Kip supports a number of annotations to customize the cloud instance that pods are launched onto.
Kip will attempt to run a pod on the cheapest cloud instance that satisfies the resouce requests and limits specified by the pod. Use the instance-type
annotation to specify a specific cloud instance type the pod will run on. The annotation will override requested container limits. It's possible to include a wildcard '*' in the instance type name to specify a family of instances instead of a specific instance type. The pod will run on the cheapest instance type that satisfies the pod's resource requests that matches the wildcard expression.
annotations: c5.large
# select the cheapest c5 instance that satisfies the resource
# requests/limits specified in the pod.
annotations: c5*
Kip will run pods using OnDemand instances. Set the launch-type
annotation to Spot
to run a pod on a spot instance
annotations: spot
In AWS, Kip cells will get a public IP address if the cell is run in a subnet connected to an internet gateway. Set the private-ip-only annotation to "true" instruct kip to run the pod on a cell without a public IP address. The subnet must be configured to allow downloading the itzo binary and container images without a public IP on the cell.
annotations: 'true'
Use the security-groups
annotation to set one or more security groups on the cloud instance the pod is running on. If multiple security groups are specified, they should be separated by a comma. Each cloud instance started by Kip cell has one security group assigned to it by the Kip controller. In most AWS accounts, instances are limited to 5 security groups. In those setups, that would leave room for 4 more security groups to be assigned to the cloud instance.
annotations: sg-0011a33dcc0da8151, sg-0026179f4abedb34a
AWS Instance profiles can be attached to the instances backing Kip cells. At this time, instance profiles must be specified by using the full ARN of the profile
annotations: "arn:aws:iam::11123456789:instance-profile/kip-s3-full-access-role"
Use this annotation to change the healthcheck timeout for individual pods from the value specified in provider.yaml. If a pod doesn't have a healthy response to healthcheck probes for greater than healthcheck-timeout the pod will be terminated and restarted according to the pod's restartPolicy. A healthcheck-timeout of zero means the pod will not be terminated due to failing healthchecks.
annotations: "300"
This annotation can be used to add one or more routes to the cloud subnet route table. The value must be one or more CIDRs separated by whitespace, e.g. "". Route to these CIDRs, using the instance as the next hop, will be added to the route table of the subnet.
annotations: ""
PodVolumeSize is an annotation tells kip to resize the root partition of the pod's cell to the specified size in bytes. The size can be expressed as a plain integer or as a fixed-point integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki. Disks cannot be resized to be smaller than the defaultVolumeSize specified in provider.yaml. Cloud providers sell disks in GiB increments, the value will be rounded up to the nearest GiB
annotations: "12G"
Use this annotation to inform kip whether to use an overlayfs when setting up container images within Itzo. Set this annotation to a truthy value to denote the use of overlayfs, and to a falsy value to have the image layers extracted for the rootfs without using overlayfs.
annotations: "false"