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Bookshop Example Application

Bookshop Example Application

Bookshop is a virtual online bookstore application through which you can buy books of various categories and rate the books you have read.

To make your reading on the application developer guide more smoothly, we present the example SQL statements based on the table structures and data of the Bookshop application. This document focuses on the methods of importing the table structures and data as well as the definitions of the table structures.

Import table structures and data

You can import Bookshop table structures and data either via TiUP or via the import feature of TiDB Cloud.

For TiDB Cloud, you can skip Method 1: Via tiup demo and import Bookshop table structures via the import feature of TiDB Cloud.

Method 1: Via tiup demo

If your TiDB cluster is deployed using TiUP or you can connect to your TiDB server, you can quickly generate and import sample data for the Bookshop application by running the following command:

If your TiDB cluster is deployed using TiUP or you can connect to your TiDB server, you can quickly generate and import sample data for the Bookshop application by running the following command:

{{< copyable "shell" >}}

tiup demo bookshop prepare

By default, this command enables your application to connect to port 4000 on address, enables you to log in as the root user without a password, and creates a table structure in the database named bookshop.

Configure connection information

The following table lists the connection parameters. You can change their default settings to match your environment.

Parameter Abbreviation Default value Description
--password -p None Database user password
--host -H Database address
--port -P 4000 Database port
--db -D bookshop Database name
--user -U root Database user

For example, if you want to connect to a database on TiDB Cloud, you can specify the connection information as follows:

{{< copyable "shell" >}}

tiup demo bookshop prepare -U root -H -P 4000 -p

Set the data volume

You can specify the volume of data to be generated in each database table by configuring the following parameters:

Parameter Default value Description
--users 10000 The number of rows of data to be generated in the users table
--authors 20000 The number of rows to be generated in the authors table
--books 20000 The number of rows of data to be generated in the books table
--orders 300000 The number of rows of data to be generated in the orders table
--ratings 300000 The number of rows of data to be generated in the ratings table

For example, the following command is executed to generate:

  • 200,000 rows of user information via the --users parameter
  • 500,000 rows of book information via the --books parameter
  • 100,000 rows of author information via the --authors parameter
  • 1,000,000 rows of rating records via the --ratings parameter
  • 1,000,000 rows of order records via the --orders parameter

{{< copyable "shell" >}}

tiup demo bookshop prepare --users=200000 --books=500000 --authors=100000 --ratings=1000000 --orders=1000000 --drop-tables

You can delete the original table structure through the --drop-tables parameter. For more parameter descriptions, run the tiup demo bookshop --help command.

Method 2: Via TiDB Cloud Import

On the database details page of TiDB Cloud, click the Import button to enter the Data Import Task page. On this page, perform the following steps to import the Bookshop sample data from AWS S3 to TiDB Cloud.

  1. Copy the following Bucket URL and Role-ARN to the corresponding input boxes:

    Bucket URL:

    {{< copyable "" >}}



    {{< copyable "" >}}


    In this example, the following data is generated in advance:

    • 200,000 rows of user information
    • 500,000 rows of book information
    • 100,000 rows of author information
    • 1,000,000 rows of rating records
    • 1,000,000 rows of order records
  2. Select US West (Oregon) for Bucket Region.

  3. Select TiDB Dumpling for Data Format.

    Import Bookshop data in TiDB Cloud

  4. Enter database login information.

  5. Click the Import button to confirm the import.

  6. Wait for TiDB Cloud to complete the import.

    Bookshop data importing

    If the following error message appears during the import process, run the DROP DATABASE bookshop; command to clear the previously created sample database and then import data again.

    table(s) [bookshop.authors, bookshop.book_authors, bookshop.books, bookshop.orders, bookshop.ratings, bookshop.users] are not empty.

For more information about TiDB Cloud, see TiDB Cloud Documentation.

View data import status

After the import is completed, you can view the data volume information of each table by executing the following SQL statement:

{{< copyable "sql" >}}

    CONCAT(table_schema,'.',table_name) AS 'Table Name',
    table_rows AS 'Number of Rows',
    CONCAT(ROUND(data_length/(1024*1024*1024),4),'G') AS 'Data Size',
    CONCAT(ROUND(index_length/(1024*1024*1024),4),'G') AS 'Index Size',
    CONCAT(ROUND((data_length+index_length)/(1024*1024*1024),4),'G') AS 'Total'
WHERE table_schema LIKE 'bookshop';

The result is as follows:

| Table Name            | Number of Rows | Data Size | Index Size | Total   |
| bookshop.orders       |        1000000 | 0.0373G   | 0.0075G    | 0.0447G |
| bookshop.book_authors |        1000000 | 0.0149G   | 0.0149G    | 0.0298G |
| bookshop.ratings      |        4000000 | 0.1192G   | 0.1192G    | 0.2384G |
| bookshop.authors      |         100000 | 0.0043G   | 0.0000G    | 0.0043G |
| bookshop.users        |         195348 | 0.0048G   | 0.0021G    | 0.0069G |
| bookshop.books        |        1000000 | 0.0546G   | 0.0000G    | 0.0546G |
6 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Description of the tables

This section describes the database tables of the Bookshop application in detail.

books table

This table stores the basic information of books.

Field name Type Description
id bigint(20) Unique ID of a book
title varchar(100) Title of a book
type enum Type of a book (for example, magazine, animation, or teaching aids)
stock bigint(20) Stock
price decimal(15,2) Price
published_at datetime Date of publish

authors table

This table stores basic information of authors.

Field name Type Description
id bigint(20) Unique ID of an author
name varchar(100) Name of an author
gender tinyint(1) Biological gender (0: female, 1: male, NULL: unknown)
birth_year smallint(6) Year of birth
death_year smallint(6) Year of death

users table

This table stores information of Bookshop users.

Field name Type Description
id bigint(20) Unique ID of a user
balance decimal(15,2) Balance
nickname varchar(100) Nickname

ratings table

This table stores records of user ratings on books.

Field name Type Description
book_id bigint Unique ID of a book (linked to books)
user_id bigint User's unique identifier (linked to users)
score tinyint User rating (1-5)
rated_at datetime Rating time

book_authors table

An author may write multiple books, and a book may involve more than one author. This table stores the correspondence between books and authors.

Field name Type Description
book_id bigint(20) Unique ID of a book (linked to books)
author_id bigint(20) Unique ID of an author(Link to authors

orders table

This table stores user purchase information.

Field name Type Description
id bigint(20) Unique ID of an order
book_id bigint(20) Unique ID of a book (linked to books)
user_id bigint(20) User unique identifier (associated with users)
quantity tinyint(4) Purchase quantity
ordered_at datetime Purchase time

Database initialization script dbinit.sql

If you want to manually create database table structures in the Bookshop application, run the following SQL statements:

{{< copyable "sql" >}}


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bookshop`.`books`;
CREATE TABLE `bookshop`.`books` (
  `id` bigint(20) AUTO_RANDOM NOT NULL,
  `title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `type` enum('Magazine', 'Novel', 'Life', 'Arts', 'Comics', 'Education & Reference', 'Humanities & Social Sciences', 'Science & Technology', 'Kids', 'Sports') NOT NULL,
  `published_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `stock` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
  `price` decimal(15,2) DEFAULT '0.0',
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bookshop`.`authors`;
CREATE TABLE `bookshop`.`authors` (
  `id` bigint(20) AUTO_RANDOM NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `gender` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `birth_year` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `death_year` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bookshop`.`book_authors`;
CREATE TABLE `bookshop`.`book_authors` (
  `book_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `author_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`book_id`,`author_id`) CLUSTERED
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bookshop`.`ratings`;
CREATE TABLE `bookshop`.`ratings` (
  `book_id` bigint NOT NULL,
  `user_id` bigint NOT NULL,
  `score` tinyint NOT NULL,
  `rated_at` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ON UPDATE NOW(),
  PRIMARY KEY (`book_id`,`user_id`) CLUSTERED,
  UNIQUE KEY `uniq_book_user_idx` (`book_id`,`user_id`)
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
ALTER TABLE `bookshop`.`ratings` SET TIFLASH REPLICA 1;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bookshop`.`users`;
CREATE TABLE `bookshop`.`users` (
  `id` bigint AUTO_RANDOM NOT NULL,
  `balance` decimal(15,2) DEFAULT '0.0',
  `nickname` varchar(100) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bookshop`.`orders`;
CREATE TABLE `bookshop`.`orders` (
  `id` bigint(20) AUTO_RANDOM NOT NULL,
  `book_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `quality` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
  KEY `orders_book_id_idx` (`book_id`)