diff --git a/bibtex/scidac.bib b/bibtex/scidac.bib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..472687b --- /dev/null +++ b/bibtex/scidac.bib @@ -0,0 +1,15626 @@ +@STRING{aml = "App.\ Math Lett." } +@STRING{baps = "Bull. Am. Phys. Soc." } +@STRING{cpc = "Comput. Phys. Commun." } +@STRING{cpp = "Contrib. Plasma Phys." } +@STRING{cf = "Computers \& Fluids" } +@STRING{fst = "Fus. Sci. Tech." } +@STRING{jcp = "J. Comput. Phys." } +@STRING{jetp = "JETP Lett." } +@STRING{jnm = "J. Nucl. Mater." } +@STRING{jpcon = "J. Phys: Conf. Series" } +@STRING{jpfr = "J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES" } +@STRING{jpp = "J. Plasma Phys." } +@STRING{nf = "Nucl. Fusion" } +@STRING{njp = "New J. Phys." } +@STRING{pf = "Phys. Fluids" } +@STRING{pfb = "Phys. Fluids B" } +@STRING{pop = "Phys. Plasmas" } +@STRING{pp = "Plasma Phys." } +@STRING{ppcf = "Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion" } +@STRING{pre = "Phys. Rev. E" } +@STRING{prl = "Phys. Rev. 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= {APS Meeting Abstracts} +} + +@Conference{ meneghini2009d, + title = {{Full wave simulation of lower hybrid waves in ITER + plasmas based on the finite element method}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Shiraiwa, S.}, + booktitle = {19th International Toki Conference, Toki, Japan}, + year = {2009} +} + +@Article{ meneghini2010, + title = {{Full wave simulation of Lower Hybrid waves in ITER + plasmas based on the finite element method}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Shiraiwa, S.}, + journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, + year = 2010, + pages = {S2081}, + volume = 5 +} + +@Article{ meneghini2010a, + title = {{Coupling of Lower Hybrid waves with + four-way-splitter antenna on Alcator C-Mod}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Shiraiwa, S. and Johnson, D. and + Faust, I. and Kanojia, A. and Parker, R. and Terry, + D. and Vieira, R. and Wallace, G. and Wilson, R. and + others}, + journal = {Bulletin of the American Physical Society}, + year = 2010, + volume = 55, + publisher = {American Physical Society} +} + +@Conference{ meneghini2010b, + title = {{Microwave probe diagnostic for the lower hybrid + four-way-splitter antenna on Alcator C-Mod}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Shiraiwa, S. and Faust, I. and Johnson, + D. and Parker, R. and Terry, D. and Vieira, R. and Wallace, + G. and Wukitch S.}, + booktitle = {37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics}, + year = {2010} +} + +@Conference{ meneghini2010c, + title = {{Fullwave simulations of Lower hybrid waves coupled to 3D + Fokker Planck solver: comparison with Alcator C-Mod + experiments}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Shiraiwa, S. and Faust, I. and Parker, + R. and Schmidt, A. and Wallace, G.}, + booktitle = {1st International Youth Conference on Fusion Energy, in + conjunction with 23rd IAEA FEC, Daejeon, Republic of + Korea}, + year = {2010} +} + +@Article{ meneghini2010d, + title = {{Fullwave simulations of Lower hybrid waves coupled + to 3D Fokker Planck solver: comparison with Alcator + C-Mod experiments}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Shiraiwa, S. and Faust, I. and + Parker, R. and Schmidt, A. and Wallace, G.}, + journal = {Fusion Science and Technology}, + year = 2011, + pages = {40-47}, + volume = 60 +} + +@Conference{ meneghini2011, + title = {{Validation of the LHEAF code against Alcator C-Mod LHCD + discharges}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Shiraiwa, S. and Faust, I. and Parker, + R. and Wallace, G.}, + booktitle = {38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics}, + year = {2011} +} + +@Article{ meneghini2011a, + title = {{SOL Effects on LH Wave Coupling and Current Drive + Performance on Alcator C-Mod}}, + author = {Meneghini, O. and Lau, C. and Shiraiwa, S. and + Wallace, G.M. and Parker, R.R. and LaBombard, + B.L. and Faust, I.C. and Wilson, J.R. and Wukitch, + S.J.}, + journal = {Proceedings of 19th Topical Conference on Radio + Frequency Power in Plasmas}, + year = 2011, + note = {(invited)}, + number = 1, + pages = 411, + volume = 1406, + publisher = {AIP} +} + +@Article{ 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