- Prevent double submission
- Backend, refactor: Connect uid to username and check if user is in game at submitGame()
- Look at caching players locally to save downloaded data (currently loading from main.js)
- Sorting in the ranking table
- Make progressive web app
- Create test environment (necessary once app goes live)
- Change some stuff to onDataChanged
Critical, backend: Fix access rulesMake complete match history pageChange submit game redirection. Maybe to player profile? or complete match history?Backend: Refactor cloud functions (again). Transaction is simply too slow. (maybe)Clientside bad input handling (or should I?)Clicking in the ranking tableAutocomplete in submit game, boxes?Enter in SearchLogout -> Login.htmlLogo -> HomeCritical: Clean up navbarCritical: Cloud functions bad user input handlingCritical: User feedback for login, register and submitCritical, design: Make register account pageCritical: register account functionality (should also add data to database, backend?)Make submit game page (see submit.html)Backend: Make submitGame() update player rating.Add submit game functionalityDesign: User profile page (https://dribbble.com/shots/3311782-Dark-Gamer-Profile-Design)Fix url variables for profile pagesFix search (should go to http://localhost/profile.html?id=search)