JavaScript SDK for the Swarm decentralised storage.
Supports Node.js 18+, Vite and Webpack.
Write your code in CJS, MJS or TypeScript.
Intended to be used with Bee version 2.5.0.
Start a Swarm project using TypeScript:
npm init swarm-app@latest my-dapp node-ts
or using Vite and TypeScript:
npm init swarm-app@latest my-dapp vite-tsx
Supported types are node
, node-esm
, node-ts
and vite-tsx
. Replace my-dapp
with your project name.
npm install @ethersphere/bee-js
const { Bee } = require('@ethersphere/bee-js')
import { Bee } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
Loading this module through a script tag will make the BeeJs
object available in the global namespace.
<script src=""></script>
is a branded type for marking strings that represent numbers. It interops with string
and bigint
types. Where NumberString
is present, number
is disallowed in order to avoid pitfalls with unsafe large values.
All the classes below extend Bytes
, therefor the following methods are available on all of them: toUint8Array
, toBase64
, toBase32
, toUtf8
, toJSON
, static keccak256
, static fromUtf8
The toString
method uses toHex
and its subclasses may be constructed with new
from Uint8Array
or hex string
Name | Description | Methods |
PrivateKey | 32 bytes private key | publicKey , sign |
PublicKey | 64 bytes public key | address , toCompressedUint8Array , toCompressedHex |
EthAddress | 20 bytes Ethereum address | toChecksum |
Signature | 65 bytes signature | recoverPublicKey |
Name | Description | Methods |
Reference | 32/64 bytes reference (chunk, feed) | toCid |
Identifier | 32 bytes identifier (SOC, Feed) | - |
TransactionId | 32 bytes transaction ID | - |
FeedIndex | 8 bytes feed index (BE) | static fromBigInt , toBigInt |
Topic | 32 bytes topic | static fromString |
PeerAddress | 32 bytes peer address | - |
BatchId | 32 bytes batch ID | - |
Span | 8 bytes span (LE) | static fromBigInt , toBigInt |
Name | Description | Methods |
DAI | ERC20 DAI token (18 digits) | static fromDecimalString , static fromWei , toWeiString , toWeiBigInt , toDecimalString |
BZZ | ERC20 BZZ token (16 digits) | static fromDecimalString , static fromPLUR , toPLURString , toPLURBigInt , toDecimalString |
Name | Description | Creation |
Chunk | Span, max. 4096 bytes payload; address dervied from content | makeContentAddressedChunk |
SingleOwnerChunk | Identifier, signature, span, max. 4096 bytes payload; address derived from identifier and owner | makeSingleOwnerChunk |
Name | Description | Methods |
MantarayNode | Compact trie with reference values and JSON metadata | addFork , removeFork , calculateSelfAddress , find , findClosest , collect , marshal , unmarshal , saveRecursively , loadRecursively |
MerkleTree | Streaming BMT of chunks | append , finalize , static root |
Name | Description | Creation |
SOCWriter | SingleOwnerChunk writer | bee.makeSOCWriter |
SOCReader | SingleOwnerChunk reader | bee.makeSOCReader |
FeedWriter | Feed writer | bee.makeFeedWriter |
FeedReader | Feed reader | bee.makeFeedReader |
- ❌❌✅ - Full node only
- ❌✅✅ - Light node and full node
- ✅✅✅ - Ultra-light node, light node and full node
JS Call | Bee Endpoint | Bee Mode |
uploadFile |
POST /bzz 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
uploadFilesFromDirectory Node.js |
POST /bzz 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
uploadFiles |
POST /bzz 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
uploadCollection |
POST /bzz 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
uploadData |
POST /bytes 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
uploadChunk |
POST /chunks 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
streamDirectory Node.js |
POST /chunks 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
streamFiles Browser |
POST /chunks 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
SOCWriter.upload |
POST /soc/:owner/:identifier 🔗 |
❌✅✅ | |
GET /feeds/:owner/:topic 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
FeedWriter.updateFeed |
POST /soc/:owner/:identifier 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
downloadFile |
GET /bzz/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
downloadFile |
GET /bzz/:reference/:path 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
downloadReadableFile |
GET /bzz/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
downloadData |
GET /bytes/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
downloadReadableData |
GET /bytes/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
downloadChunk |
GET /chunks/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
createFeedManifest |
POST /feeds/:owner/:topic 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
isConnected |
GET / |
✅✅✅ |
getHealth |
GET /health 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getReadiness |
GET /readiness 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getNodeInfo |
GET /node 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getChainState |
GET /chainstate 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getRedistributionState |
GET /redistributionstate 🔗 |
❌❌✅ |
getReserveState |
GET /reservestate 🔗 |
❌❌✅ |
getStatus |
GET /status 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getWallet |
GET /wallet 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getTopology |
GET /topology 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getAddresses |
GET /addresses 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getPeers |
GET /peers 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getAllBalances |
GET /balances 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getPeerBalance |
GET /balances/:peer 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getPastDueConsumptionBalances |
GET /consumed 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getPastDueConsumptionPeerBalance |
GET /consumed/:peer 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getAllSettlements |
GET /settlements 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getSettlements |
GET /settlements/:peer 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getChequebookAddress |
GET /chequebook/address 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getChequebookBalance |
GET /chequebook/balance 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getLastCheques |
GET /chequebook/cheque 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getLastChequesForPeer |
GET /chequebook/cheque/:peer 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getLastCashoutAction |
GET /chequebook/cashout/:peer 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
cashoutLastCheque |
POST /chequebook/cashout/:peer 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
depositTokens |
POST /chequebook/deposit 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
withdrawTokens |
POST /chequebook/withdraw 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getAllPendingTransactions |
GET /transactions 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getPendingTransaction |
GET /transactions/:id 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
rebroadcastTransaction |
POST /transactions/:id 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
cancelTransaction |
DELETE /transactions/:id 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
createTag |
POST /tags 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
retrieveTag |
GET /tags/:id 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getAllTags |
GET /tags 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
deleteTag |
DELETE /tags/:id 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
updateTag |
PATCH /tags/:id 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
pin |
POST /pins/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getAllPins |
GET /pins 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getPin |
GET /pins/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
isReferenceRetrievable |
GET /stewardship/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
reuploadPinnedData |
PUT /stewardship/:reference 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
unpin |
DELETE /pins/:reference 🔗 |
✅✅✅ |
getGrantees |
GET /grantee/:reference 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
createGrantees |
POST /grantee 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
patchGrantees |
PATCH /grantee/:reference 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
pssSend |
POST /pss/send/:topic/:target 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
pssSubscribe Websocket |
GET /pss/subscribe/:topic 🔗 |
❌❌✅ |
pssReceive |
GET /pss/subscribe/:topic 🔗 |
❌❌✅ |
getAllPostageBatch |
GET /stamps 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getGlobalPostageBatches |
GET /batches 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getPostageBatch |
GET /stamps/:batchId 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getPostageBatchBuckets |
GET /stamps/:batchId/buckets 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
createPostageBatch |
POST /stamps/:amount/:depth 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
topUpBatch |
PATCH /stamps/topup/:batchId/:amount 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
diluteBatch |
PATCH /stamps/dilute/:batchId/:depth 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
createEnvelope |
POST /envelope/:reference 🔗 |
❌✅✅ |
getStake |
GET /stake 🔗 |
❌❌✅ |
depositStake |
POST /stake 🔗 |
❌❌✅ |
import { Bee, NULL_STAMP, SWARM_GATEWAY_URL } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
async function main() {
const bee = new Bee(SWARM_GATEWAY_URL)
const { reference } = await bee.uploadData(NULL_STAMP, 'Hello, World!')
Swarm incentivizes nodes in the network to store content, therefor all uploads require a paid postage batch.
import { Bee } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
async function getOrCreatePostageBatch() {
const bee = new Bee('http://localhost:1633')
let batchId
const batches = await bee.getAllPostageBatch()
const usable = batches.find(x => x.usable)
if (usable) {
batchId = usable.batchID
} else {
batchId = await bee.buyStorage(Size.fromGigabytes(1), Duration.fromDays(7))
The following examples all assume an existing batchId.
import { Bee } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
const bee = new Bee('http://localhost:1633')
const uploadResult = await bee.uploadData(batchId, 'Bee is awesome!')
const data = await bee.downloadData(uploadResult.reference)
console.log(data.toUtf8()) // prints 'Bee is awesome!'
import { Bee } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
const bee = new Bee('http://localhost:1633')
const result = await bee.uploadFile(batchId, file)
import { Bee } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
const bee = new Bee('http://localhost:1633')
const result = await bee.uploadFiles(batchId, fileList)
import { Bee } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
import { createReadStream } from 'fs'
const bee = new Bee('http://localhost:1633')
const readable = createReadStream('./path/to/large.bin')
const uploadResult = await bee.uploadFile(batchId, readable)
import { Bee } from '@ethersphere/bee-js'
import { createReadStream } from 'fs'
const bee = new Bee('http://localhost:1633')
const uploadResult = await bee.uploadFilesFromDirectory(batchId, './path/to/gallery/')
const bee = new Bee('http://localhost:1633', {
httpAgent: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }),
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }),
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic ' + Buffer.from('username:password').toString('base64'),
Stay up to date by joining the official Discord and by keeping an eye on the releases tab.
There are some ways you can make this module better:
- Consult our open issues and take on one of them
- Help our tests reach 100% coverage!
- Join us in our Discord chat in the #develop-on-swarm channel if you have questions or want to give feedback
Install project dependencies:
npm install
Build the project:
npm run build
After making changes, link the package to your project by running npm link
in the Bee-JS project root, and
npm link @ethersphere/bee-js
in your project root.
Tests are currently run against a mainnet Bee nodes. This is temporary and this section will be revised in the future.