high-level architecture overview
Gatekeeper consists out of three components (next to Envoyproxy):
- Managementserver provides management API to configure all entities in Gatekeeper
- Controlplane is control plane for Envoyproxy
- Authserver is authentication server for Envoyproxy
- Accesslogserver is access logging server for Envoyproxy
Gatekeeper uses Viper to handle YAML configuration.
To override any default value in configuration please use variable separated by underscore.
Default configuration:
level: debug
Providing an environment variable LOGGER_LEVEL: info
will override above defaults.
Managementserver provides the Create Read Update Delete REST-based management API to manage all entities in the system. All entities are defined using JSON.
Directory API contains detailed documentation for listeners, routes, clusters, developers, developer apps, keys, apiproducts, users and roles.