We would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals who have contributed to the Ipponboard project. Your contributions, whether big or small, are greatly appreciated!
- Florian Mücke - Main Developer, original idea realization
- Ralf Bernhard - Initial Linux port, initiative for migration to cmake/Qt5, Ipponboard fork
- Rainer Bamberger - several fixes and improvements
- **Manuel Hartwig
- Heini Schäfer - for the idea, the incentive, the criticism and the know-how
- My wife Anja - for her patience
- Christophe Henry - for 'boost::msm
- TSV Königsbrunn, Post SV Telekom Augsburg, TSV Peiting, TSV München-Grosshadern, DJK Ingolstadt, PSV München, TSV Mainburg - and many more clubs for their trust and feedback.
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have contributed via GitHub!
Ipponboard GitHub contributors
We welcome and appreciate your contributions. If you feel we've missed your name, please make a pull request to add yourself!
Thank you all for your valuable contributions!