# config the 'default' profile: credentials, default region and output format
aws configure
# config the 'work' profile
aws configure --profile work
# set default region for current profile
aws configure set default.region ap-southeast-2
Config files are in ~/.aws/
, there are two files: credentials
, config
:[default] aws_secret_access_key = **** aws_access_key_id = **** [work] aws_secret_access_key = **** aws_access_key_id = ****
:[default] region = ap-southeast-2 [profile work] region = ap-southeast-1
There are two profiles in this example, you can switch between profiles by setting an environment variable:
export AWS_PROFILE=work
or for one-off usage, add a --profile
parameter to any command:
aws s3 ls --profile=work
# create a bucket
aws s3 mb s3://testing-12345
# upload a file
aws s3 cp x.tar s3://testing-12345/x.tar
# create a key and get the id
keyId=$(aws kms create-key --query KeyMetadata.Arn --output text)
# assign a alias to the key
aws kms create-alias \
--alias-name alias/myKey \
--target-key-id $keyId