Releases: folke/which-key.nvim
Releases · folke/which-key.nvim
1.0.0 (2023-01-04)
- add <C-w>_ to misc (#296) (03b8c1d)
- add preset key to mappings for API usage (ed7d6c5)
- added a winblend option for the floating window (#161) (d3032b6)
- added duplicate mapping checks to checkhealth #34 (710c5f8)
- added healthcheck to check for conflicting keymaps (44d3c3f)
- added ignore_missing option to hide any keymap for which no label exists #60 (1ccba9d)
- added operators plugin (c7f8496)
- added option to configure scroll bindings inside the popup (#175) (a54ef5f)
- added options to align columns left, center or right #82 (2467fb1)
- added settings to disable the WhichKey popup for certain buftypes and filetyes (fb276a0)
- added support for expr mappings (9d2785c)
- added triggers_blacklist to blacklist certain whichkey hooks #73 (ec1474b)
- added WhichKeyBorder highlight group (9c190ea)
- allow functions to be passed to create keybindings. Implements #31 (cf644cd)
- allow manual setup of triggers #30 (423a50c)
- allow mapping to have multiple modes as a table (0d559fa)
- allow mode to be set on a single mapping (2a08d58)
- allow overriding key labels #77 (2be929e)
- allow to close popup with <c-c> #33 (410523a)
- better logging (c39df95)
- better support for plugin actions with custom lua function (222a8ee)
- builtin key mappings (0063ceb)
- check for rogue existsing WhichKey mappings and show error. WK handles triggers automatically, no need to define them (db97a30)
- easily reset WK with plenary for development of WK (55b4dab)
- expose registers to customize order (2b83fe7)
- for nvim 0.7.0 or higher, use native keymap callbacks instead of which key functions (5e96cf9)
- group symbol (5e02b66)
- handle [count] with motion. Implements #11 (d93ef0f)
- hide mapping boilerplate (#6) (b3357de)
- honor timeoutlen when typing an operator followed by i or a instead of showing immediately (54d1b3a)
- initial commit (970e79f)
- keyamp functions (801cc81)
- make custom operators configurable (fixes #9) (81875d8)
- make help message configurable (7b1c6aa)
- Make keypress message configuratble (#351) (fd2422f)
- motions plugin (f989fcf)
- new keymap dsl (#352) Docs to come (fbf0381)
- option to make some triggers show immediately, regardless of timeoutlen (3a52dc0)
- plugin for registers (5415832)
- plugin support + first builtin marks plugin (9d5e631)
- prefer
as the fallback label (#253) (bd4411a) - preset with misc keybindings (e610338)
- set keymap desc when creating new mappings based on the WhichKey labels (f4518ca)
- set popup filetype to WhichKey and buftype to nofile #86 (20682f1)
- show a warning if <leader> is already mapped, even if it's (ac56f45)
- show breadcrumb and help on command line (c27535c)
- show keys and help in float when cmdheight == 0 (f645017)
- show/hide a fake cursor when WK is open (0f53f40)
- spelling suggestion plugin (4b74f21)
- support for custom text object completion. Fixes #10 (394ff5a)
- support opts.remap for keymap (#339) (6885b66)
- support using lua function for expr (#110) (e0dce15)
- text objects (d255b71)
- WhichKey vim command to show arbitrary keymaps (df615d4)