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234 lines (147 loc) · 6.2 KB

File metadata and controls

234 lines (147 loc) · 6.2 KB

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remix-debug wrap other remix-* libraries and can be used to debug Ethereum transactions.


npm install remix-debug


var Debugger = require('remix-debug').EthDebugger
var BreakpointManager = require('remix-debug').BreakpointManager

var debugger = new Debugger({
  compilationResult: () => {
    return compilationResult // that helps resolving source location

debugger.addProvider(web3, 'web3')

var breakPointManager = new remixCore.code.BreakpointManager(this.debugger, (sourceLocation) => {
    // return offsetToLineColumn
breakPointManager.add({fileName, row})
breakPointManager.add({fileName, row})


// this.traceManager.getCurrentCalledAddressAt

debugger.event.register('newTraceLoaded', () => {
  // start doing basic stuff like retrieving step details
  debugger.traceManager.getCallStackAt(34, (error, callstack) => {})

debugger.callTree.register('callTreeReady', () => {
  // start doing more complex stuff like resolvng local variables
  var storageView = debugger.storageViewAt(38, <contract address>, 
  storageView.storageSlot(0, (error, storage) => {})
  storageView.storageRange(error, storage) => {}) // retrieve 0 => 1000 slots

  debugger.extractStateAt(23, (error, state) => {
    debugger.decodeStateAt(23, state, (error, decodedState) => {})
  debugger.sourceLocationFromVMTraceIndex(<contract address>, 23, (error, location) => {
    debugger.decodeLocalsAt(23, location, (error, decodedlocals) => {})
  debugger.extractLocalsAt(23, (null, locals) => {})



    code: {
        CodeManager: CodeManager,
        BreakpointManager: BreakpointManager
    storage: {
        StorageViewer: StorageViewer,
        StorageResolver: StorageResolver
    trace: {
        TraceManager: TraceManager

TraceManager is a convenient way to access a VM Trace and resolve some value from it.

TraceManager() :

function resolveTrace(stepIndex, tx)

function init(stepIndex, tx)

function inRange(stepIndex, tx)

function isLoaded(stepIndex, tx)

function getLength(stepIndex, tx)

function accumulateStorageChanges(stepIndex, tx)

function getAddresses(stepIndex, tx)

function getCallDataAt(stepIndex, tx)

function getCallStackAt(stepIndex, tx)

function getStackAt(stepIndex, tx)

function getLastCallChangeSince(stepIndex, tx)

function getCurrentCalledAddressAt(stepIndex, tx)

function getContractCreationCode(stepIndex, tx)

function getMemoryAt(stepIndex, tx)

function getCurrentPC(stepIndex, tx)

function getReturnValue(stepIndex, tx)

function getCurrentStep(stepIndex, tx)

function getMemExpand(stepIndex, tx)

function getStepCost(stepIndex, tx)

function getRemainingGas(stepIndex, tx)

function getStepCost(stepIndex, tx)

function isCreationStep(stepIndex, tx)

function findStepOverBack(stepIndex, tx)

function findStepOverForward(stepIndex, tx)

function findStepOverBack(stepIndex, tx)

function findNextCall(stepIndex, tx)

function findStepOut(stepIndex, tx)

function checkRequestedStep(stepIndex, tx)

function waterfall(stepIndex, tx)

CodeManager(_traceManager) :

function getCode(stepIndex, tx) : Resolve the code of the given @arg stepIndex and trigger appropriate event

function resolveStep(address, cb) : Retrieve the code located at the given @arg address

function getFunctionFromStep(stepIndex, sourceMap, ast) : Retrieve the called function for the current vm step

function getInstructionIndex(address, step, callback) : Retrieve the instruction index of the given @arg step

function getFunctionFromPC(address, pc, sourceMap, ast) : Retrieve the called function for the given @arg pc and @arg address

BreakpointManager(_ethdebugger, _locationToRowConverter) :

function jumpNextBreakpoint(defaultToLimit) : start looking for the next breakpoint

function jumpPreviousBreakpoint(defaultToLimit) : start looking for the previous breakpoint

function jump(direction, defaultToLimit) : start looking for the previous or next breakpoint

function hasBreakpointAtLine((fileIndex, line) : check the given pair fileIndex/line against registered breakpoints

function hasBreakpoint() : return true if current manager has breakpoint

function add(sourceLocation) : add a new breakpoint to the manager

function remove(sourceLocation) : remove a breakpoint from the manager

StorageViewer(_context, _storageResolver, _traceManager) :

function storageRange(defaultToLimit) : return the storage for the current context (address and vm trace index)

function storageSlot(defaultToLimit) : return a slot value for the current context (address and vm trace index)

function isComplete(direction, defaultToLimit) : return True if the storage at @arg address is complete

function initialMappingsLocation((fileIndex, line) : return all the possible mappings locations for the current context (cached) do not return state changes during the current transaction

function mappingsLocation() : return all the possible mappings locations for the current context (cached) and current mapping slot. returns state changes during the current transaction

function extractMappingsLocationChanges(sourceLocation) : retrieve mapping location changes from the storage changes.

StorageResolver() :

function storageRange(tx, stepIndex, address, callback) : return the storage for the current context (address and vm trace index)

function initialPreimagesMappings(tx, stepIndex, address, callback) : return a slot value for the current context (address and vm trace index)

function storageSlot(slot, tx, stepIndex, address, callback) : return True if the storage at @arg address is complete

function isComplete(address) : return all the possible mappings locations for the current context (cached) do not return state changes during the current transaction