diff --git a/de/resources/community.md b/de/resources/community.md index 084bc9a468..23398c5afd 100755 --- a/de/resources/community.md +++ b/de/resources/community.md @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ lang: de # Community -## Mailing-Liste - -Werden Sie Teil von über 2000 Express-Benutzern oder durchsuchen Sie über 5000 -Diskussionen in der [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## Gitter - -Der [expressjs/express-Chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) eignet sich besonders für Entwickler, die sich für die täglichen Diskussionen zu Express interessieren. - -## IRC-Channel - -Hunderte von Entwicklern, die jeden Tag in #express auf freenode auf Ihre Fragen warten. Wenn Sie Fragen zum Framework haben, schauen Sie doch einfach vorbei und holen Sie sich dazu geeignetes Feedback. - ## Beispiele Zeigen Sie Dutzende von [Beispielen](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) zu Express-Anwendungen im Repository an, das alles abdeckt – von API-Design und Authentifizierung bis zur Einbindung von Template-Engines. diff --git a/en/resources/community.md b/en/resources/community.md index 1a04a1673d..5a197dffc0 100755 --- a/en/resources/community.md +++ b/en/resources/community.md @@ -49,11 +49,6 @@ Additionally, the Express community maintains modules in these two GitHub orgs: To keep up with what is going on in the whole community, check out the [ExpressJS StatusBoard](https://expressjs.github.io/statusboard/). -## Gitter - -The [expressjs/express chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) is great place -for developers interested in the everyday discussions related to Express. - ## Issues If you've come across what you think is a bug, or just want to make @@ -64,13 +59,6 @@ a feature request open a ticket in the [issue queue](https://github.com/expressj View dozens of Express application [examples](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) in the repository covering everything from API design and authentication to template engine integration. -## Mailing List - -Join over 2000 Express users or browse over 5000 -discussions in the [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## IRC channel +## Github Discussions -Hundreds of developers idle in #express on freenode every day. -If you have questions about the framework, jump in for quick -feedback. +The [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/expressjs/discussions) section is an excellent space to engage in conversations about the development and maintenance of Express, as well as to share ideas and discuss topics related to its usage. diff --git a/es/resources/community.md b/es/resources/community.md index a861674376..d8ca5452a4 100755 --- a/es/resources/community.md +++ b/es/resources/community.md @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ lang: es # Comunidad -## Lista de envío de correos - -Únase a más de 2000 usuarios de Express o explore más de 5000 discusiones en [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## Gitter - -La [sala de conversación expressjs/express](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) es un excelente recurso para los desarrolladores interesados en las discusiones diarias relacionadas con Express. - -## Canal de IRC - -Cientos de desarrolladores añaden comentarios en #express en Freenode cada día. -Si tiene preguntas sobre la infraestructura, entre para realizar consultas rápidas. - ## Ejemplos Vea docenas de [ejemplos](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) de aplicaciones Express en el repositorio, que van desde la autenticación y el diseño de API hasta la integración del motor de plantillas. diff --git a/fr/resources/community.md b/fr/resources/community.md index 6a84226915..3f527b26e2 100755 --- a/fr/resources/community.md +++ b/fr/resources/community.md @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ lang: fr # Communauté -## Liste de diffusion - -Rejoignez plus de 2000 utilisateurs Express ou parcourez plus de 5000 discussions dans le [Groupe Google](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## Gitter - -Le [chatroom expressjs/express](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) est un endroit idéal -pour les développeurs de logiciel intéressés par des discussions quotidiennes en rapport avec Express. - -## Canal IRC - -Chaque jour, des centaines de développeurs de logiciels vous répondent dans la rubrique #express sur Freenode. -Si vous avez des questions sur l'infrastructure, inscrivez-vous pour obtenir rapidement des informations en retour. - ## Exemples Regardez des douzaines d'[exemples](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) d'applications Express dans le référentiel qui couvre tous les sujets, en allant de l'authentification et la conception de l'interface de diff --git a/id/resources/community.md b/id/resources/community.md index 391ddfa08f..25eb392bab 100755 --- a/id/resources/community.md +++ b/id/resources/community.md @@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ Additionally, the Express community maintains modules in these two GitHub orgs: To keep up with what is going on in the whole community, check out the [ExpressJS StatusBoard](https://expressjs.github.io/statusboard/). -## Gitter - -The [expressjs/express chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) is great place -for developers interested in the everyday discussions related to Express. - ## Issues If you've come across what you think is a bug, or just want to make @@ -63,13 +58,3 @@ a feature request open a ticket in the [issue queue](https://github.com/expressj View dozens of Express application [examples](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) in the repository covering everything from API design and authentication to template engine integration. -## Mailing List - -Join over 2000 Express users or browse over 5000 -discussions in the [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## IRC channel - -Hundreds of developers idle in #express on freenode every day. -If you have questions about the framework, jump in for quick -feedback. diff --git a/it/resources/community.md b/it/resources/community.md index a619f8728c..d39bd5d2ec 100755 --- a/it/resources/community.md +++ b/it/resources/community.md @@ -7,22 +7,6 @@ lang: it # Community -## Mailing List - -Unisciti a oltre 2000 utenti Express o cerca oltre 5000 -dibattiti nel [Gruppo Google](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## Gitter - -La [chatroom di expressjs/express](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) è un posto unico per gli sviluppatori -che sono interessati ai dibattiti giornalieri su Express. - -## Canale IRC - -Centinaia di sviluppatori inattivi in #express su freenode ogni giorno. -Per domande sul framework, entra per un -feedback veloce. - ## Esempi Visualizzare dozzine di [esempi](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) diff --git a/ja/resources/community.md b/ja/resources/community.md index 19fd48fd19..071f2fd478 100755 --- a/ja/resources/community.md +++ b/ja/resources/community.md @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ lang: ja # コミュニティー -## メーリング・リスト - -[Google グループ](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js)で、2000 名を超える Express ユーザーの中に参加したり、5000 件を超えるディスカッションを参照したりすることができます。 - -## Gitter - -[expressjs/express chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) は、Express に関連する日常的なディスカッションに参加したい開発者に適しています。 - -## IRC チャネル - -毎日、数百名の開発者が #express on freenode で時間を過ごしています。 -フレームワークに関する質問がある場合は、すぐに参加してください。フィードバックを素早く得られます。 - ## 例 API の設計や認証からテンプレート・エンジンの統合まで、あらゆるものを扱っている数十の Express アプリケーションの[例](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples)をリポジトリーでご覧ください。 diff --git a/ko/resources/community.md b/ko/resources/community.md index 5c847f423f..da20bfe620 100755 --- a/ko/resources/community.md +++ b/ko/resources/community.md @@ -7,22 +7,6 @@ lang: ko # 커뮤니티 -## 메일링 리스트 - -[Google Group](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js)에서 -2,000명 이상의 Express 사용자와 만나거나 5,000건 이상의 토론을 둘러보십시오. - -## Gitter - -[expressjs/express chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express)은 Express와 관련된 -일상적인 토론에 관심이 있는 개발자들에게 매우 적합한 곳입니다. - -## IRC 채널 - -매일 수백 명의 개발자들이 Freenode의 #express에서 시간을 보내고 있습니다. -프레임워크에 대한 질문이 있는 경우에는 채팅에 참여하여 -신속하게 피드백을 얻으십시오. - ## 예제 API 설계에서부터 인증 및 템플리트 엔진 통합에 이르는 모든 주제를 다루는 저장소에서 diff --git a/pt-br/resources/community.md b/pt-br/resources/community.md index 7673805397..bd235d8213 100755 --- a/pt-br/resources/community.md +++ b/pt-br/resources/community.md @@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ Além disso, a comunidade Express mantém módulos nestes duas organizações no Para acompanhar o que está acontecendo em toda a comunidade, Confira a [ExpressJS StatusBoard](https://expressjs.github.io/statusboard/). -## Gitter - -O [expressjs/express chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) é um ótimo lugar -para desenvolvedores interessados nas discussões cotidianas relacionadas ao Express. - ## Issues Se você se deparou com o que acha que é um bug ou apenas deseja fazer @@ -62,13 +57,3 @@ uma solicitação de recurso abre um ticket no [issue queue](https://github.com/ Veja dezenas de aplicativos Express [exemplos](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) no repositório temos de tudo, desde design de API e autenticação até integração de mecanismo de template. - -## Lista de discussão - -Junte-se a mais de 2.000 usuários Express ou navegue em mais de 5.000 -discussões no [Google Grupos](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## IRC channel - -Centenas de desenvolvedores ficam disponíveis no #express no freenode todos os dias. -Se você tiver dúvidas sobre a estrutura, obtenha feedback rápido. diff --git a/ru/resources/community.md b/ru/resources/community.md index 2acc7a463b..139363d88d 100755 --- a/ru/resources/community.md +++ b/ru/resources/community.md @@ -7,20 +7,6 @@ lang: ru # Сообщество -## Список рассылки - -Присоединяйтесь к 2000 пользователей Express или ознакомьтесь с более чем 5000 -обсуждений в [Группе Google](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## Gitter - -[Раздел чата по expressjs/express](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) идеален для разработчиков, активно интересующихся ежедневными обсуждениями тем, касающихся Express. - -## Канал IRC - -Сотни разработчиков ежедневно общаются на канале #express в сети freenode. -Если у вас возникнут вопросы по данному фреймворку, присоединяйтесь - и вы быстро получите ответы на них. - ## Примеры Просмотр десятков [примеров](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) приложений Express в хранилище, охватывающем разнообразные направления - от проектирования API и аутентификации до интеграции шаблонизаторов. diff --git a/sk/resources/community.md b/sk/resources/community.md index 36d1d4ba88..4bf7e54ee4 100644 --- a/sk/resources/community.md +++ b/sk/resources/community.md @@ -11,20 +11,6 @@ lang: sk # Komunita -## Mailová skupina - -Pridajte sa k 2000 Express používateľom alebo sa pozrite na viac než 5000 -[Google Group](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js) diskusií. - -## Gitter - -[Strongloop/express chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) je skvelým miestom pre developerov zaujímajúcich sa a diskutujúcich o Express-e. - -## IRC kanál - -Stovky developerov nájdete každý deň na #express kanály. -Ak máte otázky ohľadom frameworku, spýtajte sa. - # Príklady Pozrite sa na desiatky Express aplikácií v priečinku [examples](https://github.com/expressjs/express/tree/master/examples) diff --git a/th/resources/community.md b/th/resources/community.md index 8d128ef87d..2623ab639d 100755 --- a/th/resources/community.md +++ b/th/resources/community.md @@ -7,22 +7,6 @@ lang: th # Community -## Mailing List - -Join over 2000 Express users or browse over 5000 -discussions in the [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/group/express-js). - -## Gitter - -The [expressjs/express chatroom](https://gitter.im/expressjs/express) is great place -for developers interested in the everyday discussions related to Express. - -## IRC channel - -Hundreds of developers idle in #express on freenode every day. -If you have questions about the framework, jump in for quick -feedback. - ## Issues If you've come across what you think is a bug, or just want to make diff --git a/tr/resources/community.md b/tr/resources/community.md index 13f8f6fdac..eae82150de 100644 --- a/tr/resources/community.md +++ b/tr/resources/community.md @@ -7,22 +7,6 @@ lang: tr