All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
4.0.3 - 2024-12-04
- Add file.
- Add a script file:
- Minor change to the final report and terminal display
- Correction of a few typos in the README file.
4.0.2 - 2024-11-08
- Add a tool to display info about the computer src/swarm_rescue/tools/
- Update the documentation about installation:
4.0.1 - 2024-10-23
- Add the maps used for the assessment of the 2023-24 challenge, but add the return zone.
- Add a "main" function in the maps Python file. Permit to just display the map with motionless drones.
- Enlarge return area on some maps.
- Update
- Rename "playground" to "my_playground" to avoid warning in examples and maps.
- Improvement and simplification of data saving and video record system.
- Fixed bugs with
- Fixed bug in the pdf report.
4.0.0 - 2024-10-18
- "Return area" where the drone should return to at the end of the mission.
- Some wounded people can move along a predefined path.
- Drones have access to their health level.
- Drones have access to max timestep limit and elapsed_timestep.
- Drones have access to max walltime limit and elapsed_walltime.
- Drones can detect if they are in the "return area".
- Changed drone behavior with elasticity and friction parameters: more friction and elasticity with the walls and other drones.
- Added the health level of the returned drones in the final score calculation and in the pdf report.
- Updated requirements and documentation.
- Indentation and code details.
- Swarm-Rescue is now linked to the swarm-rescue-v3 version of simple-playground.
- The key to activate grasping, on the keyboard, change from G to W.
3.2.0 - 2024-04-15
- Use drones health percentage instead of drones health value
- If the execution crash, now it continue with the next configuration
- new way to computed reachable pixel in the map to compute the exploration score
- add title to the window
- add boolean arguments stop_at_first_crash and hide_solution_output
- add border_thickness in ClosedPlayground
- add wall_thickness in NormalWall
3.1.0 - 2023-12-05
- Improve and update the
- Moved installation instructions to a separate file,, for easier access and organization.
- Modified tool
- Add management of collision to all the maps
- Refined the score exploration algorithm to ensure higher accuracy.
- Rectified an issue in the computation of velocity within the function measured_velocity() which was resulting in incorrect outputs.
- Restricted lateral and forward commands to have a maximum norm of 1.0
3.0.1 - 2023-10-18
- Import problems in examples
3.0.0 - 2023-10-09
- A lot of changes !!
2.2.3 - 2023-03-20
- Change the tool
- Add the map of the final !
- Now, round terminates when the time_step exceeds the time_step_limit
2.2.2 - 2023-02-07
- Walls are no longer detected as OTHER, they are remove from the results of the semantic sensor.
- Improve the generated report. Now, in english.
- Add a new example for the semantic sensor.
- Drones are correctly detected as DRONE in the results of the semantic sensor.
- Bug fix concerning a random crash.
- Bug fix in the computation of the number of wounded person bring to the rescue center, in the case of multi-grasping.
- Fixed a bug in the calculation of the number of wounded person brought to the rescue center when they are brought by more than one drone.
- Spelling in
- Compatibility with the new version of numpy: has been deprecated, use int instead.
2.2.1 - 2022-12-15
- Cleaning example.
- Disabled forbidden functions: position(), angle(), velocity(), angular_velocity() => generate an exception.
- Added !
- In README, added instructions to install the program on Windows10.
- Added function grasped_entities() in drone_abstract.
- Added function measured_velocity() computed from odometer and compass values in drone_abstract.
- Added function measured_angular_velocity() in drone_abstract.
- Added some tests.
- bug fix: the execution of the code goes through your control() function even if you have activated the use of the keyboard to control the drone.
- there should be no more NaN at the first reading of the sensor data.
- installation bug.
2.2.0 - 2022-10-27
- Refactoring of the map construction: now, drones are instantiated in the map class.
- Adding screen recorder tool: not really useful for competitors, but for evaluators. It is disabled by default.
- Fixing bug with macOS: the simulator crashed regularly on macOS. The problem is corrected but at the cost of a decrease in performance on macOS (some calculations done by the GPU are done by the CPU instead)
2.1.0 - 2022-10-21
- change default GPS noise
- function name:
- rename measured_position() to measured_gps_position() in the class DroneAbstract
- rename measured_angle() to measured_compass_angle() in the class DroneAbstract
- the "no gps zone" still disables the gps sensor and now, it disables also the compass sensor.
- add odometer sensor (see for more information)
- remove velocity sensor (whose data can be replaced by a calculation on the odometry data)
- visualization of the noises on gps sensor, compass sensor and odometer sensor.
- improve code: typing, comments, documentation
- fix small bugs
2.0.0 - 2022-10-10
- New version of simple-playgrounds. A lot of changes !!
- The interface is now more beautiful and faster.
1.5.2 - 2022-09-08
- Spelling correction in the README and comments of the code
1.5.1 - 2022-02-28
- The radius, around the drones, of space that is considered explored, increases from 100 to 200
- Bug fix in the calculation of the explored area.
1.5.0 - 2022-02-15
- file is reformatted
- The evaluation report file is improved
- Information displayed in the console is improved
- The package pathlib has been changed to pathlib2, because pathlib is not maintained anymore.
1.4.1 - 2022-02-10
- Bug fix in in function reset()
1.4.0 - 2022-02-04
- will now run the code following the competition evaluation rules (tests without special zones and with each zone activated)
- Special zones can now be activated/deactivated in the maps
- The starting points of the drones are not random anymore. The position of all drones now displays a square.
- New map: MyMapCompet02
- Teams should now fill the team_info.yml file in the solutions/ directory
- now produces a pdf report of the performances in the ~/results_swarm_rescue/ directory according to the challenge evaluation rules
1.3.0 - 2022-01-27
- Change fov of the DroneLidar from 180° to 360°, but we keep 90 rays.
- Split the sensor DronePosition in 2 sensors: DroneGPS, for only the position in pixels, and DroneCompass, for only the orientation of the drone in radians. Thus, the no-GPS zone will only apply to DroneGPS sensor, the orientation is still available.
- In the no-GPS zone, the measured position was always (0, 0). Now, it is (NaN, NaN).
- There are new functions in the class DroneAbstract to known if a sensor is disabled:
- touch_is_disabled()
- semantic_cones_is_disabled()
- lidar_is_disabled()
- gps_is_disabled()
- compass_is_disabled()
- but no communication_is_disabled()...
- Now, drone have a velocity sensor DroneVelocity and the functions: measured_velocity(), measured_angular_velocity(), true_velocity(), true_angular_velocity()
1.2.0 - 2021-11-26
- Add member variable display in the class Launcher. If False, the map is not shown.
- Add the file spg_overlay/ which contains FpsDisplay class. This class prints the FPS.
- Add noise to Position sensor that follows an autoregressive model of order 1
- Add gaussian noise to lidar sensor, semantic sensor and touch sensor.
- Add number_drones in the MiscData class. Now, drones have access to this value.
- Add "no communication zone", "no gps zone", "kill zone" in
- Change the resolution of the DroneLidar from 180 rays to 90 rays to improve overall speed.
- Change the resolution of the DroneTouch from 36 sensors to 12 sensors to improve overall speed.
1.1.0 - 2021-11-18
- A MiscData object should be passed as a parameter of the drone constructor. MiscData will contain miscellaneous data for the drone. For now, it contains only the dimension of the playground.
- This file,
- updated
- Increase the range of communication sensor from 200 to 500
- Now a semantic sensor DroneSemanticCones sends for each cone: the distance, the angle, the type of object and a boolean if it is grasped. It no longer sends the object itself.
- Bug fix in map_random
1.0.0 - 2021-11-05
- Keep track of what was visited on the map with ExploredMap class
- Class to compute the final score:
- Add example files
- Change of API in SPG
- Remove warnings and bugs
- Change the texture of wounded persons, rescue center and walls
0.9.0 - 2021-10-27
- First real version
0.0.0 - 2021-10-19
- Initial commit