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Installing or Building HipHop PHP via RPM on CentOS 5

grigarr edited this page Apr 17, 2012 · 14 revisions

Tag1 Consulting maintains a Yum repository and GitHub project based off of the RPMs here that will pull in necessary dependencies. It works alongside the EPEL and IUS repositories and can be installed with:

rpm -ivh
rpm -ivh
rpm -ivh

These packages and their repository are sponsored by

yum install hiphop-php -y

To build your own hiphop-php rpm packages

HipHop has been developed on CentOS and Fedora, but only based on source code and some patches. You may found this way is hard.
So, I create some patched RPM’s for easy HipHop installation on CentOS 5

At the moment, RPM’s only for 64 bits systems. I work on 32bits in that moment, and you can get RPMS as soon as possible.


Install addition repositories from CentOS 5 64bit:
Using sudo or as root user:

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh

Install HipHop-PHP from RPMs:

Download rpms exclude doc and devel branches
Install then all as one rpm -Uvh *.rpm

Rebuild HipHop-PHP via RPMs:

Download rpm include devel branches and install them as one rpm -Uvh *.rpm
Download srpm package hphp and rebuild it use rpm-build: rpmbuild --rebuild hphp*.srpm

Update HipHop-PHP for last release:

Install srpm package hphp, then go to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
Remove hphp.tar.gz
Clone new release by git
Create tar.gz archive from release
Use rpm-build for create RPM: rpmbuild -bb hphp.spec

Clone this wiki locally