Disallow invalid RuleTester test cases where the output
matches the code
💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ recommended
🔧 This rule is automatically fixable by the --fix
CLI option.
Instead of repeating the test case code
, using output: null
is more concise and makes it easier to distinguish whether a test case provides an autofix.
The rule reports an error if it encounters a test case where the output is the same as the code.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
/* eslint eslint-plugin/prefer-output-null: error */
new RuleTester().run('foo', bar, {
valid: [],
invalid: [{ code: 'foo', output: 'foo', errors: [{ message: 'bar' }] }],
Examples of correct code for this rule:
/* eslint eslint-plugin/prefer-output-null: error */
new RuleTester().run('foo', bar, {
valid: [],
invalid: [{ code: 'foo', output: null, errors: [{ message: 'bar' }] }],