAccMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency body acceleration magnitude.
  • fBodyBodyAccJerkMagMean (numeric) -- mean of frequency body jerk magnitude.
  • fBodyBodyAccJerkMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency body jerk magnitude.
  • fBodyBodyGyroMagMean (numeric) -- mean of frequency gyro velocity magnitude.
  • fBodyBodyGyroMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency gyro velocity magnitude.
  • fBodyBodyGyroJerkMagMean (numeric) -- mean of frequency gyro jerk magnitude.
  • fBodyBodyGyroJerkMagStd (numeric) -- standard deviation of frequency gyro jerk magnitude.