9.4.0-dev.2 (2024-11-14)
- updating deployment files (9f1a591)
9.4.0-dev.1 (2024-10-23)
- add mainnet deployments of TWT market (f92fcf8)
- add SolvBTC market (a0e2b61)
- add TWT market in core pool on bsctestnet (df6028e)
- updating deployment files (3cf6cf1)
- updating deployment files (8581e06)
- updating deployment files (fd40785)
- updating deployment files (0bf8812)
- updating deployment files (c8038cb)
- deployed on bsctestnet and bscmainnet (a483cf4)
- fixed lint (b0c4089)
- hardhat deployments (84308d4)
- merge conflict (d8b092e)
- updated params and redeployed (a0e26e9)
- updated yarn.lock (df678bd)
9.3.0 (2024-10-10)
- deployment files for plp and prime on opmainnet (8dffc68)
- deployment files for the prime and plp contracts on opsepolia (29a293b)
- deployment files for the treasury on op mainnet (7a48028)
- deployment files of xvs vault on op mainnet (22f00d4)
- update IR of VBNB (d334a3d)
- updating deployment files (a09e96b)
- updating deployment files (8436f6d)
- updating deployment files (c45ed5d)
- updating deployment files (2d182dc)
- updating deployment files (8255e99)
- updating deployment files (22bb4d4)
- updating deployment files (e1bc769)
- updating deployment files (026d270)
- use packages that include the Optimism deployment (75a772d)
9.3.0-dev.6 (2024-10-10)
- deployment files for plp and prime on opmainnet (8dffc68)
- updating deployment files (a09e96b)
- updating deployment files (8436f6d)
- use packages that include the Optimism deployment (75a772d)
9.3.0-dev.5 (2024-09-27)
9.3.0-dev.4 (2024-09-20)
9.3.0-dev.3 (2024-09-17)
- deployment files for the prime and plp contracts on opsepolia (29a293b)
- updating deployment files (22bb4d4)
9.3.0-dev.2 (2024-09-17)
- ci checks (e3e6644)
9.3.0-dev.1 (2024-09-13)
- pr comment (52a4c06)
9.2.0 (2024-09-10)
- add config for zksync (45b42ce)
- add deployments of VTreasury on zksync (2887b61)
- add interest rate model deployments for Chaos recs (52127eb)
- add second mock token (77ce780)
- add VTreasuryV8 deployment on zksyncsepolia (56b54c5)
- add xvs vaults deployments on zksync (c6c8e4f)
- added unlistMarket (282a1a8)
- bump dependencies with venus packages (7d19086)
- deployment of XVSVault on zksyncsepolia (0afc425)
- prime deployment on zksync (5398273)
- Prime deployments on zksync sepolia (5716327)
- updating deployment files (f34105f)
- updating deployment files (f57bca4)
- updating deployment files (f351525)
- updating deployment files (61d2793)
- updating deployment files (f7e1d9a)
- updating deployment files (e18f96d)
- updating deployment files (2847c80)
- updating deployment files (b3281eb)
- updating deployment files (fc3f331)
- updating deployment files (21ed31e)
- updating deployment files (1ed8231)
- updating deployment files (d4ddde4)
- updating deployment files (fd30e01)
- updating deployment files (ae12fbe)
- updating deployment files (5b96e3f)
- updating deployment files (7e37125)
- updating deployment files (d89969a)
- updating deployment files (caa262f)
- updating deployment files (3aaa586)
- updating deployment files (c492d3b)
- updating deployment files (13a058d)
- updating deployment files (fb324fd)
- updating deployment files (316ad1a)
- updating deployment files (9352924)
- updating deployment files (0f7b89c)
- updating deployment files (b55a69b)
- updating deployment files (7c0c222)
- add all facets (96cec24)
- add missing import (7bd3491)
- added function to update IR (7514bbc)
- added TwoKinksInterestRateModel (11510df)
- check events and errors (2ec617c)
- check for state instead of modifiying state (615891e)
- check unlist (9ccd8c6)
- deploy proxy and set implementation (0112a0f)
- deploy Vai controller on hardhat (6706439)
- deploy XVS on all networks (6481a2c)
- deployed facets on mainnet (1497031)
- deployed facets to testnet (da81b57)
- deployed new IR (dbfa635)
- deployed new IR (300d0af)
- deployed new IR (f0724dd)
- deployed new vbnb admin implementation (34fbc1a)
- deployed on testnet (613418c)
- deployed on testnet (92ed6ba)
- deployed opbnbtestnet (10b4bb1)
- deployed setter fac (9089389)
- deployed setter facet (de541c4)
- filter unlisted markets from getAssetsIn (1f1e0b6)
- fix comment (e9aee5c)
- fix type error which fails build (57aba60)
- fixed borrow cap 0 means infinite (526bcd1)
- fixed borrow tests in assets list tests (78f21ae)
- fixed deploy script (21f12bd)
- fixed deployments (b135af3)
- fixed fork test (89659d5)
- fixed fork test (c966020)
- fixed lint (abb29ce)
- fixed test (07a9d13)
- fixed tests (f3a10bb)
- fixed tests (b0558aa)
- fixed tests (bcf7176)
- fixed unlist market test (1155c03)
- max utilisation rate (35c832e)
- move unlistMarket to MarketFacet (4a7f33c)
- optimised getAssetsIn (38d2a62)
- rebased (fe188f2)
- rebased (fce93f7)
- redeployed contracts (36a1d7c)
- redeployed market and setter facets (e3db4a0)
- redeployed market facet (a6ad473)
- redeployed with acm signature fix (a13820f)
- remove deployment from script (29af8c6)
- remove outdated addresses (a12ea8f)
- remove zksyncsepolia in ci.yml (637b94d)
- removed deployments (45519de)
- removed deployments (b0e2644)
- removed deployments (8f0feeb)
- removed files (373a93d)
- removed ir deployment (9cd374c)
- removed only (b699bb1)
- removed SignedSafeMath (2864022)
- reset deployments (8282f74)
- resolved conflict (a047a3d)
- resolved conflict (c3aac43)
- resolved conflict (99ec183)
- resolved conflict (34a3569)
- resolved conflict (5513cf1)
- reverted redeployed market facet (61bbf6a)
- set borrow cap (bd7d444)
- uncomment test (5f97c2c)
- uncommented code (0a62f53)
- update comment (499400c)
- updated facet deploy (43bc382)
- url (f2d060d)
- use memory instead of storage (8e6c549)
- use public and return code (c0bab52)
- use solidity 0.8 (9124f4f)
- ven-s2 (cf5b528)
- ven-s3 (ae53d56)
- vpb-01 (4c9be09)
- vpb-01 (191b1c4)
- VPB-01 (36ee37b)
- vpb-02 (414bd7d)
- vpb-03 (f339105)
- vpb-03 alleviation (72133a8)
- VPB-04 (e9595f9)
- vpb-05 (b5df8d2)
- VPB-05 (086c073)
- VPB-05 (52236a3)
- VPB-05 (f283bd3)
- wip - tests for unlisting market (bdc8162)
- wip - unit tests (0cb0b21)
9.2.0-dev.16 (2024-09-10)
- bump dependencies with venus packages (7d19086)
9.2.0-dev.15 (2024-09-10)
9.2.0-dev.14 (2024-09-06)
- add xvs vaults deployments on zksync (c6c8e4f)
- updating deployment files (f57bca4)
- updating deployment files (61d2793)
9.2.0-dev.13 (2024-09-05)
- added unlistMarket (282a1a8)
- updating deployment files (f351525)
- updating deployment files (ae12fbe)
- updating deployment files (5b96e3f)
- updating deployment files (13a058d)
- updating deployment files (fb324fd)
- updating deployment files (316ad1a)
- updating deployment files (9352924)
- updating deployment files (0f7b89c)
- updating deployment files (b55a69b)
- updating deployment files (7c0c222)
- add all facets (96cec24)
- check events and errors (2ec617c)
- check for state instead of modifiying state (615891e)
- check unlist (9ccd8c6)
- deployed facets on mainnet (1497031)
- deployed facets to testnet (da81b57)
- deployed on testnet (92ed6ba)
- deployed opbnbtestnet (10b4bb1)
- deployed setter fac (9089389)
- deployed setter facet (de541c4)
- filter unlisted markets from getAssetsIn (1f1e0b6)
- fixed borrow cap 0 means infinite (526bcd1)
- fixed borrow tests in assets list tests (78f21ae)
- fixed deployments (b135af3)
- fixed fork test (89659d5)
- fixed fork test (c966020)
- fixed lint (abb29ce)
- fixed test (07a9d13)
- fixed tests (b0558aa)
- fixed tests (bcf7176)
- fixed unlist market test (1155c03)
- move unlistMarket to MarketFacet (4a7f33c)
- optimised getAssetsIn (38d2a62)
- rebased (fe188f2)
- rebased (fce93f7)
- redeployed contracts (36a1d7c)
- redeployed market and setter facets (e3db4a0)
- redeployed market facet (a6ad473)
- removed deployments (45519de)
- removed deployments (b0e2644)
- removed deployments (8f0feeb)
- removed only (b699bb1)
- reset deployments (8282f74)
- resolved conflict (a047a3d)
- resolved conflict (99ec183)
- resolved conflict (34a3569)
- resolved conflict (5513cf1)
- reverted redeployed market facet (61bbf6a)
- set borrow cap (bd7d444)
- update comment (499400c)
- updated facet deploy (43bc382)
- use memory instead of storage (8e6c549)
- VPB-01 (36ee37b)
- VPB-04 (e9595f9)
- VPB-05 (086c073)
- VPB-05 (52236a3)
- VPB-05 (f283bd3)
- wip - tests for unlisting market (bdc8162)
9.2.0-dev.12 (2024-09-02)
- updating deployment files (fd30e01)
9.2.0-dev.11 (2024-08-27)
- url (f2d060d)
9.2.0-dev.10 (2024-08-23)
9.2.0-dev.9 (2024-08-21)
- added TwoKinksInterestRateModel (11510df)
- fix comment (e9aee5c)
- fixed tests (f3a10bb)
- max utilisation rate (35c832e)
- removed SignedSafeMath (2864022)
- use solidity 0.8 (9124f4f)
- ven-s2 (cf5b528)
- ven-s3 (ae53d56)
- vpb-01 (4c9be09)
- vpb-01 (191b1c4)
- vpb-02 (414bd7d)
- vpb-03 (f339105)
- vpb-03 alleviation (72133a8)
- vpb-05 (b5df8d2)
- wip - unit tests (0cb0b21)
9.2.0-dev.8 (2024-08-13)
9.2.0-dev.7 (2024-08-08)
- deployment of XVSVault on zksyncsepolia (0afc425)
- updating deployment files (2847c80)
- updating deployment files (fc3f331)
9.2.0-dev.6 (2024-08-01)
- add config for zksync (45b42ce)
- add VTreasuryV8 deployment on zksyncsepolia (56b54c5)
- updating deployment files (d4ddde4)
- remove zksyncsepolia in ci.yml (637b94d)
9.2.0-dev.5 (2024-07-29)
- updating deployment files (21ed31e)
- remove outdated addresses (a12ea8f)
9.2.0-dev.4 (2024-07-23)
- updating deployment files (7e37125)
- updating deployment files (d89969a)
- updating deployment files (caa262f)
- updating deployment files (3aaa586)
- updating deployment files (c492d3b)
- added function to update IR (7514bbc)
- deployed new IR (300d0af)
- deployed new IR (f0724dd)
- deployed new vbnb admin implementation (34fbc1a)
- deployed on testnet (613418c)
- redeployed with acm signature fix (a13820f)
- remove deployment from script (29af8c6)
- removed files (373a93d)
- removed ir deployment (9cd374c)
- resolved conflict (c3aac43)
- uncomment test (5f97c2c)
- use public and return code (c0bab52)
9.2.0-dev.3 (2024-07-23)
- add missing import (7bd3491)
9.2.0-dev.2 (2024-07-22)
- updating deployment files (1ed8231)
- deploy proxy and set implementation (0112a0f)
- deploy Vai controller on hardhat (6706439)
- deploy XVS on all networks (6481a2c)
- deployed new IR (dbfa635)
- fix type error which fails build (57aba60)
- fixed deploy script (21f12bd)
- uncommented code (0a62f53)
9.2.0-dev.1 (2024-06-25)
- add second mock token (77ce780)
9.1.0 (2024-06-04)
- add VTreasuryV8 deployments for X Layer (ba5b781)
- updating deployment files (01b1577)
- updating deployment files (0126d65)
9.1.0-dev.2 (2024-06-04)
- updating deployment files (01b1577)
9.1.0-dev.1 (2024-06-04)
9.0.0 (2024-05-31)
- revert upon failed mint
- return the actually repaid amount including interest
- add deployments for Prime on arbitrumsepolia (991a124)
- add deployments for VAIController upgrade (5d93c7e)
- add redeemUnderlyingAndTransfer function in TokenRedeemer (8c9b19b)
- add repayVAIBehalf (265fa4c)
- add VTreasuryV8 deployment on arbitrum one (73e7eef)
- allow specifying amounts during batch repayments (2dd92c2)
- deploy audited version of VAIController (071a1f1)
- deploy updated TokenRedeemer (6baea46)
- support batch repayments of VAI in governance helper (7087b4d)
- updating deployment files (b6e816b)
- updating deployment files (6061646)
- updating deployment files (345c8f9)
- updating deployment files (0123134)
- updating deployment files (3b394e5)
- updating deployment files (d9e183b)
- updating deployment files (289e547)
- updating deployment files (96dbef9)
- updating deployment files (7288ff7)
- updating deployment files (fb927da)
- updating deployment files (653e85d)
- updating deployment files (ca8c89c)
- updating deployment files (60dc9f1)
- updating deployment files (316075b)
- updating deployment files (db0e4cb)
- updating deployment files (a5c61de)
- updating deployment files (f3af972)
- updating deployment files (d184717)
- certik/VAI-02 add zero address check for borrower (233ffcc)
- define VAIControllerInterface correctly (f3af464)
- fix deployment scripts to work with hardhat (79ed318)
- remove duplicate scripts (043b037)
- return the actually repaid amount including interest (6b7636b)
- uncomment needed deployment script (ddc0ffb)
- cache markets count in getMintableVAI (f1a45fd)
- revert upon failed mint (f24073a)
9.0.0-dev.9 (2024-05-29)
- updating deployment files (b6e816b)
- updating deployment files (6061646)
- updating deployment files (0123134)
- updating deployment files (3b394e5)
- updating deployment files (96dbef9)
- updating deployment files (7288ff7)
- updating deployment files (fb927da)
- updating deployment files (653e85d)
- uncomment needed deployment script (ddc0ffb)
9.0.0-dev.8 (2024-05-24)
- add redeemUnderlyingAndTransfer function in TokenRedeemer (8c9b19b)
- allow specifying amounts during batch repayments (2dd92c2)
- deploy updated TokenRedeemer (6baea46)
- updating deployment files (d9e183b)
9.0.0-dev.7 (2024-05-23)
9.0.0-dev.6 (2024-05-10)
9.0.0-dev.5 (2024-05-09)
- remove duplicate scripts (043b037)
9.0.0-dev.4 (2024-05-08)
- add deployments for Prime on arbitrumsepolia (991a124)
- updating deployment files (60dc9f1)
- updating deployment files (db0e4cb)
9.0.0-dev.3 (2024-05-06)
- fix deployment scripts to work with hardhat (79ed318)
9.0.0-dev.2 (2024-05-06)
9.0.0-dev.1 (2024-05-04)
- revert upon failed mint
- return the actually repaid amount including interest
- add deployments for VAIController upgrade (5d93c7e)
- add repayVAIBehalf (265fa4c)
- deploy audited version of VAIController (071a1f1)
- updating deployment files (ca8c89c)
- updating deployment files (a5c61de)
- updating deployment files (d184717)
- certik/VAI-02 add zero address check for borrower (233ffcc)
- define VAIControllerInterface correctly (f3af464)
- return the actually repaid amount including interest (6b7636b)
- cache markets count in getMintableVAI (f1a45fd)
- revert upon failed mint (f24073a)
8.1.0 (2024-04-26)
- add deployments for XVSVault on arbitrum sepolia (bdb1a21)
- updating deployment files (2782c68)
- updating deployment files (cbf20db)
8.1.0-dev.1 (2024-04-26)
- add deployments for XVSVault on arbitrum sepolia (bdb1a21)
- updating deployment files (2782c68)
- updating deployment files (cbf20db)
8.0.0 (2024-04-11)
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25
- add deployments of IR for bscmainnet (b91ad15)
- add redeemAndRepayBatch to the governance helper (5c7ca53)
- add VTreasuryV8 deployment on arbitrum sepolia (850d5b9)
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25 (3bbb396)
- updating deployment files (ae58d9d)
- updating deployment files (0874d1e)
- updating deployment files (cf5baaf)
- updating deployment files (ec48969)
- updating deployment files (b65fb19)
- updating deployment files (e6fcaae)
- updating deployment files (5a6c3dd)
- updating deployment files (c7eed76)
- added deployments (913eb66)
- backward compatibility (859458c)
- deployed xvs vault (f06d9bc)
- fixed integration tests (3521609)
- fixed lock period (ef0ebf1)
- fixed prime test (2051fbc)
- fixed TimeManagerV5 (c5aea51)
- fork test for testing invalid opcode (2a8ac14)
- integrated time manager in xvs vault (acb5538)
- optimised storage slot (4d7debd)
- redeployed (d06b583)
- resolved conflict (46d2838)
- rpc for arbitrumOne (8340342)
- rpc for arbitrumSepolia (a0453d4)
- use funcs from utils (a2a22b2)
8.0.0-dev.1 (2024-04-11)
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25
- migrate to Solidity 0.8.25 (3bbb396)
7.6.0-dev.5 (2024-04-10)
7.6.0-dev.4 (2024-04-09)
- add deployments of IR for bscmainnet (b91ad15)
- updating deployment files (ae58d9d)
- updating deployment files (cf5baaf)
7.6.0-dev.3 (2024-04-09)
7.6.0-dev.2 (2024-03-27)
- updating deployment files (e6fcaae)
- updating deployment files (5a6c3dd)
- updating deployment files (c7eed76)
- added deployments (913eb66)
- backward compatibility (859458c)
- deployed xvs vault (f06d9bc)
- fixed integration tests (3521609)
- fixed lock period (ef0ebf1)
- fixed prime test (2051fbc)
- fixed TimeManagerV5 (c5aea51)
- fork test for testing invalid opcode (2a8ac14)
- integrated time manager in xvs vault (acb5538)
- optimised storage slot (4d7debd)
- redeployed (d06b583)
- resolved conflict (46d2838)
- use funcs from utils (a2a22b2)
7.6.0-dev.1 (2024-03-27)
- add VTreasuryV8 deployment on arbitrum sepolia (850d5b9)
- updating deployment files (ec48969)
- updating deployment files (b65fb19)
7.5.0 (2024-03-22)
- updating deployment files (c0452be)
- updating deployment files (9b5f32b)
- updating deployment files (803ebcc)
- updating deployment files (6ac9c36)
- updating deployment files (0b17722)
- add back vBNB contract (cedddc9)
- deploy vTreasuryV8 on hardaht (be43f46)
- deployed prime (5143c48)
- deployed prime on sepolia (c482e5d)
- fetch normaltimelock from deployments (5d2a91c)
- fix running deployment scripts on hardhat (4661a2a)
- fixed lint (66e2091)
- fixed prime deploy script for ethereum (706a40c)
- importm issing FDUSD implementation (9b14ec4)
- lint fix (8e35574)
- only run psm on bnb chain (2a1cac5)
- plp deployed on ethereum (e234f65)
- redeployed prime on sepolia (4877f7f)
- remove unused isolated pools dep (dde0504)
- removed log (eabcb43)
- resolved conflict (4b284f2)
- updated token-bridge package version (4936821)
7.5.0-dev.2 (2024-03-22)
- updating deployment files (c0452be)
- updating deployment files (9b5f32b)
- updating deployment files (6ac9c36)
- updating deployment files (0b17722)
- deployed prime (5143c48)
- deployed prime on sepolia (c482e5d)
- fixed lint (66e2091)
- fixed prime deploy script for ethereum (706a40c)
- lint fix (8e35574)
- plp deployed on ethereum (e234f65)
- redeployed prime on sepolia (4877f7f)
- removed log (eabcb43)
- resolved conflict (4b284f2)
- updated token-bridge package version (4936821)
7.5.0-dev.1 (2024-03-21)
- updating deployment files (803ebcc)
- add back vBNB contract (cedddc9)
- deploy vTreasuryV8 on hardaht (be43f46)
- fetch normaltimelock from deployments (5d2a91c)
- fix running deployment scripts on hardhat (4661a2a)
- importm issing FDUSD implementation (9b14ec4)
- only run psm on bnb chain (2a1cac5)
7.4.1-dev.1 (2024-03-20)
- remove unused isolated pools dep (dde0504)
7.4.0 (2024-03-19)
- add actions paused bitmask to VenusLens (d0f8edf)
- add deployment files for bscmainnet (ea6e6de)
- add deployment files for comptroller market facet and VBep20Delegate for bsctestnet (368ccbd)
- add functionality for seizing of xvs tokens (f0e09b0)
- add functionality of redeem and borrow behalf in tokenRedeemer (7fbded6)
- add mising nat spec for public and external functions (9630cf6)
- add redeemBehalf and redeemUnderlyingBehalf functionality (e44d832)
- deployments and script for tokenRedeemer (b1b21e2)
- update deployment file for market facet for bsctestnet (209d539)
- update deployment files for bscmainnet (71b6a79)
- update deployment files for bsctestnet (54a1ea9)
- update deployments for bsctestnet (e7218e4)
- updating deployment files (d313970)
- updating deployment files (74f54eb)
- updating deployment files (09fbbb4)
- updating deployment files (ccdcbc1)
- updating deployment files (17076eb)
- updating deployment files (d68da7d)
- updating deployment files (b31e774)
- updating deployment files (636d9f2)
- updating deployment files (980c304)
- updating deployment files (a76b85f)
- updating deployment files (8361fcd)
- updating deployment files (7e5b264)
- updating deployment files (b344f3d)
- ven-2250 reduce reserves with available cash (53e37eb)
- venuslens redeployment to bscmainnet (e9a4f80)
- venuslens redployment to bsctestnet (4918ee1)
- added fork tests (32d6dcc)
- added index to events (155cb07)
- create enum for diamond actions (150579c)
- fixed case (0690273)
- fixed test (96574ea)
- fixed XVS address (48ea441)
- interface functions for backward compatibility (8c3378a)
- L01 (156fe5e)
- rebased (ccddfde)
- resolved conflict (6977ee3)
- revert condition for transferring of XVS in seizeVenus and add events (a63c9c9)
- RFD-01 logic can be skipped if holder has zero venus accrued (f0996f1)
- RFD-02 unnecessary variable update (0c7e1f8)
- RFD-04 missing or incomplete natspec (7d2d183)
- set xvs and xvsVToken address (ebee280)
- VEN-GATE-5 (0d48640)
- VPB-01 (e81ab4f)
- VPB-01 (9bad33f)
- VPH-01 typos and inconsistencies (78db5f8)
- VPH-01 typos and inconsistencies (5032671)
- VTIME-3 (6ff148d)
- VTT-01 missing return statement setReduceReservesBlockDelta() and setProtocolShareReserve() (9cfeba7)
7.4.0-dev.8 (2024-03-19)
- add deployment files for bscmainnet (ea6e6de)
- add deployment files for comptroller market facet and VBep20Delegate for bsctestnet (368ccbd)
- add redeemBehalf and redeemUnderlyingBehalf functionality (e44d832)
- update deployment file for market facet for bsctestnet (209d539)
- update deployment files for bscmainnet (71b6a79)
- update deployment files for bsctestnet (54a1ea9)
- update deployments for bsctestnet (e7218e4)
- updating deployment files (d313970)
- updating deployment files (74f54eb)
- updating deployment files (09fbbb4)
- updating deployment files (d68da7d)
- updating deployment files (b31e774)
- updating deployment files (8361fcd)
- updating deployment files (7e5b264)
7.4.0-dev.7 (2024-03-13)
- add actions paused bitmask to VenusLens (d0f8edf)
- updating deployment files (ccdcbc1)
- updating deployment files (17076eb)
- updating deployment files (636d9f2)
- venuslens redeployment to bscmainnet (e9a4f80)
- venuslens redployment to bsctestnet (4918ee1)
7.4.0-dev.6 (2024-03-07)
- add functionality of redeem and borrow behalf in tokenRedeemer (7fbded6)
- deployments and script for tokenRedeemer (b1b21e2)
- updating deployment files (a76b85f)
7.4.0-dev.5 (2024-03-06)
- ven-2250 reduce reserves with available cash (53e37eb)
- VTT-01 missing return statement setReduceReservesBlockDelta() and setProtocolShareReserve() (9cfeba7)
7.4.0-dev.4 (2024-03-06)
- updating deployment files (b344f3d)
- added fork tests (32d6dcc)
- added index to events (155cb07)
- create enum for diamond actions (150579c)
- fixed case (0690273)
- fixed test (96574ea)
- fixed XVS address (48ea441)
- interface functions for backward compatibility (8c3378a)
- rebased (ccddfde)
- resolved conflict (6977ee3)
- set xvs and xvsVToken address (ebee280)
- VPH-01 typos and inconsistencies (78db5f8)
7.4.0-dev.3 (2024-03-06)
- add functionality for seizing of xvs tokens (f0e09b0)
- revert condition for transferring of XVS in seizeVenus and add events (a63c9c9)
- RFD-01 logic can be skipped if holder has zero venus accrued (f0996f1)
- RFD-02 unnecessary variable update (0c7e1f8)
- RFD-04 missing or incomplete natspec (7d2d183)
- VPH-01 typos and inconsistencies (5032671)
7.4.0-dev.2 (2024-03-02)
- updating deployment files (980c304)
7.4.0-dev.1 (2024-02-23)
- add mising nat spec for public and external functions (9630cf6)
7.3.0 (2024-02-16)
- add ACM v8 to liquidator (09a83b4)
- add ACM v8 to liquidator (8dbd1fa)
- add deployment script and upgrade bscmainnet liquidator implementation (6cfb1ee)
- add deployments of liquidator (da76f4a)
- add VAI liquidaton check (a0c45c7)
- check force liquidation enabled (40433a0)
- consider BNB collateral to reduce reserves (b8dfe6a)
- deployments of XVSVault on opbnbmainnet (17bae92)
- updating deployment files (1b77d8d)
- updating deployment files (c1fad3e)
- updating deployment files (1c9060b)
- updating deployment files (2a2fe93)
- updating deployment files (2f6106f)
- updating deployment files (20325a8)
- updating deployment files (1de1c22)
- VEN-1148 liquidation redeem and reduce reserves (b2267aa)
- VEN-1308 add force VAI liquidation (1101406)
- VEN-1308 add force VAI liquidation (491df3f)
- add length checks and remove treasury contract address (6000ae3)
- check redeem action (3c9a57e)
- checks and add netspac (e95cf6c)
- compile issue (d26c448)
- comptroller lens address on bsctestnet (589cfb4)
- fix test for liquidator (da5b6eb)
- fix test for liquidator (598dd45)
- lint (4345032)
- liquidator tests (8016d5f)
- LLV-01 (6d33c87)
- LLV-02 (ead5354)
- LLV-03 (c831054)
- LLV-06 (925c44d)
- LLV-07 (9555b7e)
- LLV-08 (49f76b2)
- LLV-09 (90bcafe)
- LLV-10 (f79a308)
- merge conflicts (b09b2e2)
- minor (ac1f746)
- minor fix (8766208)
- minor fix (d53178c)
- N-01 Incorrect Docstring (e4832bd)
- N-02 Improper Use of Named Return Variable (a1ebea6)
- N-03 Using int/uint Instead of int256/uint256 (460db5a)
- PVE-003 (92ff328)
- remove outdated Comptroller deployment, fix deployment script and redeploy vFDUSD (c4c6b3a)
- resolve comments (1d02ee1)
- resolve comments (597a2ec)
- resolve comments (e33e0da)
- resolve comments (a2e0d7e)
- tests (8b00dff)
- tests (2aead88)
- typo (61e8671)
- ven-1658 (6651191)
- VEN-3 (5f39ba0)
- VEN-8 (f991967)
- VENUS-LIQUIDATOR-003 (c42f1e2)
- VENUS-LIQUIDATOR-005 (f64c645)
- VPB-01 (aee7e2b)
7.3.0-dev.4 (2024-02-16)
- updating deployment files (1b77d8d)
- updating deployment files (20325a8)
- updating deployment files (1de1c22)
- lint (4345032)
- remove outdated Comptroller deployment, fix deployment script and redeploy vFDUSD (c4c6b3a)
7.3.0-dev.3 (2024-02-16)
- add ACM v8 to liquidator (09a83b4)
- add ACM v8 to liquidator (8dbd1fa)
- add deployment script and upgrade bscmainnet liquidator implementation (6cfb1ee)
- add deployments of liquidator (da76f4a)
- add VAI liquidaton check (a0c45c7)
- check force liquidation enabled (40433a0)
- consider BNB collateral to reduce reserves (b8dfe6a)
- updating deployment files (c1fad3e)
- updating deployment files (1c9060b)
- VEN-1148 liquidation redeem and reduce reserves (b2267aa)
- VEN-1308 add force VAI liquidation (1101406)
- VEN-1308 add force VAI liquidation (491df3f)
- add length checks and remove treasury contract address (6000ae3)
- check redeem action (3c9a57e)
- checks and add netspac (e95cf6c)
- compile issue (d26c448)
- fix test for liquidator (da5b6eb)
- fix test for liquidator (598dd45)
- liquidator tests (8016d5f)
- LLV-01 (6d33c87)
- LLV-02 (ead5354)
- LLV-03 (c831054)
- LLV-06 (925c44d)
- LLV-07 (9555b7e)
- LLV-08 (49f76b2)
- LLV-09 (90bcafe)
- LLV-10 (f79a308)
- merge conflicts (b09b2e2)
- minor (ac1f746)
- minor fix (8766208)
- minor fix (d53178c)
- N-01 Incorrect Docstring (e4832bd)
- N-02 Improper Use of Named Return Variable (a1ebea6)
- N-03 Using int/uint Instead of int256/uint256 (460db5a)
- PVE-003 (92ff328)
- resolve comments (1d02ee1)
- resolve comments (597a2ec)
- resolve comments (e33e0da)
- resolve comments (a2e0d7e)
- tests (8b00dff)
- tests (2aead88)
- typo (61e8671)
- ven-1658 (6651191)
- VEN-3 (5f39ba0)
- VEN-8 (f991967)
- VENUS-LIQUIDATOR-003 (c42f1e2)
- VENUS-LIQUIDATOR-005 (f64c645)
- VPB-01 (aee7e2b)
7.3.0-dev.2 (2024-02-09)
7.3.0-dev.1 (2024-02-06)
- updating deployment files (2a2fe93)
- comptroller lens address on bsctestnet (589cfb4)
7.2.0 (2024-01-25)
- use the version of PSR with Token converters (f028cd5)
7.1.0 (2024-01-23)
- add a utility contract to redeem VBep20 tokens (f345d39)
- add MoveDebtDelegate deployment (b29dd2c)
- add opbnbmainnet and verify config (67bce33)
- add xvs-vault deployments of opBNB Testnet (6924d3e)
- add xvs-vault deployments of opBNB Testnet (5d13784)
- allow repaying in non-deprecated market (ec1af79)
- bump version to the stable ones (0b281cf)
- deployments of XVSVault on ethereum (41e8c5d)
- updating deployment files (3ed0079)
- updating deployment files (822878a)
- updating deployment files (dae0b3a)
- updating deployment files (aad081c)
- updating deployment files (e274ea9)
- redeployed prime (244a085)
7.1.0-dev.3 (2024-01-23)
- add opbnbmainnet and verify config (67bce33)
- add xvs-vault deployments of opBNB Testnet (6924d3e)
- add xvs-vault deployments of opBNB Testnet (5d13784)
- bump version to the stable ones (0b281cf)
- deployments of XVSVault on ethereum (41e8c5d)
- updating deployment files (3ed0079)
- updating deployment files (dae0b3a)
- updating deployment files (aad081c)
- updating deployment files (e274ea9)
- redeployed prime (244a085)
7.1.0-dev.2 (2024-01-15)
- add MoveDebtDelegate deployment (b29dd2c)
- allow repaying in non-deprecated market (ec1af79)
- updating deployment files (822878a)
7.1.0-dev.1 (2024-01-10)
- add a utility contract to redeem VBep20 tokens (f345d39)
7.0.0 (2023-12-29)
- added missing await
- add deployments to hardhat config (03581c8)
- add forced liquidations for individual accounts (61795fa)
- add more info to APR (313b8c5)
- add MoveDebt delegate borrower contract (8e2c70c)
- add opbnbmainnet and verify config (c3c983e)
- add vtreasury for opbnb testnet (e919595)
- add VTreasuryV8 opBnB Mainnet deployment (d0bf4f5)
- add xvs vault deployment script (fd9d346)
- add xvs vault sepolia deployments (10ae503)
- added missing await (eba1ad0)
- bump governance contract version (3e1cf7f)
- export vtreasury deployments (8477fef)
- generate file only with addresses of deployed contracts (f9c92bd)
- make moveDebt permissionless (0889b85)
- re-organize PLP storage layout to support TimeManagerV8 and deployment to mainnet (0e584c3)
- redeployments of vaults (e3e281a)
- updating deployment files (cdb739e)
- updating deployment files (ec8991c)
- updating deployment files (754d193)
- updating deployment files (3659966)
- updating deployment files (f906fab)
- updating deployment files (589cb36)
- updating deployment files (68be77a)
- updating deployment files (628e223)
- use main versions of venus dependencies (cd1ae6d)
- added last accrued block for background compatibility (d4ebc6d)
- added license to vai controller (70b9156)
- additional test (16786f7)
- allow prime holders to only mint vai (f103e2b)
- changed arguments order (d9a8c70)
- exclude external deployments when exporting (6f01c43)
- fix signature (7c64cbb)
- fix var (c75e1b6)
- fix var (a59da8a)
- fix var (0711ee5)
- fix yarn.lock (bcf9c7b)
- fixed integration tests (d4050bd)
- fixed lint (6833dda)
- fixed lint (f139982)
- fixed netspec (ab9f887)
- fixed tests (5e50f1b)
- fixed tests (eb86ae8)
- fixed vai tests (7666743)
- import artifacts from governance-contracts (c4d5b4e)
- integrated TimeManager into PLP (3f90aad)
- integration of time manager (e8fdf72)
- ipi-01 (e583d9c)
- lint (da9e3d7)
- optional native wrapped token and market (fe3018d)
- pass comptroller in addMarket (9efa9cf)
- ppt-01 (d493a3d)
- remove comment (0a51f84)
- remove duplicate contract (d7265b9)
- remove il repo dependency (99b78b8)
- removed additional check (b858c7e)
- resolved conflict (aafcce5)
- set vai address (ef41f4e)
- simplified logic and resolved comments (5604db8)
- uncomment setVAI function (d270dcf)
- update protocol-reserve package version (3b79783)
- update toggle and prevent state update (bfa811f)
- vai-01 (2cd49f1)
- vat-01 (f668c81)
- vat-01 (b143947)
- vat-01 (85d76b1)
- vph-01 (2a8d054)
- vph-01 (7947142)
- vph-01 (5eb9df4)
- vph-01 (0701f27)
- vph-01 (e47ef15)
- vph-02 (ba0ab11)
7.0.0-dev.5 (2023-12-28)
7.0.0-dev.4 (2023-12-28)
7.0.0-dev.3 (2023-12-27)
- re-organize PLP storage layout to support TimeManagerV8 and deployment to mainnet (0e584c3)
- updating deployment files (cdb739e)
- use main versions of venus dependencies (cd1ae6d)
7.0.0-dev.2 (2023-12-22)
7.0.0-dev.1 (2023-12-19)
- added missing await
- added last accrued block for background compatibility (d4ebc6d)
- added license to vai controller (70b9156)
- additional test (16786f7)
- allow prime holders to only mint vai (f103e2b)
- changed arguments order (d9a8c70)
- fix signature (7c64cbb)
- fix var (c75e1b6)
- fix var (a59da8a)
- fix var (0711ee5)
- fixed integration tests (d4050bd)
- fixed lint (6833dda)
- fixed tests (5e50f1b)
- fixed tests (eb86ae8)
- fixed vai tests (7666743)
- integrated TimeManager into PLP (3f90aad)
- integration of time manager (e8fdf72)
- ipi-01 (e583d9c)
- lint (da9e3d7)
- ppt-01 (d493a3d)
- remove comment (0a51f84)
- remove duplicate contract (d7265b9)
- removed additional check (b858c7e)
- resolved conflict (aafcce5)
- set vai address (ef41f4e)
- simplified logic and resolved comments (5604db8)
- uncomment setVAI function (d270dcf)
- update toggle and prevent state update (bfa811f)
- vai-01 (2cd49f1)
- vat-01 (f668c81)
- vat-01 (b143947)
- vat-01 (85d76b1)
- vph-01 (2a8d054)
- vph-01 (7947142)
- vph-01 (5eb9df4)
- vph-01 (0701f27)
- vph-01 (e47ef15)
- vph-02 (ba0ab11)
6.1.0-dev.11 (2023-12-18)
6.1.0-dev.10 (2023-12-18)
6.1.0-dev.9 (2023-12-18)
- updating deployment files (3659966)
6.1.0-dev.8 (2023-12-14)
6.1.0-dev.7 (2023-12-12)
- updating deployment files (f906fab)
- exclude external deployments when exporting (6f01c43)
6.1.0-dev.6 (2023-12-07)
- add opbnbmainnet and verify config (c3c983e)
- add vtreasury for opbnb testnet (e919595)
- export vtreasury deployments (8477fef)
6.1.0-dev.5 (2023-12-01)
- generate file only with addresses of deployed contracts (f9c92bd)
- updating deployment files (589cb36)
6.1.0-dev.4 (2023-11-30)
6.1.0-dev.3 (2023-11-29)
- add deployments to hardhat config (03581c8)
- add xvs vault deployment script (fd9d346)
- add xvs vault sepolia deployments (10ae503)
- bump governance contract version (3e1cf7f)
- updating deployment files (68be77a)
- updating deployment files (628e223)
6.1.0-dev.2 (2023-11-29)
- fix yarn.lock (bcf9c7b)
- import artifacts from governance-contracts (c4d5b4e)
- remove il repo dependency (99b78b8)
6.1.0-dev.1 (2023-11-29)
- add forced liquidations for individual accounts (61795fa)
6.0.1-dev.2 (2023-11-28)
- update protocol-reserve package version (3b79783)
6.0.1-dev.1 (2023-11-28)
6.0.0 (2023-11-27)
- removes network directory
- use transfer method for native transfers
- add VTresuryV8
- use transfer method for native transfers (80c7387)
- add mainnet deployments (a769239)
- add sepolia deployments of treasury (e470b53)
- add testnet deployments (90019c4)
- add treasury ethereum deployments (43e2763)
- add vTreasury addresses to deployment files (6aab03e)
- add VTresuryV8 (2b87b14)
- commit deployment updates in CI (7132ab9)
- support exporting sepolia and ethereum deployments (e441ee8)
- updating deployment files (e6cba2a)
- updating deployment files (396d014)
- updating deployment files (1eb0235)
- updating deployment files (089231f)
- updating deployment files (5b71c61)
- updating deployment files (c824671)
- updating deployment files (e275883)
- updating deployment files (66493f6)
- updating deployment files (2f49cc0)
- added tests (f51f6f1)
- comment (6128438)
- comments (ca7bb13)
- emit event for stakedAt update (a500579)
- re-deployed prime on mainnet (012283c)
- re-deployed prime to testnet (b66f101)
- reference to address on string (2cde12a)
- typo (acab6c6)
- VMC-10 (818631f)
- VMC-19 (8a2da0f)
- VMC-20 (83ceb36)
- VMC-9 (b9e3938)
- remove network directory (a46c54b)
6.0.0-dev.7 (2023-11-27)
- updating deployment files (e6cba2a)
6.0.0-dev.6 (2023-11-27)
- removes network directory
- add mainnet deployments (a769239)
- add testnet deployments (90019c4)
- support exporting sepolia and ethereum deployments (e441ee8)
- updating deployment files (396d014)
- updating deployment files (1eb0235)
- reference to address on string (2cde12a)
- remove network directory (a46c54b)
6.0.0-dev.5 (2023-11-23)
- comment (6128438)
6.0.0-dev.4 (2023-11-23)
- updating deployment files (089231f)
- updating deployment files (5b71c61)
- updating deployment files (c824671)
- added tests (f51f6f1)
- emit event for stakedAt update (a500579)
- re-deployed prime on mainnet (012283c)
- re-deployed prime to testnet (b66f101)
6.0.0-dev.3 (2023-11-21)
6.0.0-dev.2 (2023-11-16)
6.0.0-dev.1 (2023-11-16)
- use transfer method for native transfers
- add VTresuryV8
- use transfer method for native transfers (80c7387)
- add sepolia deployments of treasury (e470b53)
- add treasury ethereum deployments (43e2763)
- add VTresuryV8 (2b87b14)
- commit deployment updates in CI (7132ab9)
- updating deployment files (66493f6)
- updating deployment files (2f49cc0)
- comments (ca7bb13)
- typo (acab6c6)
- VMC-10 (818631f)
- VMC-19 (8a2da0f)
- VMC-20 (83ceb36)
- VMC-9 (b9e3938)
5.2.0 (2023-11-15)
- add all market getter for prime token (edd6085)
- add Prime addresses (aa181c0)
- add tests for tracking assets state (82a2223)
- added estimate APR (0b2ee81)
- added rewards calc features for ui (e348908)
- added solidity coverage (2c93b78)
- added tests for plp integration (00db9c9)
- claim interest accept user address (44d026b)
- pause and unpuase interest claim (7675fc5)
- store assets part of prime market (035871c)
- tests for APR estimation (0fac919)
- user yearly apr (5e5f016)
- ven-1907 added pause/unpause funds transfer functionality (9b945f7)
- ven-1907 added sweep functionality in prime liquidity provider (8a01cae)
- ven-1907 prime liquidity provider (dbbdddb)
- wip - deployment script (3563370)
- ability to upgrade user token (a19e29c)
- accrueTokens function (33488f9)
- added _setPrimeToken to interface (1f737a5)
- added access to netspec (d69d289)
- added comment for alpha (7f13273)
- added comment to setLiquidation (69fe749)
- added ComptrollerV14Storage (4eac835)
- added errors to netspec (22ceeef)
- added events to netspec (41a273b)
- added function to get time remaining to claim (b341b51)
- added indexes (e5e0021)
- added license (f0b12eb)
- added markets to prime (eba80c7)
- added missing funcs in PLP interface (14cca06)
- added netspec (431c53b)
- added security contact (405f962)
- added solcover (c28ec05)
- added storage gap (d9e1a6c)
- added vTokenForAsset (25fa8b8)
- added workdlow dispatch (27a701b)
- alpha numerator cannot be zero (19dd65f)
- always accrue interest before updating score (f5e3221)
- change PendingInterest to PendingReward (366366a)
- change visibility of storage vars (5906eee)
- changes require to revert using custom errors (073ec6a)
- check for fixed point number (61ad1e7)
- check for non-zero addresses (a15c726)
- check if valid pool then setting prime address (ad5b11a)
- check limit after upgrade (b98dc82)
- create seperate comptroller interface (b2ffbdb)
- deployed new prime contracts to testnet (6f91a46)
- deployed testing contracts to testnet (a3721e1)
- deployed to mainnet (d6f7a43)
- deployed to testnet (4c4a922)
- deployed to testnet for testing (8da22f3)
- distribute income from share reserve (4dd8784)
- distribute liquidity in prime (f6f788e)
- dynamic xvs and staking period (cc03d50)
- emit event for prime token address update (944c9e7)
- fix custom error for existing market (8b38359)
- fix DDoS attack on loop (fc6a76e)
- fix fixture deployment (2b3ed5c)
- fix prime contract deployment in tests (24d2dfc)
- fixed alpha validation (a7e913f)
- fixed certik findings (e1cbc16)
- fixed complile error (e4f68dc)
- fixed conflict in tests (a0a6c9a)
- fixed error message (5bd807f)
- fixed integration tests (38f3f7d)
- fixed lint (e02832b)
- fixed lint (13c4634)
- fixed lint (2799cbb)
- fixed parameter naming inconsistency (efd40ca)
- fixed prime tests (f2c71b1)
- fixed storage collision (df3cf73)
- fixed tests (3ba980f)
- fixed tests (a22d97c)
- fixed tests (529a463)
- fixed tests (2a06934)
- fixed tests (77fbe6f)
- fixed tests (3332bc5)
- fixed xvsVault address (ca73841)
- handle exceptions (08aa05a)
- handle vbnb (7db2fa6)
- improve length caching (b20bd46)
- include income from PLP for estimating APR (f40513d)
- increase gap (35282ce)
- issued prime token on testnet (9b3eef3)
- lint (01b55a0)
- made staking period public and return if not eligible (dbe21fa)
- make imports explicit (adb8535)
- make xvs config public (b71786f)
- manually set stakedAt for existing xvs stakes (7ecbe12)
- maxLoopsLimit setter implementation and minor fixes (13a5c7e)
- N1 (a2e5372)
- N2 (27c3924)
- normalise capital in estimateAPR (8ac02bc)
- optimise apr calculation (5f9a15f)
- optimise code (e9aa4a8)
- optimise if condition (2906abd)
- optimised using internal funcs (dae9c8e)
- PLP-03 uses balance instead of amount_ (c6b1495)
- PLP-07 | unprotected initializer (7cb53b6)
- PLP-08 | checks effects interactions pattern (ed8dd08)
- PPT-02 (aafdacf)
- PPT-03 (08229e6)
- PPT-04 (f73192b)
- PPT-06 (2c886b6)
- PPT-10 (b2fa6d5)
- PPT-12 | Unnecessary Addition (e9bbe5a)
- PPT-13 - optimised loops (c7fa933)
- PPT-14 - Potential Out-of-Gas Exception (23a9542)
- PPT-18 (e882270)
- PPT-19 (70ddd0e)
- PPT-20 - INEFFICIENT CHECK (b5ac2fa)
- pr comments (eabaa2a)
- pr comments (d25438b)
- pr comments (0ce6962)
- PR comments (98e4fca)
- prevent duplicate underlying asset (7dbb4d8)
- prevent irrevocable token burn and allow burn using vip (22009c1)
- prevent multiple calls to internal func and store in local var (355b7a7)
- prevent oracle interface casting (0b429fe)
- prevent pendingScoreUpdates corruption during minting (dab203f)
- prevent resetting unclaimed interest (f31a054)
- prevent revert if score is already updated (b6c6736)
- prevent updateAssetsState from reverting (6b81bb2)
- PTP-05 (91b2474)
- PTP-05 (eb36a3f)
- PTP-05 | Missing And Incomplete NatSpec Comments (2abb751)
- PTP-07 | missing input validation (f7d463b)
- PVE001 (05bcd40)
- PVE002 (3128c23)
- PVE003 (c9e0809)
- PVE003-2 (34c3ea5)
- PVE004 (03839e5)
- redeployed prime (6846f09)
- redeployed prime (26d30f6)
- redeployed prime contracts (425d2c7)
- redeployed testnet contracts (fc9e1bc)
- release funds when claim has insufficient balance (33ce30c)
- releaseFund() for plp (8029c8c)
- remove _alphaDenominator check (efa219a)
- remove _updateRoundAfterTokenMinted (e2f0e17)
- remove 0 assignment (c1dddbc)
- remove comment (6e08d89)
- remove comments (66f25fc)
- remove console (54a8ce9)
- remove error strings from tests (e355c77)
- remove gap from PLP (425381d)
- remove index multiplier (64a297a)
- remove invocation of update score on liquidate borrow verify (b6ca5e3)
- remove prime from VTokenInterface (3d570bc)
- remove PSR dependency (aae7c6d)
- remove unused errors (ef28b34)
- remove unused erros (44ec28a)
- remove unused event (ccccb30)
- remove unused import (3f48666)
- remove unused interface functions (3c3e2ee)
- remove unused state var (e94a190)
- remove unused state variable (12bf107)
- remove unused var (74ac28b)
- remove unused var comment (17553c5)
- remove unwanted check (e18f896)
- remove unwanted comments (bc7d823)
- remove unwanted zero check (4ce9d4c)
- remove unwated check (d2e80f3)
- remove virtual from initializer (1e16352)
- removed doc (995799b)
- removed getMarketDecimals (6f4311b)
- removed psr (18efa60)
- removed unchecked (4bcc2f0)
- removed unused function (386929e)
- replace account and owner with user (b54917c)
- replace score with sumOfMembersScore in tests (7e835a0)
- replece memory with calldata (0272882)
- resolve conflict with diamond controller (935f4cf)
- resolved conflict (bd8e177)
- resolved conflicts (a1a59e1)
- resolved merge conflicts (e7419a3)
- resolved merge conflicts (1b4fa63)
- revert apr calc changes (ec2f4fd)
- revert fix (4120434)
- set default max distribution speed (e7b7ff5)
- setter for prime token (3619c58)
- simplify check (5a04aa0)
- SPT-01 - normalise decimals (27f8485)
- SPV-01 - not allow alpha equal 1 (64daba3)
- stop accruing prime interest in comptroller (f0df7f5)
- test for releaseFund (022ac1d)
- test with custom errors (aefb359)
- transfer plp ownership (d265149)
- transferred ownership (0da9316)
- uncommented (7232958)
- uncommented code (0b4883b)
- update config (9e08627)
- update config (6c4ca78)
- update config (60654be)
- update config (4dddbe2)
- update config (22696e1)
- update score and reset user when token is burned (0c6ddc7)
- update score when borror is liquidated (7cc8232)
- update scores for borrowed market during liquidation (44a5411)
- update stakedAt only in xvsUpdated function (9d31816)
- updated CI (a2718b1)
- updated comment (cbadb37)
- updated schema enum (2552b4d)
- updated xvs max limit and setPrime permissions (860c959)
- updated yarn (a9a89a1)
- use capped amounts to calculate supply and borrow income (2c7f65c)
- use capped supply, borrow and xvs for score calculation (9e9efe5)
- use delete (5af2748)
- use not equal not (6581db1)
- use pre-decrement (0af7678)
- use pre-fix instead of post-fix (21deff7)
- use same values in testnet and mainnet (8b169c3)
- use uint256 instead of uint (e9269c7)
- use underlying token decimals (f1fecac)
- use usd cap for supply and borrow (38c7345)
- use usd to caps - wip (4b68619)
- validate timestamp (a8aef0f)
- ven-2016 g-06 (5505bf7)
- ven-2016 g-07 (240f16f)
- ven-2016 g-15 (e8f0ced)
- ven-2016 g-25 (28e266d)
- ven-2016 g-26 (460c794)
- ven-2016 g-31 (751f1aa)
- ven-2016 l-01 (db5cc29)
- ven-2016 l-02 (df9e9af)
- ven-2016 l-04 (2bce045)
- ven-2016 l-09 (7897fa7)
- ven-2016 n-04 (7d6c63c)
- ven-2016 n-09 (4ac7e84)
- ven-2016 n-13 (92052a2)
- ven-2016 n-19 (6523ce7)
- ven-2016 n-21 (f055f7e)
- ven-2016 n-23 (3cb7618)
- ven-2016 n-27 (2baa889)
- ven-2016 n-29 (acfb5a7)
- ven-2016 n-31 n-32 n-34 (027f5fe)
- ven-2016 n-35 (91eb342)
- ven-2016 n-36 (86e7037)
- ven-2016 n-38 for plp prime setter (ca5aa1f)
- ven-2016 n-44 (fec60ec)
- ven-2016 n-45 (e4cb911)
- ven-2016 n-46 (1b839df)
- ven-2016 n-47 (8968822)
- ven-2016 n-48 (0d21911)
- ven-2016 n-49 (06a74ab)
- ven-2016 n-52 updated oz contracts package version (21aedde)
- ven-2017 (b0ff7ba)
- VEN-2050 (26fd196)
- VEN-2053 (acaf138)
- VEN-2055 (8c0fa82)
- VPB-01 (42c565b)
- VPB-01 (7fbe58a)
- VPB-01 | Typos and Inconsistencies (17d5c2a)
- wip-deployment (fefb688)
- alpha numerator cannot be zero (e8d8ba2)
5.2.0-dev.3 (2023-11-15)
5.2.0-dev.2 (2023-11-14)
- add Prime addresses (aa181c0)
5.2.0-dev.1 (2023-11-14)
- add all market getter for prime token (edd6085)
- add tests for tracking assets state (82a2223)
- added estimate APR (0b2ee81)
- added rewards calc features for ui (e348908)
- added solidity coverage (2c93b78)
- added tests for plp integration (00db9c9)
- claim interest accept user address (44d026b)
- pause and unpuase interest claim (7675fc5)
- store assets part of prime market (035871c)
- tests for APR estimation (0fac919)
- user yearly apr (5e5f016)
- ven-1907 added pause/unpause funds transfer functionality (9b945f7)
- ven-1907 added sweep functionality in prime liquidity provider (8a01cae)
- ven-1907 prime liquidity provider (dbbdddb)
- wip - deployment script (3563370)
- ability to upgrade user token (a19e29c)
- accrueTokens function (33488f9)
- added _setPrimeToken to interface (1f737a5)
- added access to netspec (d69d289)
- added comment for alpha (7f13273)
- added comment to setLiquidation (69fe749)
- added ComptrollerV14Storage (4eac835)
- added errors to netspec (22ceeef)
- added events to netspec (41a273b)
- added function to get time remaining to claim (b341b51)
- added indexes (e5e0021)
- added license (f0b12eb)
- added markets to prime (eba80c7)
- added missing funcs in PLP interface (14cca06)
- added netspec (431c53b)
- added security contact (405f962)
- added solcover (c28ec05)
- added storage gap (d9e1a6c)
- added vTokenForAsset (25fa8b8)
- added workdlow dispatch (27a701b)
- alpha numerator cannot be zero (19dd65f)
- always accrue interest before updating score (f5e3221)
- change PendingInterest to PendingReward (366366a)
- change visibility of storage vars (5906eee)
- changes require to revert using custom errors (073ec6a)
- check for fixed point number (61ad1e7)
- check for non-zero addresses (a15c726)
- check if valid pool then setting prime address (ad5b11a)
- check limit after upgrade (b98dc82)
- create seperate comptroller interface (b2ffbdb)
- deployed new prime contracts to testnet (6f91a46)
- deployed testing contracts to testnet (a3721e1)
- deployed to mainnet (d6f7a43)
- deployed to testnet (4c4a922)
- deployed to testnet for testing (8da22f3)
- distribute income from share reserve (4dd8784)
- distribute liquidity in prime (f6f788e)
- dynamic xvs and staking period (cc03d50)
- emit event for prime token address update (944c9e7)
- fix custom error for existing market (8b38359)
- fix DDoS attack on loop (fc6a76e)
- fix fixture deployment (2b3ed5c)
- fix prime contract deployment in tests (24d2dfc)
- fixed alpha validation (a7e913f)
- fixed certik findings (e1cbc16)
- fixed complile error (e4f68dc)
- fixed conflict in tests (a0a6c9a)
- fixed error message (5bd807f)
- fixed integration tests (38f3f7d)
- fixed lint (e02832b)
- fixed lint (13c4634)
- fixed lint (2799cbb)
- fixed parameter naming inconsistency (efd40ca)
- fixed prime tests (f2c71b1)
- fixed storage collision (df3cf73)
- fixed tests (3ba980f)
- fixed tests (a22d97c)
- fixed tests (529a463)
- fixed tests (2a06934)
- fixed tests (77fbe6f)
- fixed tests (3332bc5)
- fixed xvsVault address (ca73841)
- handle exceptions (08aa05a)
- handle vbnb (7db2fa6)
- improve length caching (b20bd46)
- include income from PLP for estimating APR (f40513d)
- increase gap (35282ce)
- issued prime token on testnet (9b3eef3)
- lint (01b55a0)
- made staking period public and return if not eligible (dbe21fa)
- make imports explicit (adb8535)
- make xvs config public (b71786f)
- manually set stakedAt for existing xvs stakes (7ecbe12)
- maxLoopsLimit setter implementation and minor fixes (13a5c7e)
- N1 (a2e5372)
- N2 (27c3924)
- normalise capital in estimateAPR (8ac02bc)
- optimise apr calculation (5f9a15f)
- optimise code (e9aa4a8)
- optimise if condition (2906abd)
- optimised using internal funcs (dae9c8e)
- PLP-03 uses balance instead of amount_ (c6b1495)
- PLP-07 | unprotected initializer (7cb53b6)
- PLP-08 | checks effects interactions pattern (ed8dd08)
- PPT-02 (aafdacf)
- PPT-03 (08229e6)
- PPT-04 (f73192b)
- PPT-06 (2c886b6)
- PPT-10 (b2fa6d5)
- PPT-12 | Unnecessary Addition (e9bbe5a)
- PPT-13 - optimised loops (c7fa933)
- PPT-14 - Potential Out-of-Gas Exception (23a9542)
- PPT-18 (e882270)
- PPT-19 (70ddd0e)
- PPT-20 - INEFFICIENT CHECK (b5ac2fa)
- pr comments (eabaa2a)
- pr comments (d25438b)
- pr comments (0ce6962)
- PR comments (98e4fca)
- prevent duplicate underlying asset (7dbb4d8)
- prevent irrevocable token burn and allow burn using vip (22009c1)
- prevent multiple calls to internal func and store in local var (355b7a7)
- prevent oracle interface casting (0b429fe)
- prevent pendingScoreUpdates corruption during minting (dab203f)
- prevent resetting unclaimed interest (f31a054)
- prevent revert if score is already updated (b6c6736)
- prevent updateAssetsState from reverting (6b81bb2)
- PTP-05 (91b2474)
- PTP-05 (eb36a3f)
- PTP-05 | Missing And Incomplete NatSpec Comments (2abb751)
- PTP-07 | missing input validation (f7d463b)
- PVE001 (05bcd40)
- PVE002 (3128c23)
- PVE003 (c9e0809)
- PVE003-2 (34c3ea5)
- PVE004 (03839e5)
- redeployed prime (6846f09)
- redeployed prime (26d30f6)
- redeployed prime contracts (425d2c7)
- redeployed testnet contracts (fc9e1bc)
- release funds when claim has insufficient balance (33ce30c)
- releaseFund() for plp (8029c8c)
- remove _alphaDenominator check (efa219a)
- remove _updateRoundAfterTokenMinted (e2f0e17)
- remove 0 assignment (c1dddbc)
- remove comment (6e08d89)
- remove comments (66f25fc)
- remove console (54a8ce9)
- remove error strings from tests (e355c77)
- remove gap from PLP (425381d)
- remove index multiplier (64a297a)
- remove invocation of update score on liquidate borrow verify (b6ca5e3)
- remove prime from VTokenInterface (3d570bc)
- remove PSR dependency (aae7c6d)
- remove unused errors (ef28b34)
- remove unused erros (44ec28a)
- remove unused event (ccccb30)
- remove unused import (3f48666)
- remove unused interface functions (3c3e2ee)
- remove unused state var (e94a190)
- remove unused state variable (12bf107)
- remove unused var (74ac28b)
- remove unused var comment (17553c5)
- remove unwanted check (e18f896)
- remove unwanted comments (bc7d823)
- remove unwanted zero check (4ce9d4c)
- remove unwated check (d2e80f3)
- remove virtual from initializer (1e16352)
- removed doc (995799b)
- removed getMarketDecimals (6f4311b)
- removed psr (18efa60)
- removed unchecked (4bcc2f0)
- removed unused function (386929e)
- replace account and owner with user (b54917c)
- replace score with sumOfMembersScore in tests (7e835a0)
- replece memory with calldata (0272882)
- resolve conflict with diamond controller (935f4cf)
- resolved conflict (bd8e177)
- resolved conflicts (a1a59e1)
- resolved merge conflicts (e7419a3)
- resolved merge conflicts (1b4fa63)
- revert apr calc changes (ec2f4fd)
- revert fix (4120434)
- set default max distribution speed (e7b7ff5)
- setter for prime token (3619c58)
- simplify check (5a04aa0)
- SPT-01 - normalise decimals (27f8485)
- SPV-01 - not allow alpha equal 1 (64daba3)
- stop accruing prime interest in comptroller (f0df7f5)
- test for releaseFund (022ac1d)
- test with custom errors (aefb359)
- transfer plp ownership (d265149)
- transferred ownership (0da9316)
- uncommented (7232958)
- uncommented code (0b4883b)
- update config (9e08627)
- update config (6c4ca78)
- update config (60654be)
- update config (4dddbe2)
- update config (22696e1)
- update score and reset user when token is burned (0c6ddc7)
- update score when borror is liquidated (7cc8232)
- update scores for borrowed market during liquidation (44a5411)
- update stakedAt only in xvsUpdated function (9d31816)
- updated CI (a2718b1)
- updated comment (cbadb37)
- updated schema enum (2552b4d)
- updated xvs max limit and setPrime permissions (860c959)
- updated yarn (a9a89a1)
- use capped amounts to calculate supply and borrow income (2c7f65c)
- use capped supply, borrow and xvs for score calculation (9e9efe5)
- use delete (5af2748)
- use not equal not (6581db1)
- use pre-decrement (0af7678)
- use pre-fix instead of post-fix (21deff7)
- use same values in testnet and mainnet (8b169c3)
- use uint256 instead of uint (e9269c7)
- use underlying token decimals (f1fecac)
- use usd cap for supply and borrow (38c7345)
- use usd to caps - wip (4b68619)
- validate timestamp (a8aef0f)
- ven-2016 g-06 (5505bf7)
- ven-2016 g-07 (240f16f)
- ven-2016 g-15 (e8f0ced)
- ven-2016 g-25 (28e266d)
- ven-2016 g-26 (460c794)
- ven-2016 g-31 (751f1aa)
- ven-2016 l-01 (db5cc29)
- ven-2016 l-02 (df9e9af)
- ven-2016 l-04 (2bce045)
- ven-2016 l-09 (7897fa7)
- ven-2016 n-04 (7d6c63c)
- ven-2016 n-09 (4ac7e84)
- ven-2016 n-13 (92052a2)
- ven-2016 n-19 (6523ce7)
- ven-2016 n-21 (f055f7e)
- ven-2016 n-23 (3cb7618)
- ven-2016 n-27 (2baa889)
- ven-2016 n-29 (acfb5a7)
- ven-2016 n-31 n-32 n-34 (027f5fe)
- ven-2016 n-35 (91eb342)
- ven-2016 n-36 (86e7037)
- ven-2016 n-38 for plp prime setter (ca5aa1f)
- ven-2016 n-44 (fec60ec)
- ven-2016 n-45 (e4cb911)
- ven-2016 n-46 (1b839df)
- ven-2016 n-47 (8968822)
- ven-2016 n-48 (0d21911)
- ven-2016 n-49 (06a74ab)
- ven-2016 n-52 updated oz contracts package version (21aedde)
- ven-2017 (b0ff7ba)
- VEN-2050 (26fd196)
- VEN-2053 (acaf138)
- VEN-2055 (8c0fa82)
- VPB-01 (42c565b)
- VPB-01 (7fbe58a)
- VPB-01 | Typos and Inconsistencies (17d5c2a)
- wip-deployment (fefb688)
- alpha numerator cannot be zero (e8d8ba2)
5.1.0 (2023-11-01)
- add BUSD liquidator contract (ecd8a0b)
- add setter for PSR (04ea03f)
- add VToken version two (6ca872d)
- added fork tests (d8b1c9c)
- refactor storage and interface (2bb5610)
- remove v2 dependency for VToken (aa64f64)
- tests for VBNBAdmin (88f5adf)
- vBNBAdmin contract created (87790de)
- VEN-1214 integrate ACM in vToken (9be81a5)
- [PVE-001] remove redundand approval reset (592b022)
- 1.1 VTokenInterfaces.sol (e8714c8)
- 1.2 VToken.sol (6e5176c)
- [Info] Safe Math Function Not Used For Block Delta Calculation (51bf6fd)
- [Low] Input Validation (7f303f5)
- add ReservesReduced event (6e21a37)
- added old mainnet proxy admin (9a5ea84)
- BP12 (4cd97d0)
- certik VPB-03 Typos and Inconsistencies (e8fdf1b)
- certik VPB-05 (df0c07b)
- certik: VTV-02 Optimization (0695114)
- changed storage gap (511d66c)
- contract size and tests (42ae2af)
- deployment for testnet (a8450bc)
- FairyProof 2.1 (cc3231a)
- fix natspec comment (5312427)
- fix yarn.lock (f832640)
- fixed recieve due to 23000 gas limit (0ea1ed1)
- fixed tests (65e79e5)
- fixed tests (67a3ac8)
- fixed vBNBAdmin tests (e6ea28b)
- get comptroller from vBNB (43fd668)
- mainnet deployment (a237adc)
- optimise gas when setting PSR (1992f80)
- PVE001 (a575a70)
- redeploy with correct PSR and Admin proxy (86677d4)
- redeployed contracts (831222d)
- redeployed mainnet contracts (a1aaa20)
- redeployed mainnet contracts (8039d2c)
- remove @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers (8a27466)
- remove acceptVBNBAdmin (b11d297)
- remove ownable init (9bd845f)
- remove Ownable2StepUpgradeable (7f54165)
- remove unwanted import (8e63e9a)
- removed console.log (8b55821)
- require statement (3629618)
- resolve comments (ca4d1da)
- resolved conflict (cac6b1c)
- revert config changes (9e223f1)
- revert mainnet url (4e4dcbc)
- tests (d24f9f6)
- trigger ci (df315ff)
- updated proxy address (dacce20)
- use factory for ACM in tests (1d1f690)
- use onlyowner (52f8efd)
- VBB-01 (bc6fd4e)
- VBN-02 (04d5e1c)
- VPI-01 (c2656c6)
- Revert "refactor: use function instead of modifier" (ea216cd)
5.1.0-dev.4 (2023-10-31)
- add VToken version two (6ca872d)
- refactor storage and interface (2bb5610)
- remove v2 dependency for VToken (aa64f64)
- VEN-1214 integrate ACM in vToken (9be81a5)
- 1.1 VTokenInterfaces.sol (e8714c8)
- 1.2 VToken.sol (6e5176c)
- [Info] Safe Math Function Not Used For Block Delta Calculation (51bf6fd)
- [Low] Input Validation (7f303f5)
- BP12 (4cd97d0)
- certik VPB-03 Typos and Inconsistencies (e8fdf1b)
- certik VPB-05 (df0c07b)
- certik: VTV-02 Optimization (0695114)
- contract size and tests (42ae2af)
- FairyProof 2.1 (cc3231a)
- fix natspec comment (5312427)
- fixed vBNBAdmin tests (e6ea28b)
- PVE001 (a575a70)
- require statement (3629618)
- resolve comments (ca4d1da)
- tests (d24f9f6)
5.1.0-dev.3 (2023-10-24)
- add BUSD liquidator contract (ecd8a0b)
5.1.0-dev.2 (2023-10-24)
5.1.0-dev.1 (2023-10-20)
- add setter for PSR (04ea03f)
- added fork tests (d8b1c9c)
- tests for VBNBAdmin (88f5adf)
- vBNBAdmin contract created (87790de)
- add ReservesReduced event (6e21a37)
- added old mainnet proxy admin (9a5ea84)
- changed storage gap (511d66c)
- deployment for testnet (a8450bc)
- fix yarn.lock (f832640)
- fixed recieve due to 23000 gas limit (0ea1ed1)
- fixed tests (65e79e5)
- fixed tests (67a3ac8)
- get comptroller from vBNB (43fd668)
- mainnet deployment (a237adc)
- optimise gas when setting PSR (1992f80)
- redeploy with correct PSR and Admin proxy (86677d4)
- redeployed contracts (831222d)
- redeployed mainnet contracts (a1aaa20)
- redeployed mainnet contracts (8039d2c)
- remove @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers (8a27466)
- remove acceptVBNBAdmin (b11d297)
- remove ownable init (9bd845f)
- remove Ownable2StepUpgradeable (7f54165)
- remove unwanted import (8e63e9a)
- removed console.log (8b55821)
- resolved conflict (cac6b1c)
- revert config changes (9e223f1)
- revert mainnet url (4e4dcbc)
- trigger ci (df315ff)
- updated proxy address (dacce20)
- use onlyowner (52f8efd)
- VBB-01 (bc6fd4e)
- VBN-02 (04d5e1c)
- VPI-01 (c2656c6)
5.0.1-dev.1 (2023-10-19)
5.0.0 (2023-10-19)
- remove Governance receipt and governance proposal function and structure
- add contract with the consolidated interface of the Comptroller Diamond (41f6725)
- add mainnet deployment of venus lens (e4f0f50)
- remove governance contracts VEN-1719 (55640a1)
- remove Governance receipt and governance proposal function and structure (ff884bd)
- updated venus lens deployment (bfd09b2)
5.0.0-dev.1 (2023-10-18)
- remove Governance receipt and governance proposal function and structure
- add mainnet deployment of venus lens (e4f0f50)
- remove governance contracts VEN-1719 (55640a1)
- remove Governance receipt and governance proposal function and structure (ff884bd)
- updated venus lens deployment (bfd09b2)
4.1.0-dev.2 (2023-10-10)
4.1.0-dev.1 (2023-10-09)
- add contract with the consolidated interface of the Comptroller Diamond (41f6725)
4.0.0 (2023-09-25)
- Removal of comptroller.sol
- diamond proxy implementation of comptroller (66f90f4)
- force liquidation implementation (cf9c7cb)
- ven-1619 3.4 added view methods for facets states (d12981f)
- comptroller diamond test for script (a87f3e7)
- diamond layout test (3adf806)
- docgen issue (a46b205)
- enter markets return empty array (c57d257)
- gas-01 (e762a5d)
- gas-02 (b3503c2)
- gas-06 (0aea270)
- lint (a34816a)
- lint (d09d8d3)
- lint errors. (22e3887)
- lint fix (a41278c)
- lint fix (0f31c2a)
- lint issues. (b234a2f)
- merge branch 'develop' into feat/diamond-proxy (e6e9ca5)
- minor issues. (5601101)
- moved diamond's facets script (a1d991f)
- no of optimizer runs (c9417cf)
- pr comments (0710b66)
- pr comments (35b5517)
- pr comments (68ef09b)
- pr comments, undo unwanted changes (53a4dec)
- pr comments, used external instead of public (5cdaa26)
- removed unwanted checks from setTreasuryData (6982bc5)
- replaced And operator with OR while checking cutoff (fa26e52)
- resolve issues in script files (2a634fb)
- resolve merge conflicts (e3621e3)
- resolved conflicts (1f1b0f9)
- resolved conflicts (b4ddc09)
- resolved conflicts, merged latest develop (295609e)
- resolved merge conflicts with develop branch (249eaee)
- script for unitrollerAddress empty (1f8263e)
- script owner rights and facet calls (7b2eeeb)
- updated yarn.lock (032cc8e)
- ven-1619 1.1 unnecessary immutable function (9ef6b75)
- ven-1619 2.1 added missing methods (b5f701f)
- ven-1619 2.2, 2.3 moved MarketEntered event (0225801)
- ven-1619 3.1 re-entrancy check in claimVenus (8f5eeb5)
- ven-1619 3.3 shadowed variables in _setActionsPaused (c256072)
- ven-1630 check for market not as collateral (05ff797)
- VEN-1686 (94bc2e4)
- ven-1699 n1 (4598d00)
- ven-1699 n2 (13c0a92)
- ven-1699 pve001 (f285dd1)
- ven-1699 pve002 (b5ef58e)
- ven-1757 vai-01 unnecesary remnant casting (53a08eb)
- ven-1759 ddc-04 (7417d8f)
- ven-1759 ddc-04 diamond loupe methods (c797f14)
- ven-1795 l-02 (cfaa69a)
- ven-1795 l-06 (0aa7e17)
- ven-1795 n-01 n-03 n-09 (6d0a33c)
- ven-1795 n-02 (50761a0)
- ven-1795 n-04 (0387b34)
- ven-1795 n-05 (5533343)
- ven-1795 n-06 (847afd7)
- ven-1795 n-07 (4596c2b)
- ven-1795 n-08 (b0f39a1)
- ven-1795 n-10 (4c72e43)
- ven-1795 test for n-08 (4c72287)
- ven-1887 ven-04 (c60497a)
- ven-1887 ven-08 (b745623)
- Revert "[VEN-1887]: Quantstamp audit fix for comptroller diamond proxy (#328)" (#337) (9af2d4a), closes #328 #337
- ven-1795 changes for n-08 (fd07edd)
4.0.0-dev.1 (2023-09-25)
- Removal of comptroller.sol
- diamond proxy implementation of comptroller (66f90f4)
- force liquidation implementation (cf9c7cb)
- ven-1619 3.4 added view methods for facets states (d12981f)
- comptroller diamond test for script (a87f3e7)
- diamond layout test (3adf806)
- docgen issue (a46b205)
- enter markets return empty array (c57d257)
- gas-01 (e762a5d)
- gas-02 (b3503c2)
- gas-06 (0aea270)
- lint (a34816a)
- lint (d09d8d3)
- lint errors. (22e3887)
- lint fix (a41278c)
- lint fix (0f31c2a)
- lint issues. (b234a2f)
- merge branch 'develop' into feat/diamond-proxy (e6e9ca5)
- minor issues. (5601101)
- moved diamond's facets script (a1d991f)
- no of optimizer runs (c9417cf)
- pr comments (0710b66)
- pr comments (35b5517)
- pr comments (68ef09b)
- pr comments, undo unwanted changes (53a4dec)
- pr comments, used external instead of public (5cdaa26)
- removed unwanted checks from setTreasuryData (6982bc5)
- replaced And operator with OR while checking cutoff (fa26e52)
- resolve issues in script files (2a634fb)
- resolve merge conflicts (e3621e3)
- resolved conflicts (1f1b0f9)
- resolved conflicts (b4ddc09)
- resolved conflicts, merged latest develop (295609e)
- resolved merge conflicts with develop branch (249eaee)
- script for unitrollerAddress empty (1f8263e)
- script owner rights and facet calls (7b2eeeb)
- updated yarn.lock (032cc8e)
- ven-1619 1.1 unnecessary immutable function (9ef6b75)
- ven-1619 2.1 added missing methods (b5f701f)
- ven-1619 2.2, 2.3 moved MarketEntered event (0225801)
- ven-1619 3.1 re-entrancy check in claimVenus (8f5eeb5)
- ven-1619 3.3 shadowed variables in _setActionsPaused (c256072)
- ven-1630 check for market not as collateral (05ff797)
- VEN-1686 (94bc2e4)
- ven-1699 n1 (4598d00)
- ven-1699 n2 (13c0a92)
- ven-1699 pve001 (f285dd1)
- ven-1699 pve002 (b5ef58e)
- ven-1757 vai-01 unnecesary remnant casting (53a08eb)
- ven-1759 ddc-04 (7417d8f)
- ven-1759 ddc-04 diamond loupe methods (c797f14)
- ven-1795 l-02 (cfaa69a)
- ven-1795 l-06 (0aa7e17)
- ven-1795 n-01 n-03 n-09 (6d0a33c)
- ven-1795 n-02 (50761a0)
- ven-1795 n-04 (0387b34)
- ven-1795 n-05 (5533343)
- ven-1795 n-06 (847afd7)
- ven-1795 n-07 (4596c2b)
- ven-1795 n-08 (b0f39a1)
- ven-1795 n-10 (4c72e43)
- ven-1795 test for n-08 (4c72287)
- ven-1887 ven-04 (c60497a)
- ven-1887 ven-08 (b745623)
- Revert "[VEN-1887]: Quantstamp audit fix for comptroller diamond proxy (#328)" (#337) (9af2d4a), closes #328 #337
- ven-1795 changes for n-08 (fd07edd)
3.1.0 (2023-09-22)
- implement forced liqudations and optimize aggressively (71afed8)
3.1.0-dev.2 (2023-09-20)
3.1.0-dev.1 (2023-09-18)
- implement forced liqudations and optimize aggressively (71afed8)
3.0.0 (2023-09-07)
- [XVSVault-1] remove burnAdmin and getAdmin
- [VAIVault-7] remove getAdmin
- [VAIVault-5] remove setNewAdmin
- [VAIVault-2] remove burnAdmin
- [VAIVault-2] remove burnAdmin (cc46efa)
- [VAIVault-5] remove setNewAdmin (c2779f0)
- [VAIVault-7] remove getAdmin (3551342)
- [XVSVault-1] remove burnAdmin and getAdmin (734201b)
- add fork syntactic sugar and replace QUICKNODE Key with whole URI in env (a106b6e)
- add fork tests for PSM (c693c55)
- add new addresses for WBETH and (new) TUSD markets (c4ee1bf)
- add total supply to mint and redeem events (a094294)
- added deployment script for swap router (2f0c278)
- handle insufficient rewards case (78c9731)
- [QS-12] fix pending reward computation in XVSVault (8d547ac)
- [QS-19] validate addresses in XVSVault (9048e50)
- [QS-2] use safe96 to compute voting power (1be65cc)
- [QS-3] update voting power based on staked token (bad686c)
- [QS-4][QS-25] restrict setting lastAccruingBlock (b0a896c)
- [QS-5][QS-6] update pending reward upon user interactions (49db8b4)
- [QS-7][QS-8] disable initializer in XVSVault (c02ccb8)
- [VAIVault-1] disallow re-configuring token addresses in VAIVault (53d1156)
- [XVSVault-2] disallow adding two pools with the same staked token (4404d27)
- [XVSVault-4.1] check that reward token is configured in XVSStore (8e715b2)
- add a missing param to SwapRouter deployment script (e5a47e8)
- correct testnet VenusLens address (ba24b14)
- escape notice when rendering page template (643f0c2)
- fix fork tests (4ab4c68)
- forbid zero alloc points in XVSVault (43a77f3)
- i01 license identifier not provided (8b08294)
- i02 floating pragma (9120a0d)
- i03 public function that should be external (27d5402)
- l-01 missing docstring (394d1a7)
- l-02 locked bnb in contract (7a8044a)
- l01 missing zero address validation (6c4dbb2)
- lint issues (b125ad7)
- n-01 misleading docstrings (20e3118)
- n-02 naming can be improved (027835e)
- n-03 some convenience functions are missing (cf6b8cb)
- n-03 some convenience functions are missing (fb66414)
- n-04 confusing use of eth and bnb in (dbf855c)
- n-04 confusing use of eth and bnb in (bbe298f)
- pr comments (9751c85)
- remove the word Error from error message (41e8623)
- update imports of package files (9806697)
- use hardhat 2.16.1 (c5c0df2)
- use node 18 (0eecc46)
- VPB-02 | Comparison to Boolean Constant (1a47e51)
- VPB-05 | Missing Upper Bound (a158f8c)
- VRT-03 | Unused Event (df23556)
- VRT-05 | Typo (6b7b8b7)
- [XVSVault-4.2] pay out pending only if the amount is nonzero (31dc837)
3.0.0-dev.19 (2023-09-04)
- add semantic release to main (7f28dc0)
- remove duplicate import (e220aec)
- remove exports from package.json (1192698)
- set path for hardhat-ethers (28795b1)
- update dependencies (36b6e76)
- update the network files with the currently used addresses (4eaa8ae)
3.0.0-dev.18 (2023-08-23)
- add a missing param to SwapRouter deployment script (e5a47e8)
3.0.0-dev.17 (2023-08-22)
- correct testnet VenusLens address (ba24b14)
3.0.0-dev.16 (2023-08-09)
3.0.0-dev.15 (2023-08-08)
3.0.0-dev.14 (2023-08-01)
- add fork syntactic sugar and replace QUICKNODE Key with whole URI in env (a106b6e)
- add fork tests for PSM (c693c55)
- fix fork tests (4ab4c68)
3.0.0-dev.13 (2023-07-12)
3.0.0-dev.12 (2023-07-07)
3.0.0-dev.11 (2023-06-28)
3.0.0-dev.10 (2023-06-27)
3.0.0-dev.9 (2023-06-23)
- add new addresses for WBETH and (new) TUSD markets (c4ee1bf)
- added deployment script for swap router (2f0c278)
- l-01 missing docstring (394d1a7)
- l-02 locked bnb in contract (7a8044a)
- n-01 misleading docstrings (20e3118)
- n-02 naming can be improved (027835e)
- n-03 some convenience functions are missing (cf6b8cb)
- n-03 some convenience functions are missing (fb66414)
- n-04 confusing use of eth and bnb in (dbf855c)
- n-04 confusing use of eth and bnb in (bbe298f)
- pr comments (9751c85)
3.0.0-dev.8 (2023-06-19)
- VPB-02 | Comparison to Boolean Constant (1a47e51)
- VPB-05 | Missing Upper Bound (a158f8c)
- VRT-03 | Unused Event (df23556)
- VRT-05 | Typo (6b7b8b7)
3.0.0-dev.7 (2023-06-16)
- add total supply to mint and redeem events (a094294)
3.0.0-dev.6 (2023-06-15)
3.0.0-dev.5 (2023-06-13)
- escape notice when rendering page template (643f0c2)
3.0.0-dev.4 (2023-06-07)
- forbid zero alloc points in XVSVault (43a77f3)
- i01 license identifier not provided (8b08294)
- i02 floating pragma (9120a0d)
- i03 public function that should be external (27d5402)
- l01 missing zero address validation (6c4dbb2)
- lint issues (b125ad7)
3.0.0-dev.3 (2023-06-01)
- handle insufficient rewards case (78c9731)
3.0.0-dev.2 (2023-05-26)
- [QS-12] fix pending reward computation in XVSVault (8d547ac)
- [QS-19] validate addresses in XVSVault (9048e50)
- [QS-2] use safe96 to compute voting power (1be65cc)
- [QS-3] update voting power based on staked token (bad686c)
- [QS-4][QS-25] restrict setting lastAccruingBlock (b0a896c)
- [QS-5][QS-6] update pending reward upon user interactions (49db8b4)
- [QS-7][QS-8] disable initializer in XVSVault (c02ccb8)
3.0.0-dev.1 (2023-05-25)
- [XVSVault-1] remove burnAdmin and getAdmin
- [VAIVault-7] remove getAdmin
- [VAIVault-5] remove setNewAdmin
- [VAIVault-2] remove burnAdmin
- [VAIVault-2] remove burnAdmin (cc46efa)
- [VAIVault-5] remove setNewAdmin (c2779f0)
- [VAIVault-7] remove getAdmin (3551342)
- [XVSVault-1] remove burnAdmin and getAdmin (734201b)
- [VAIVault-1] disallow re-configuring token addresses in VAIVault (53d1156)
- [XVSVault-2] disallow adding two pools with the same staked token (4404d27)
- [XVSVault-4.1] check that reward token is configured in XVSStore (8e715b2)
- remove the word Error from error message (41e8623)
- [XVSVault-4.2] pay out pending only if the amount is nonzero (31dc837)
2.1.0-dev.1 (2023-05-12)
- add access control to interest params (66d65fe)
- add ACM in xvsVault (d571d1c)
- add delegate borrowing feature (ce70a96)
- add deploy script for lens contracts (cd80912)
- add governance simulation framework (57a909d)
- add missing addresses for the markets in main net (5c8f5ba)
- add pause unpause and access control (a615acf)
- add restrictions and allowlist to liquidations (a3e5a39)
- add semantic release (25ba010)
- add v5 Access Control Manager (f33e0d9)
- adjust GovernorBravo test cases according to vault change (66642b6)
- customize docgen (698b2bb)
- integrate ACM in VRTVault (f8ba903)
- make Liquidator upgradeable (44c1f5a)
- remove setDelegateForBNBHacker (59318f6)
- support custom proposers (a71e338)
- support governance routes (0f713ff)
- upgrade Liquidator Solidity version (9788625)
- 👕 (ab2f2aa)
- [VEN-1227] Remove borrowInternal(uint) from the VToken contract (56df3b7)
- add storage gap in VRT vault (4504000)
- add vTokenBorrowed to the emitted event (99a5099)
- avoid unnecessary multiplications (711d775)
- increase optimizer runs (65d19e7)
- last address of path. (926dc07)
- lint issues and minor fix (01f2bda)
- minor fix (182cd43)
- minor fixes (5670041)
- mionor (807f1ec)
- mutiple swap + deflationary token support + swapExactTokensForTokens (9437a22)
- PEV-001 fix claim logic in deposit (b4ea715)
- PLS-01 "change the fee percent to 0.25% in pancakeLibrary" (e8c3676)
- PLS-02 added indiviual checks for reserveIn and reserveOut to be 0 (774eed1)
- PLS-03 removed redundant checking of reserves in pancakeLibrary (0714741)
- pr comments (346d32e)
- PR comments. (6ef9faf)
- PR comments. (7e0d572)
- prevent VAI from compiling with 0.8 (7723ee3)
- PVE-001 claim fix in vrt (369cf3f)
- PVE-002 improve sanity checks (b62f302)
- PVE-003 fix floating pragmas (672b9de)
- Reentrancy issue. (22cfee1)
- remove unwanted comments and fix the version of pragmas (5e88387)
- RHS-01 use TransferHelper Library safeTransfer to send WBNB in RouterHelper contract (9e7103e)
- set initial stability fee index for past minters (199c045)
- set timelock delays to time units (4a29128)
- srs-02, srs-07 missing checks for vToken, pass single address (99fc4b2)
- SRS-03 check the address(0) for comptroller address in swapRouter constructor (48eb87c)
- SRS-04 added comments for supporting Fee for all the functions in Swaprouter (4dae8d4)
- srs-05 added comments for missing parameters (f04f5ce)
- SRS-06 netspec comments changed for sweepToken function (ae30cdd)
- support fees on transfers and approve vToken (d4969d7)
- swa-01 reentrant check (844f78d)
- SWA-02 added unchecked block in the for loop iteration (b3542eb)
- swa-03 used custom errors instead of string errors (ebef2cd)
- swap fork tests (c3a0fb2)
- update imports of package files (9806697)
- update publish command (2177df9)
- upgrade compiler and lock pragma version (ed19a94)
- use custom errors instead of error strings (4208e85)
- VEN-005 Change external function naming (48c85bf)
- VENUS-002 remove checks with true/false in require (fa35f34)
- VENUS-003 check for zero address (e9a2e5a)
- VENUS-004 fix floating pragmas (7c3d2e0)
- VENUS-006 add market active check (4279d0d)
- VENUS-007 prevent massUpdatePools function (027914e)
- working docker setup (252f201)
- xvs -> xvsVault in GovernerBravo cancellation test (83ccbe0)