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File metadata and controls

179 lines (127 loc) · 4.89 KB

Dask application package: Sentinel-2 Monthly Mosaic Generator

This project generates monthly median mosaics from Sentinel-2 imagery using STAC data sources. It retrieves Sentinel-2 data from the Planetary Computer STAC API, processes the data with Dask and Xarray, and stores the results as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) with an associated SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC).

Python application


  • Retrieves Sentinel-2 imagery based on a time range and area of interest (AOI).
  • Filters images by cloud cover.
  • Generates monthly median mosaics.
  • Saves mosaics as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs).
  • Creates a STAC catalog for easy data access and discovery.
  • Uses Dask for parallel processing.


Ensure you have Python 3.8+ and the required dependencies installed. You can install them using hatch:

cd cloudless-mosaic


The project requires the following libraries, managed in a pyproject.toml file:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • stackstac
  • pystac-client
  • planetary-computer
  • pystac
  • xrspatial
  • rioxarray
  • rio-stac
  • loguru
  • dask-gateway
  • click


Running the Script

Use the CLI to run the script with the necessary parameters:

cloudless-mosaic \
    --start-date 2020-10-01 \
    --end-date 2020-12-31 \
    --aoi -122.27508544921875,47.54687159892238,-121.96128845214844,47.745787772920934 \
    --bands nir \
    --bands red \
    --bands green \
    --collection sentinel-2-l2a \
    --resolution 100 \
    --max-items 1000 \
    --max-cloud-cover 25 

Environment Variables

The script connects to a Dask cluster for processing. Ensure the DASK_CLUSTER environment variable is set:

export DASK_CLUSTER=eoap-dask-gateway.600b64a112eb404888df41006e19666f


  • Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) stored in the monthly-mosaic-YYYY-MM directories.
  • A STAC catalog (catalog.json) containing metadata for generated mosaics.

CWL Workflow

This project also includes a CWL workflow for automating the generation of Sentinel-2 monthly mosaics. The workflow:

  • Defines inputs such as start and end dates, AOI, bands, resolution, and cloud cover filtering.
  • Uses a CommandLineTool to run the cloudless-mosaic application inside a Docker container.
  • Executes in a distributed Dask cluster via DaskGatewayRequirement to optimize parallel processing.
  • Outputs a STAC catalog containing the generated mosaic metadata.

The workflow file (cwl-workflows/monthly-composite.cwl) can be executed with a CWL-compatible runner supporting the DaskGatewayRequirement such as calrissian:

calrissian \
            --stdout \
            /calrissian/results.json \
            --stderr \
            /calrissian/app.log \
            --max-ram  \
            16G \
            --max-cores  \
            "8" \
            --tmp-outdir-prefix \
            /calrissian/tmp/ \
            --outdir \
            /calrissian/results \
            --usage-report \
            /calrissian/usage.json \
            --tool-logs-basepath \
            /calrissian/logs \
            --pod-serviceaccount \
            calrissian-sa \
            --dask-gateway-url \
            "http://traefik-dask-gateway.eoap-dask-gateway.svc.cluster.local:80" \
            --resolution 100 \
            --start-date 2020-01-01 \
            --end-date 2020-12-31

Development platorm

Run the Application Package in a kubernetes cluster. Minikube can be an option if you have enough resources.

Clone the repository:

git clone 

Change directory to dask-gateway

cd dask-gateway

Use skaffold to deploy Code server and Dask Gateway:

skaffold dev

Use the port-forwards to access the services.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

source dask_cluster_name.txt 
python --pre_fire_url ""           --post_fire_url ""

cloudless-mosaic --start-date 2020-10-01 --end-date 2020-12-31 --aoi -122.27508544921875,47.54687159892238,-121.96128845214844,47.745787772920934 --bands nir --bands red --bands green --collection sentinel-2-l2a --resolution 100

kubectl create secret docker-registry my-fake-secret
--docker-email=[email protected]
-n eoap-dask-gateway