Five pillars, use "CORPS" as a mnemonic
- Right size, sku
- Stop/deallocate/delete when not used
- VM: spot instance, resevered instance
- SQL DB: elastic pool, reserved capacity
- Autoscaling
- Policy
- Budget
- DevOps
- IaC: declarative
- Deployment: blue/green, canary, a/b testing
- Testing: unit, smoke, integration, stress, security, fault injection (Chaos studio)
- Automation
- Logic Apps
- Azure Functions
- Azure Automation
- React to monitoring alerts
- Custom images
- VM Image Builder (uses Packer under the hood)
- Image gallery
- 99.99 ~ 1 min per week
- 99.9 ~ 10 min per week
- Availability sets
- Availability zones
- Regions
- RPO: recovery point objective, how much can I lose
- RTO: recovery time objective
- Backup
- Replication
- Active-active
- Auto scale: VMSS, AKS, App service
- DB
- Storage
- Caching: Redis, CDN, Frontdoor
- Network: latency, egress
- Regulatory standard
- Zero Trust
- Defense in Depth
- Data
- App
- Compute
- Network
- Perimeter
- Policy: Conditional access, MFA, PIM
- Physical security (Microsoft's responsibility)
- Usually in the same geo-political boundary (100s of miles apart)
- Latency in 10s of ms, data sync is asynchronous
- Some services use paired regions for resiliency:
- Storage: GRS
- Key Vault: replication
- Staged rollout, one region in a pair is prioritized
- One region gets the update 24 hours earlier than the other
- If you have a active-passive workload, the active instance needs to be in the first region, when there's an issue with an update, you could failover to the second region
- Cons:
- Paired regions could have different features (eg. one doesn't support AZ)
- Region pairs were introduced before AZs
- Some new regions support AZs, but have no region pair
- Use ZRS, or Cross Region Disaster Recovery
- Some servies don't care about region pairs
- Data services: eg. Cosmos DB, SQL could have replicas in any region
- Global services: eg. AFD, Traffic manager, cross-region load balancer
GRS has some limitations:
- All data are copied, no filtering
- Same access tier on the paired region, you can't use a cheaper tier
- Mostly used in DR scenario, although you could have RAGRS
Alternatively, we could use Object replication, it's more flexible
- Destination could be any region
- Destination could be a cheaper access tier
- Filter on data
But it's slower, and only supports blobs, not ADLS Gen2, Files, etc
See here
You should avoid using global secrets, keys.
- Create one per country
- Consider using managed identity, federated credentials, etc